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Experience- directed learning: an appropriate context for training future lawyers Dr Susan Stokeld ALT Conference 09/04/17.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience- directed learning: an appropriate context for training future lawyers Dr Susan Stokeld ALT Conference 09/04/17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience- directed learning: an appropriate context for training future lawyers
Dr Susan Stokeld ALT Conference 09/04/17

2 Outline of the paper Is experience – directed learning the best way to train future lawyers? Can self – appraisal and reflection complement such learning and provide direction to students?

3 “Learning as we go along is not formalised or regulated in any way and this means we often are not able to appreciate what we have actually learned” Quote from practising lawyer

4 Background and Context
Law Society of Scotland In 2011 Law Society introduced the Professional Education and Training programme PEAT 1 and PEAT 2 PEAT 1 - the postgraduate vocational qualification that law students in Scotland must take before embarking on a traineeship / training contract

5 Diploma in Professional Legal Practice
A programme of professional study and performance employing learning and teaching methods designed to ensure active engagement with ‘real life’ tasks and professional issues The Diploma is taught over the academic year (September to April) and conducted over two semesters. All students must complete and pass the four core courses and the reflective diary exercises in the first semester before they may progress to the elective courses in semester two

6 “Learning and reflection go “hand in hand” and it is difficult to imagine one without the other” Bassett 2016 Reflective Diary 9 weekly entries between 200 – 250 words Final 1500 word report 4 key areas for reflection Communication Team work Time management Managing deadlines

7 How to Reflect? Figure: Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Description
What happened? Action Plan If it arose again what would you do? Feelings What were you thinking and feeling? Evaluation What was good and bad about the experience? Conclusion What else could you have done? Analysis What sense can you make out of the situation? Figure: Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

8 Week 3 Exercise There is real skill in interpreting and acting upon a client’s instructions, especially in sensitive or difficult issues. Review the scenarios that have been covered in Litigation and Private Client classes this week and reflect on how you would communicate with a client to ensure you receive clear instructions and how you may need to adapt your style and mode of communication in different circumstances. 

9 Diary Entries On reflection of this week I have learned that modes of communication do need to be adapted in order to meet the needs of a client. I know that I can struggle at times to discuss sensitive subjects with clients. This will undoubtedly become easier as I gain more experience discussing issues with clients I was able to see that lawyers have to play two roles, while we have to maintain a level of professionalism between the client and ourselves, we have to be understanding of their feelings and the difficult time they are going through. It is important to be able to mirror methods of communication, so any client feels comfortable around you. I understand that they will be more likely to open up to you. Especially in sensitive circumstances it is important to strike the right balance so one does not come across as patronising, stand-offish, smug or unintelligible

10 Week 9 Exercise Over three weeks have been allocated roles to prepare for and perform during two mock trials to test your advocacy skills. These skills are primarily learnt though experience but nevertheless are shaped by knowledge, skill and expertise of the subject area. Consider the following as you reflect on your experience in these roles: Communication Advocacy Skills Specialist Knowledge

11 Diary Entries I was surprised by how confident I felt in my role as the defence, I was prepared and ready to prove my case. Knowledge gained in the advocacy workshop and seminars greatly assisted my delivery. I was able to pick out information that I needed and key points that would work in my favour I did not communicate clearly enough what I wanted the witness to speak about I want to get to a stage where I do not need to rely on the comfort of notes. I need to take the leap and be more confident in what I want to say and what I can remember to say. Maybe next time I'll progress

12 Final report Motivation What did you hope to gain from the course?
Where does the sense of achievement lie? What key skills do you feel you need to develop? Time Management Have you found setting clear short and /or long term goals important? What tools do you use to prioritise conflicting tasks? How do you deal with interruptions or unplanned events? How do you determine the difference between important and urgent? Learning Styles Actively seek out new experiences and challenges? Observe and listen whilst reflecting on a situation from different perspectives? Think problems through in a step by step manner and assess in a detached and objective way? Enjoy problem solving and decision making?

13 Diary Entries I realise on reflection there is more to achievement than just getting a good grade. This could be things like how I’ve managed my time for a big project or the role I take in a group situation. I think reflecting on achievement beyond just grades will be very useful to my personal development. The reflective process has been hugely useful for my development in looking back on what I’ve been doing right, and the ways in which it has paid off. There are also a range of areas I want to develop myself in, which will hopefully allow for a successful traineeship. Through the reflective diary each week it is possible to keep the long- term goals in your mind and motivate yourself towards what you want.

14 Conclusions Communicating knowledge and experience enhances learning Refection is effective learning tool that complements experience – directed learning Reflection highlights opportunities to direct and enhance learning

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