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<project name (short--please limit to this line)>

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Presentation on theme: "<project name (short--please limit to this line)>"— Presentation transcript:

1 <project name (short--please limit to this line)>
<delete this box and substitute with corporate logo if industry partner is involved; otherwise, place faculty headshot (from MAE website) that leads the project and/or acts as the client> <project name (short--please limit to this line)> Client: <name of industry partner, or faculty acting as client> Faculty advisor: <if Client is MAE faculty, same—or leave blank if not determined> OBJECTIVE <succinct, one/two-sentence statement of objective; extended project narrative (background, references, etc) may be submitted separately> DELIVERABLES <identify 1-3 key deliverables by bullet point> <second key deliverable (if applicable)> <third key deliverable (if applicable)> RELEVANT EXPERTISE <identify key areas of expertise needed to carry out project, or select from this list: general design, manufacturing, dynamics, structural, thermal, instrumentation, electronics, programming, fluid mechanics, aero, commercialization> <delete this box and substitute with visuals relevant to problem; more narrative and visuals may be included in second slide if necessary, or as a separate PDF/Word document>

2 <project name (short--please limit to this line)>
<use any extra slide(s) for any additional narrative, visuals, references, etc – or provide through a standard PDF or Word document>

Download ppt "<project name (short--please limit to this line)>"

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