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Greek and Roman Mythology

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1 Greek and Roman Mythology
A Review of The Principal Gods and Goddesses What is a myth? A ______________ story rooted in primitive folk beliefs of ____________ Uses the _____________ to interpret natural events Explains the culture’s view of the _____________________ and the nature of ____________________

2 In the beginning... …was ____________ (shapeless nothingness)‏
Chaos had two children:_________________ (darkness)‏ ___________________ (death)‏ “All was black, empty, ___________, endless.” Mysteriously, ______________ was born of darkness and death. When Love was born, order and ___________ began to flourish.Love created ____________ and __________. ____________ was created. She was the solid ground, but also a personality. The Earth bore __________________ to cover her and be a home for the gods.

3 The First Parents and Titans
Mother Earth = ______________ (Gaia)‏ Father Heaven = ____________ (Uranus)‏ They had three kinds of children: ____________ monsters with 100 hands and 50 heads ______________ cyclopes and The ______________ These were the first characters that had the appearance of life, although it was unlike any life known to man. There were many of them. Enormous size, _____________ strength ______________ (Saturn): Ruler of the titans ______________: Wife of Cronos Ocean: River that _________________ the world Iapetus: _________________ of Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Atlas (also titans)‏

4 The Principal Gods Cronos and Rhea were parents of Athena (Minerva)‏
Other Olympians include Athena (Minerva)‏ Ares (Mars)‏ Hebe (Juventas)‏ Hephaestus (Vulcan)‏ Apollo (Apollo)‏ Artemis (Diana)‏ Hermes (Mercury)‏ Aphrodite (Venus)‏ Dionysus(Bacchus)‏ Persephone Cronos and Rhea were parents of ______________ (Jupiter, Jove)‏ ______________ (Neptune)‏ __________ (Pluto)‏ __________ (Juno)‏ _______________ (Vesta)‏ _______________ (Ceres)‏

5 ______________ Roman Name: Jupiter (also Jove)‏
Supreme god of the ____________, Mt. Olympus, ____________, and ______________ ____________ many characters in mythology: Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Persephone, Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite (in some myths), Hercules, Perseus, and many more.

6 Zeus, cont. Zeus is married to his sister, _______________. Their marriage is horrible—Zeus cheats on her with practically every female: goddess and human alike. In fact, with a nod to symbolism, Zeus and Hera's only child is ___________: War: Their union could only have created something as despicable and unlovable as war.

7 Some famous stories where Zeus plays a staring role:
Zeus is powerful, but even he can't outsmart _________________. Get the message for us lowly mortals? Some famous stories where Zeus plays a staring role: Birth of ____________________: from out of the top of his head. Father of __________________: He approves of Hades' actions Bauchis and Philemon: rewards selfless ______________________ Pushes the Judgement of the beauty contest on Paris Io, Europa, Danae, Semele, Alcmene, Leda, sister Demeter (among others) were all ________________ of Zeus' love

8 Zeus's weapon was the _________________
He valued the idea of ___________________, or hospitality for those in need He, ______________________, punished oath breakers His bird was the ________________ (which he used to punish poor Prometheus)‏ Hera Roman Name: ______________ Zeus’s sister and wife Jealous protector of _________________ Punished the __________________ Zeus fell in love with

9 __________ Roman Name: Neptune God of the ________ and ________
“The Earthshaker” His weapon is the ____________ Fathered the ____________ Polyphemus Thought of as a _______________ god by the Greeks Punished Odysseus' ________________ for 10 years

10 __________ Roman Name: ____________
God of the __________________/ Dead Not _________________ in Olympus Kidnapped and married his _____________, Persephone Thought of as __________________ god because of the precious metals and gems in the center of the earth and because he takes the precious resource of our loved ones away from us (__________________ comes from his name)‏

11 ________ Roman Name: Vesta
Virgin Goddess of ________________ and ______________: all things warm and wonderful about family life She's one of the most ______________ dieties in everyday Greek life No exciting stories about her ______________ antics Powerful Protector

12 __________ Roman Name: Ceres Goddess of the ____________
A Goddess of the Earth Mother of Persephone When ___________ is taken away to underworld she suffers so much that she neglects her duties and no crops will grow on earth: ___________ and Winter When she comes back up in Spring: all is right again.

