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Allele Frequencies.

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1 Allele Frequencies

2 Introduction Darwin proposed natural selection
Certain traits get passed on Genetics = change in allele frequencies to cause evolution Genetic Factors + Natural selection = Mutations Gene flow Genetic drift Founder effect Bottle neck Nonrandom mating

3 Natural selection Increase or decrease in allele frequencies due to impact of environment

4 Mutations Introduction of new alleles that may provide a selective advantage Most mutations are deleterious “causing harm”

5 Gene Flow Describes movement of individuals between populations
Removal of alleles from population (emigration) Introduction of alleles to population (immigration)

6 Genetic Drift Random increase or decrease of alleles 2 types:
Due to chance Usually when populations are small Associated with flipping a coin 2 types: Founder effect Bottleneck

7 Founder Effect Allele frequencies in a group of migrating individuals differ from their population origin Ex. Germans Amish community possessed allele for polydactylism 200 years of reproductive isolation = over 8,000 in population had polydactylism (exceeding number of cases around the world) Amish Community in Pennsylvania Polydactylism = more than 5 fingers and toes


9 Bottleneck Population’s dramatic decrease in size
Catastrophe, predation, disease, etc. Small population becomes severely vulnerable

10 Nonrandom Mating Individuals choose mates based on particular traits
Can occur when mates choose only nearby individuals Certain, selected traits passed to next generation 2 main examples: Inbreeding Sexual selection

11 Inbreeding Individuals mate with relatives

12 Sexual Selection Females choose males based on attractive appearance or behavior

13 Sources of Variation in Populations
Must be variation for natural selection Types: Mutations Sexual reproduction Diploidy Outbreeding Polymorphism

14 Mutations Provide raw material for new variation
Rearranging existing alleles in new combinations Invent alleles that have never existed in gene pool Ex. antibiotic and pesticide resistance

15 Sexual Reproduction Creates individuals with new combinations of alleles Genetic recombination Crossing over Independent assortment Random joining of gametes Crossing over – exchange DNA between non-sister chromatids Independent assortment – metaphase I making random combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes Random joining of gametes – fertilization contributes to diversity of gene combinations in zygote

16 Diploidy Presence of 2 copies of each chromosome in a cell
Recessive allele Stored for future generations

17 Outbreeding Mating with unrelated partners
Increase possibility of mixing different alleles and creating new allele combinations

18 Balanced Polymorphism
Maintenance of different phenotypes in population 1 phenotype may provide best adaptation Alleles for advantageous traits increase Alleles for disadvantageous traits decrease Heterozygote advantage = resistance to malaria Hybrid vigor = hybrid of corn = resistance to disease and produce larger corn ears Minority advantage = least common phenotypes have advantage

19 Neutral Variation Not all variation has selective value
Fingerprint patterns are neutral variation = everyone has different fingerprints Most cases, environment determines whether variation is neutral or selective Monocultures Overuse of antibiotics

20 Monocultures No genetic variation due to agriculture Potato famine

21 Overuse of Antibiotics
Reduces variation in bacterial populations by eliminating individuals susceptible to disease Non-susceptible bacteria increase Domination of the population New outbreaks of diseases (harder to destroy)

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