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RF Systems and Controls for the LERF CM Tests

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1 RF Systems and Controls for the LERF CM Tests
Curt Hovater

2 Outline LERF RF & Controls Scope HPRF LLRF Cryomodule Instrumentation
Cryomodule Controls PSS Summary/Questions/Concerns/Comments LERF Review August 3 &

3 Minimizing Effort ...Maximizing Project Leverage
CAPTAR for L1 (cable plant) Use database to procure cables RF RF System is supplied by project (waveguide and cables to be procured by JLAB). Cryo controls Assemble Rack/s at SLAC ship to JLAB (discussing now) Vacuum controls Ditto ... Use as much of the project design and production as possible! LERF Review August 3 &

4 Scope RF CM Instrumentation and Cryo Controls EPICS Test Software
HPRF 16 Solid State Amplifiers (SSA) , circulators and couplers Waveguide in the gallery and the vault 480 VAC feed and breakers mods LCW LLRF Four RF control racks and LLRF Chassis (RF Station, Precision Receiver, Resonance, Interlocks and power supply chassis) LO/Reference Distribution EPICS Controls CM Instrumentation and Cryo Controls Vacuum, Temperature diodes, Deca-Rad, Heaters, Magnet, BPM EPICS Test Software Cavity test applications (QL, Tuner, Qo, etc.) Personal Safety System Modify the present PSS such that the SSAs are incorporated LERF Review August 3 &

5 RF System “Two Cavity Slice”
*Cryomodule Interlocks not shown LERF Review August 3 &

6 HPRF SSAs Provided by project Circulators Provided by project
PSS: VVU and Breakers LERF Review August 3 &

7 LERF Gallery Cartoon* Existing RF Racks/HPA Existing RF Racks/HPA LLRF
4 SSAs LLRF Rack 4 SSAs LLRF Rack 4 SSAs LLRF Rack 4 SSAs *Not to Scale LERF Review August 3 &

8 LLRF Rack layout Racks and chassis provided by project
General Rack area is temperature controlled to +/- 5C PRC Area Temperature controlled to +/- 2C Racks can not exceed 35 C Total 40U rack space is needed LCW cooling manifold in bottom of chassis maintains rack temperature LCLS-II LLRF Racks and Cables Interface Document [ICD] LLRF CAPTAR Racks and chassis provided by project LERF Review August 3 &

9 LLRF Chassis RF Station/PRC LO Distribution Interlocks Power Supply
LERF Review August 3 &

10 Personal Safety System (PSS)
LERF has a reliable PSS system to build upon Present CMTF SSA-PSS interface is a good design PSS group plans to modify the LERF system and incorporate the design from the CMTF Not seen as an issue. PSS group has the resources to accomplish this task in the time frame desired by the project. LERF Review August 3 &

11 Cryomodule Instrumentation and Cryo Controls
Temperature diodes Magnetic Field monitoring Heater controls Valve controls Vacuum controls (insulating, coupler beam line) Deca-rad system for radiation monitoring Faraday cups for dark current SC Magnet Test Use existing magnet test stand BPM cables and monitor (VNA). LERF Review August 3 &

12 Project Risk Schedule Hardware needs to be installed by the end of February Why? Check out and controls commissioning complete by end of April Software RF EPICS controls needs to be stable and ready to support SEL and GDR Cryo controls needs to be functional in EPICS CEBAF Operations Lining up CM test time with CEBAF Cryo Plant Reliability LERF Review August 3 &

13 Questions/Concerns/Comments Thanks for your attention
Summary Effectively installing L1 LINAC section Goal is use as much of the project design as possible JLAB Resource Groups (ACC, Engineering) have looked at the scope and can support the project. Includes RF support for CM testing beyond initial commissioning Biggest risk factor is schedule Hardware delivery Software seems to always be under counted Questions/Concerns/Comments Thanks for your attention LERF Review August 3 &

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