13 ____________ Roman Name: Minerva
Virgin Goddess of ________________ and War Sprang from Zeus’s head because he had ___________________ her mother for fear that she would give birth to a son who would ____________________ him. Her symbol is her ____________________ She loves all things _________________ and Odysseus

14 _____________ Roman Name: Mars God of _________________
Only __________________ of Zeus and Hera Bloodthirsty and ___________________ Nobody except __________________ can stand him (interpret symbolism here)‏ Only companions are ______________ and ___________________-- figure!

15 ____________ Roman Name: Vulcan (Mulciber)‏
God of ______________/_______________ Son of Hera ___________________ Only _____________________ god, read symbolism here: Woman's attempt at creation without a man: lame. Get it? Kind, unlike his half-brother Ironically, marries _________________ in some myths Creator of Achille's famous _______________

16 __________ Roman Name: Apollo
God of ______________/______________ and ______________ (lyre is his instrument)‏ The Light thing is big, read symbolism, light, vision, knowledge, understanding, enlightenment. He was the boss of the _________________ at Delphi and elsewhere. Brother of Artemis (________________) “Blessed” ________________ (Paris' sister) with the “vision,” but when she wouldn't “play ball,” he added the curse that she wouldn't be _______________________.

17 ____________ Roman Name: Diana
Virgin Goddess of the _____________/ ______________ Sister to Apollo (Twins)‏ Patron Goddess for _______________ who were pursued by men they didn't desire—she usually helped them turn into trees or lakes or something Held up the ________________ on their way to Troy over some _______________________

18 ____________ Roman Name: __________________
_______________ of the Gods (especially Zeus—news he doesn't want to deliver himself)‏ Appears in more myths than any other character Famous for his ________________ sandals, _____________, and _______________ Helps Odysseus w/Circe, Jason w/Medusa, etc. Also likes to make messes—analogy--the “Jack” of “Jack and Karen” from Will and Grace.

19 ___________ Roman Name: __________
Goddess of Passionate Love and _________ Sprang from the ocean foam, in some myths Magic __________ that makes her irresistable Won the Judgment of ____________: _________ Apple for the ______________ Trouble, ___________, __________, excitement, (read symbolism) follow her wherever she goes. She is the “Karen” of the “Jack and Karen” of Will and Grace.

20 _____________ Roman Name: _______________ God of ___________________
Patron god of the Greek _______________ A God of the Earth Persephone Roman Name: Proserpina Goddess of the Underworld Daughter of Zeus and Demeter Abducted by Hades

21 Hebe Eros Roman Name: _____________ Goddess of _____________
Cupbearer to the Gods Restored youth to the aged Roman Name: _____________ Young God of Love Son of ______________ and Hephaestus

22 Iris The Muses Goddess of the _______________
Messenger for Zeus and ________ Daughter of the _______________ Thaumus and the nymph Electra The Muses Goddesses who presided over the _______________ and sciences “He is ___________ whom the muses love.” _______________ daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne Inspired ________ of all kinds

23 The Erinnyes (The Furies)‏
The Graces The Erinnyes (The Furies)‏ Three Goddesses of ____________ and Beauty “They give life its bloom.” Aglaia (Splendor)‏ Euphrosyne (Mirth)‏ Thalia (Good Cheer)‏ Roman Name: Furiae or Dirae ‏ Three Goddesses of _________________ Tisiphone (Avenger)‏ Alecto (Unresting)‏ Megaera (Jealous)‏ They punish ___________________

24 The Satyrs The Fates Gods of the woods and ____________
“Shepherd gods” ___________ men (like Pan)‏ Companions of Dionysus They like to drink, dance, and chase nymphs. Roman Name: Parcae _____________ sisters Clotho (“The Spinner”)‏ Lachesis (“The disposer of lots”)‏ Atropos (“The cutter”)‏ They _________________, measure, and __________ the thread of life for humans.

25 The Gorgons The Centaurs Half man, half ____________
____________ snake-haired monsters _____________ is most well-known Their look turns men to stone. Half man, half ____________ ____________ creatures (except Chiron)‏ Followers of _____________

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