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Film4 Quarterly Update Q1 2017.

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1 Film4 Quarterly Update Q1 2017

2 Film4 Highlights Film4 continues to be the biggest film channel, reaching more than the Sky Movies channels combined Film4 had an average monthly reach of 35% for ABC1 Men Film4 reaches more ABC1 Men on a monthly basis than competing media (cinema, Empire & Men’s Health) 8 of the top 10 rating films for adults were shown at 9pm. The exceptions were Fantastic Four and Paddington Film4’s share of ABC1’s saw a +23% uplift YoY Paddington was the highest rating film this quarter with 646k viewers, followed by Non-Stop with 598k. 5. Top rating films of the quarter - pick out top ones INDIVIDUALS Title 000s Time shown 1 FILM: PADDINGTON (2014) :12:10 2 FILM: NON-STOP (2014) :02:05 3 FILM: FANTASTIC FOUR (2005) :48:53 4 FILM: ST. VINCENT (2014) :00:37 5 FILM: THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013) :03:09 6 FILM: A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (2013) :00:03 7 FILM: THE HUNGER GAMES (2012) :00:16 8 FILM: COMMANDO (1985) :02:43 9 FILM: ESCAPE PLAN (2013) :00:23 10 FILM: THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE :02:28 Source: BARB/Advantedge

3 Audience Insight

4 Film4 has a strong male profile
Source: BARB/Techedge, Q1 2017, profile base = 16+

5 Film4 continues to achieve more than the combined reach of all Sky Movies
Source: BARB/Advantedge. Q ; reach condition = 3 consecutive mins.

6 ABC1 Men Average Monthly Reach (000s) Q1 2017
…and has a higher monthly reach than competing media ABC1 Men Average Monthly Reach (000s) Q1 2017 Source: BARB/Advantedge Q GB TGI 2017 Q1 (Jan-Dec 2016) base = ABC1 Men (cinema reach defined as ABC1 men who state they visit the cinema once a month or more, Magazines = AIR – read in the last 4 weeks)

7 Top Rating Films Adults
Rank Programme Title TVR '000 (AVG) 1 FILM: NON-STOP (2014) 1.1 577 2 FILM: THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013) 556 3 FILM: ST. VINCENT (2014) 554 4 FILM: A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (2013) 538 5 FILM: ESCAPE PLAN (2013) 533 6 FILM: FANTASTIC FOUR (2005) 529 7 FILM: COMMANDO (1985) 1.0 524 8 FILM: THE HUNGER GAMES (2012) 522 9 FILM: PADDINGTON (2014) 521 10 FILM: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOC 499 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q Highest Occurrence, Adults 16+

8 Top Rating Films ABC1 Men
Rank Programme Title TVR '000 (AVG) 1 FILM: THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013) 1.3 167 2 FILM: ST. VINCENT (2014) 1.1 150 3 FILM: ALL IS LOST (2013) 140 4 FILM: NON-STOP (2014) 1.0 137 5 FILM: PADDINGTON (2014) 6 FILM: SALT (2010) 7 FILM: THE IMITATION GAME (2014) 133 8 FILM: TWELVE ANGRY MEN (1957) 0.9 121 9 FILM: THE INBETWEENERS MOVIE (2011) 119 10 FILM: LONE SURVIVOR (2013) 114 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q ,Highest Occurrence, ABC1 Men

9 Film4 viewers are commercially receptive
“I find TV advertising interesting and quite often it gives me something to talk about” (Index=113) “I often notice products or brands that appear in films” (Index = 113) Enjoy shopping and having new things “If I Like Something, I Just Buy It Without Considering The Price ” (Index 116) “When I Go Shopping I Always Buy A Lot” (Index 121) “I often do things on the spur of the moment ” (Index 120) “I love anything new” (Index 110) Film4 - 1st favourite ~ Favourite Channel - 1st Favourite When I Go Shopping I Always Buy A Lot ~ Yes 121.2 DA/TA I often do things on the spur of the moment ~ Personal - Lifestyle And Motivations 119.5 If I Like Something, I Just Buy It Without Considering The Price ~ Yes 115.9 DA/TA I tend to buy products from companies who sponsor exhibitions or music events ~ Other Media And Promotions 114.8 When I Go Out, I Want To Look Elegant ~ Yes 114.4 I Only Use Good Quality Toiletries ~ Yes 114.1 DA/TA I often notice products or brands that appear in TV programmes and films ~ Television 113.5 DA/TA I find TV advertising interesting and quite often it gives me something to talk about ~ Television 113.0 I Love Anything New ~ Yes 109.4 I Usually Shop In The Best Outlets ~ Yes 106.9 What I Want Most In My Life Is To Have Fun, Enjoy Life`S Pleasures ~ Yes 106.4 DA/TA I like to listen to new bands ~ Leisure 104.9 DA/TA I take great pleasure in looking after my appearance ~ Personal - Appearance 103.9 DA/TA On television I enjoy the adverts as much as the programmes ~ Television 103.8 I Often Eat In Good Restaurants ~ Yes 102.8 Source: GB TGI 2017 Q1 base = all adults, any agree, viewers defined as all adults who have watched Film4 in the last week

10 What’s coming up Q2 2017

11 Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol
Lucy Coming up in Q2 2017 The Gunman SALT Some blockbuster hits coming up in Q2 2017, including The Raid 2, Surrogates, Survivor, The Bourne Legacy & Robocop. Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol

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