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RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

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1 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Norbert Meyer, PSNC RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

2 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Outline Overview Objectives Project structure Management Fulfilment of actions to reach objectives Plans Summary RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

3 RINGrid Overview Remote Instrumentation in Next-generation Grids
Call: FP Infrastructures-7 Specific Support Action Contract No.: 18 months: from 1st October 2006 – 31 March 2008 12 partners 10 partners until January 2007 Budget: Euro EC contribution: Euro (77 %) RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

4 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Participants 10 partners, 3 continents RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

5 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Objectives Identification of instruments and user communities, definition of requirements Synergy between remote instrumentation and next- generation high-speed communications networks and grid infrastructures New generation e-Infrastructure Trend analysis and recommendations for designing next- generation remote instrumentation services Promoting egalitarian access to European e- Infrastructure opportunities Dissemination of project results to scientific and business groups of users RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

6 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Interactivity Interactive access to equipment is under special attention in this project Links to other projects, e.g. (interactivity), GridCC (instrumentation) Not only labour equipments, but also instruments like sensors, drivers of future infrastructure and future applications RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

7 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Workpackages WP1 - Project management WP2 - Identification of instruments and user communities, definition of requirements WP3 - Evaluation and requirements for infrastructures WP4 - Future emerging trends and recommendations WP5 - Dissemination, standardisation and cooperation with other projects WP6 - Prototyping and verification RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

8 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Time schedule M6 M12 M18 M3 M5 M7 M9 START END WP2 WP3 WP4 WP6 WP5 WP1 RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

9 Dependencies between Activities
WP5 Project awareness and dissemination WP4 Future emerging ternds and recommendations WP3 Evaluation and requirements for infrastructures WP6 Prototyping and verification WP2 Identification of instruments and user communities WP1 Project Management EC Project Officer Managerial dependencies Work flow Dissemination information Started in Apr ‘07 Started in Dec ‘06 RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

10 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Project lifetime definition of requirements infrastructure evaluation identification of instruments new users requirements new requirements future emerging trends and recommendations Conceptual design Adopting existing ‘black boxes’ Finding out the missing functionality Verification Use cases Influencing policy groups: e-IRG ETWG, OGF, ... prototyping and verification RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

11 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Criteria of Success (1) Definition of recommendations and guidelines for the development of new user access solutions to Remote Instrumentation environments [deliverable WP4, month 11] Guidelines for the development of grid infrastructures for Remote Instrumentation environments [deliverable WP4, month 12] Establishing an OGF research/working group, which will focus on issues related to integration remote instrumentation with grid BOF RISGE (Remote Instrumentation Services in a Grid Environment ) OGF20 in Manchester, our session is on May 9th (Wedn) Later – RISGE research group RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

12 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Criteria of Success (2) Organisation of seminars and workshops on emerging technology trends, combined with an international or national conference - guidelines for future research in this field (all WPs, at least 2 seminars) INGRID 2007 – Instrumenting the GRID (April 2007) Influencing the roadmap and development of eInfrastructure in Europe (contribution to e-IRG white papers) 3 partners in e-IRG (GUP, GRNET, PSNC) Identification of new groups of users related to scientific instruments (at least 2, month 5) Done Positive feedback received from two group of users related to the prototype based on conceptual design (month 18). RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

13 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Project management (WP1) RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

14 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Management Structure RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

15 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Executive Board Coordination: Franco Davoli (CNIT) One representative of each partner 2 Meetings October 2006 (Poznań), April 2007 (Santa Margherita) 1 electronic vote – Amendment of the core contract Overall direction of the project Quorum – 7 partners present Decisions in most cases taken by majority of votes In special cases: unanimously, all partners present RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

16 External Advisory Board RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Independent experts: Roberto  Pugliese (ELETTRA, IT) Vasilis Maglaris (NTUA, GR) T. Charles Yun, (JIVE, NL) The first meeting with EAB is planned during the second RINGRID meeting (Sept. 2007) RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

17 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Technical Committee Activity leaders: Franco Davoli (WP4) Yuri Kalvachev (WP2) Costas Kotsokalis (WP6) Thomas Prokosch (WP3) Marcin Lawenda (WP5) Norbert Meyer (coordinator) Meets every month – 7 meetings F2F meetings, teleconferences Management of technical aspects of the project Co‑ordination of work and information flow between activities Organization of periodical meetings for reviewing the overall technical progress and organization of work Recommendation and requesting changes in the project plan Defining the structure of deliverables Preparation of final project reports RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

18 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Quality Assurance D1.1 - Quality Assurance Plan And Risk Assessment The following quality objectives are defined in the scope of this project: All deliverables are to be handled in on time and subjected to a review process, so that their contents can be found satisfactory both by Project Management and by the European Commission All RINGrid Partners should follow the same set of conventions and metrics All reviews are to be conducted at the scheduled times and their results are expected to be satisfactory, as defined in the objectives of each review. RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

19 Quality Assurance (cont.) RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Deliverable review process schema Established internal review team RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

20 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Managerial Report (Month6, draft version) RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

21 Managerial Report (draft version)
RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

22 Managerial Report (cont.) RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels

23 Managerial Report (cont.) RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels

24 10 Deliverables released on time
Fulfilment of Actions to Reach Objectives 10 Deliverables released on time Project web page available since the begining General folder & leaflet Presentations on several national and international conferences: Europe, Asia, South America Present on Supercomputing 2006 exhibition Tampa, U.S., Nov. 2006 Local dissemination activities Co-organised INGRID 2007 RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

25 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Three days workshop, 70+ participants Focused on research instrumentations Presentations & demos Conference proceedings to be published by Springer RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

26 Fulfilment of Actions to Reach Objectives
Kick-off meeting (Oct. 2006) – Poznań (PSNC) First general meeting (April 2007) – Santa Margerita (CNIT) RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

27 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Deliverables Review of results: WP2, WP3, WP5, WP1 D1.1 Quality assurance plan and risk assessment D1.2 Activity report and plan for using and disseminating knowledge D1.3 Activity and management report (Month6 - draft version) D2.1 List and description of European and non-European institutions - owners of the scientific instruments with the potential of applying remote instrumentation philosophy. Identification list and description of potential beneficiaries (institutes) of access to identified remote instrumentation. D2.2 Creation of data base with information collected in D2.1 D2.3 Formal specification of requirements defined by potential end-users and instrumentation owners, identified in D.2.1 D3.1 State of the art in (research) networks and grid infrastructures with respect to remote instrumentation D5.1 Dissemination and exploitation plan D5.2 RINGrid Web Pages finished D5.3 Project leaflet/brochure WP1 WP2 WP3 WP5 RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

28 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Next Steps BOF at OGF20 (Manchester, May 2007) Remote Instrumentation Services in a Grid Environment (RISGE) Joint booth of RINGrid, GRIDCC,, gEclipse Partners of RISGE research group General meeting in IASI (Sep. 2007) to summarise the actions done by WP3 and WP4 to establish the project architecture to define use cases of the prototype and verification phase (WP6) IMEKO conference (Sept. 2007) - RINGRID session 1Q2008 – Prototype and verification phase – meeting March 2008 – to collect feedback from the group of users RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

29 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Summary Deliverables on time Collected requirements from users State of the art. – e-Infrastructure Two project F2F meetings INGRID 2007 – Instrumenting the Grid Accepted BOF at OGF20 Defined next steps and actions RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

30 RINGRID review meeting, 2007-04-27, Brussels
Thank YOU ! RINGRID review meeting, , Brussels

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