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Keeping A Healthy HS Student:

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping A Healthy HS Student:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping A Healthy HS Student:
Time Management, Study Skills, Stress Management

2 What are the behaviors of a healthy HS student?

3 Working together to help our students develop better coping skills
Time Management Working together to help our students develop better coping skills

4 Make time to manage time!
Planning is essential Make do lists and stick to them Schedule breaks, not just work Work/Break in intervals Estimate how much time is needed for a task – it’s always longer than expected Multi-tasking is a myth: keep focused for shorter periods, but on one thing at a time

5 Effective Do Lists Finish tasks and cross off the list – don’t hold on to finished items Build flexibility into your schedule Add new items as needed, but keep priorities in mind It’s OKAY to say NO!

6 Procrastination Time management issue? Stress-related concern?
Without a plan and clear priorities, it’s easy to fall into a trap of procrastination Stress-related concern? When we put things off, it might be due to anxiety, fear of failure or perfectionism

7 Overscheduling Leads to Stress
Recognize the need for personal time and life balance Urgent vs. Important items in life Working hard vs. working efficiently

8 Working together to help our students develop better coping skills
Study Skills Working together to help our students develop better coping skills

9 Study Skills Work in advance of deadlines Study with others
Ask for help when you have difficulty Don’t try to cram Take scheduled breaks Backwards planning Break up large projects into chunks Explain concepts to others Connect ideas to what you already know

10 Working together to help our students develop better coping skills
Stress Management Working together to help our students develop better coping skills

11 What is STRESS?? Difficult to define
Causes can vary among people Responses can vary among people Physical, Mental, and/or Emotional Strain or Tension

12 Stress Among Teens 2014 APA survey of 1,018 teens revealed:
31% feel “overwhelmed” 30% feel depressed or sad as a result of stress 36% feel fatigued or tired

13 How can we help students navigate stressful times?
Encourage: Exercise Sleep Balanced diet Model Healthy Lifestyle How do you relax? Do you make time for “downtime”?

14 How can we help students navigate stressful times?
Model positive, effective coping strategies Focus on problem-solving Create a family environment where talking, listening and sharing feelings is safe and comfortable

15 Successful Failures F.A.I.L. – First Attempt in Learning
Building resilience and perseverance Are the expectations appropriate? Recognize and celebrate strengths and areas of growth

16 When is it time to get help? Signs and symptoms of teen depression
Prolonged sadness or hopelessness Withdrawal from friends and family Loss of interest in hobbies and activities Changes in sleeping and eating habits Difficulty concentrating, irritability, anger Fatigue or lack of energy and motivation Talking about suicide

17 Resources

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