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Sustainable development

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1 Sustainable development
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.“ [Brundtland Report, 1987]

2 Sustainable development conditions
Environment recultivation from contaminants with the help of modern methods of cleaning, remediation and biotechnology Industrial processes efficiency increasing Ecological management system improving

3 Sustainable development goals
Population stability Economic development with a steady consumption of natural resources The flow of wealth is not increased, but the quality varies Consumption of renewable resources (soil, water, timber, bio-resources) rate must not exceed regeneration rate Consumption of non-renewable resources (fossil fuel) rate must not exceed the rate of replacement by renewable resources Emissions intensity must not exceed the recycling rate of these substances in nature (absorption, loss of hazardous properties)

4 Economic benefits due to environmentally friendly production
savings the raw materials that are lost in the waste; utilization and disposal total cost reduction; waste landfill, sorting and processing fees reducing or eliminating; normalized waste fees reduction and excess waste fees reducing or eliminating; end technologies operating costs minimization; water and energy consumption reducing, and therefore - their price; High quality of goods and their potentially higher price; improving enterprise image and creation of a favorable opinion; development and implementation of environmental management system and ISO – standards certification

5 Cleaner Production Strategy
Documentation of consumption (as a basic analysis of material and energy flows, e. g. with a Sankey diagram (used to visualize energy or material  transfers between processes ) Use of indicators and controlling (to identify losses from poor planning, poor education and training, mistakes) Substitution of raw materials and auxiliary materials (especially renewable materials and energy) Increase of useful life of auxiliary materials and process liquids (by avoiding drag in, drag out, contamination) Improved control and automatisation Reuse of waste (internal or external) New, low waste processes and technologies

6 Industrial Ecology societal and technological systems are bounded within the biosphere, and do not exist outside of it Biosphere Technosphere Environment Organism Natural Product Natural Selection Ecosystem Ecological Niche Anabolism / Catabolism Mutation and Selection Succession Adaptation Food Web Market Company Industrial Product Competition Eco-Industrial Park Market Niche Manufacturing / Waste Management Design for Environment Economic Growth Innovation Product Life Cycle

7 Life cycle of products Raw material extraction Material processing
Manufacture Use Maintenance Disposal

8 The theory of non-waste production processes: main points
raw natural resources should used once for all possible (not just for each individual) products; created products after use for intended purpose should be relatively easy transformed into the original elements of the new production. weared down materials raw materials I Product I raw materials II Product II Water and energy

9 Low-waste production - intermediate version of non-waste production
adverse effects below the permissible sanitary norms;   part of the raw material goes to waste and sent for long-term storage or disposal. Product Raw materials Resourses Enterprise Waste

10 Key points of non-waste and low-waste production concept
Waste-free production - it is a closed system, organized by analogy with the natural cycles: organized cycles of raw materials, products and wastes (raw cycle). Environmentally friendly production - low-waste and resource-saving. Production include all components of the raw materials and the best possible use of resources (water, air and energy) Low-waste production maintains the normal functioning of the existing environment and the ecological balance. Criteria for quality of the environment in the present time - the MPC and calculated on the basis of MPE (maximum permissible emissions) and MPD (maximum permissible discharge)

11 Environmental analysis (diagnosis) of the industrial region
The concept of air pollution: calculation of dispersion and emissions; study of atmospheric precipitation composition Analysis of the industry in the region The concept of water recycling: account of water resources; quantity and quality of water; methods and the degree of purification The concept of storage medium: identification of exposure to contaminants areas; analysis of contaminants migration; study of processes dynamics

12 Ecological industrial blocks in the region (3 groups)
industry, energy; transport; housing and communal services in the region DIRECT EMISSION SOURCES TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT - transportation and partial transformation of pollutants air; atmospheric deposition; surface water and groundwater; soil cover sediments; soil; vegetation; animals; microorganisms; population Storage medium - the accumulation and transformation of pollutants

13 Low-waste Technological Processes Requirements
processing units number minimization (stages and vehicles) in order to reduce waste and loss of raw materials at intermediate stages of the process; the use of continuous (uninterrupted) processes and technology schemes (closed cycles); integrated use of all components of raw materials and energy resources; unit capacity increasing; maximum use of secondary raw materials and replacement of primary raw materials in the secondary; intensification (speed increasing) of production processes, automation and optimization; Using of power technology processes (use of chemical reactions energy); development and implementation of modern efficient methods for cleaning (Best Available Technologies); development of new devices that combine a number of processes; size and performance optimizing; the use of new structural materials to increase the durability of vehicles.

14 Raw materials, materials and energy requirements
the adequacy of raw materials and process level quality; pre-clearance (rendering harmless) of raw materials and fuels; replacement of highly toxic substances (e.g. heavy metals) on less toxic; replacing traditional types of raw materials and energy to non-traditional.

15 В+C = [(В+С) –Д - Е]+Д+Е (refining)
The scheme of the production process with partial recirculation of purified E-flow (А+Д) – С А + Д (В-Е)+Е А В-Е Production Д В+С Е Refining (А+Д)+[(В-Е)+Е] = [(А+Д) - С]+[(В+C)] (production) В+C = [(В+С) –Д - Е]+Д+Е (refining) (В+С)-Д-Е


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