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Page Headline Project Management Cost & Schedule Review Rob Michnoff.

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1 Page Headline Project Management Cost & Schedule Review Rob Michnoff


3 Outline WBS dictionary Basis of estimate Overview of cost estimate Schedule Procurement plan Change control Tracking of expenditures Major Risks Major Concerns

4 WBS Dictionary

5 WBS Dictionary WBS WBS Name Institution WBS Manager A1.01
PROJECT MANAGEMENT BNL/Cornell Michnoff A Milestones This scope is a placeholder for all project high level milestones for NYSERDA. There is no cost or labor related to this WBS element. A Project Management This scope primarily supports labor for two principle investigators, the project director, the Brookhaven Lab project manager and the Cornell University project manager. Responsibilities include cost analysis and control, project schedule activities and monitoring, and high level scientific and engineering review of activities. A Meetings & Reviews This scope includes time for staff to participate in review meetings and at scientific conferences, including preparation work. The estimate is based on one review per year.

6 Basis of Estimate The Project Management WBS for the CBETA project includes labor, travel and misc. materials. The labor cost estimates are based on the anticipated time required to plan, design, execute, monitor, control and close the project, including coordinating the efforts of multidisciplinary personnel sharing project responsibilities at Brookhaven Lab and Cornell University.

7 Basis of Estimate Reviews & Conferences

8 Cost Estimate Overview
Burdened Rates Extraordinary Project Rate (EPR) assumed.

9 Cost Estimate Summary Burdened Rates
Extraordinary Project Rate (EPR) assumed.

10 Chart of labor hours for each WBS

11 Chart of Costs by WBS

12 Milestones

13 Schedule Tiered milestones at different levels are being defined in order to track and gauge project progress A logically linked resource loaded schedule is in the process of being developed in MS Project The MS Project file presently includes all WBS elements to level 5 Durations for work have been estimated in the cost estimate spreadsheets Activity predecessors and successors still need to be defined and verified

14 Schedule

15 Procurement Plan The CBETA Oversight Board, as stated in the Project Management Plan, approves the construction start of each WBS L2 subsystem after reviewing the cost items of the subsystem. After this approval the Project Director will sign-off on all procurements above $50k in the approved subsystems. The PM or the DPM will approve procurements between $5k and $50k. Procurements in excess of $500k also require the approval of the BNL Deputy Director for Science and advanced notification of NYSERDA.

16 Procurement Plan The general procurement plan is to purchase equipment from outside vendors wherever feasible in other words, don’t build it if we can buy it Conventional magnets in the splitter sections are expected to be specified and bid as a full build (Dave Burke’s talk) FFAG magnet purchase and assembly will be more complicated. (Joe Tuozzolo’s talk)

17 Change Control Project changes are controlled as specified in section 3.0 of the Project Management Plan. The required approvals are defined in table 3 and are based on cost, schedule/risk and technical scope thresholds.

18 Tracking of Expenditures
Tracking of expenditures is expected to be performed monthly. Need to develop method to track hours charged to each WBS element to level 3, 4 or 5. The WBS dictionary definition (to level 3, 4 or 5) including expected start/end dates, and labor and material estimates will be provided to each WBS manager to aid tracking of expenditures by all responsible personnel. Cornell University Project Manager will send an expenditure report to BNL monthly. This report will include labor and material expenditures associated with each WBS element (preferably to level 3, 4 or 5). Totals to date will also be provided as well as a comparison of expenditures against each WBS element. BNL will prepare a similar expenditure report and will be responsible for combining the expenditures from both institutions into a single report.

19 Major Risks Cost estimate includes only 2% contingency Schedule is very aggressive, and includes no float Commissioning the FFAG will be challenging Several of the WBS elements are relying on only one individual to complete the work. Loss of key personnel could significantly impact the ability to complete the project on time and within budget

20 Preventing redos; getting things right the first time
Major Concerns Budget and Schedule Limited options for descoping Tracking labor and material expenditures and keeping actual costs within the cost estimates Preventing redos; getting things right the first time Fostering good communication 300 miles between facilities creates challenges

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