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Online computer games as learning resources

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1 Online computer games as learning resources
Teachtown Michelle Simpson Minecraft Kahoot

2 Criteria I used when selecting games
Several of these websites I selected are sites that I have let my own kids play and have experience with, such as Minecraft and Kahoot. With PBS kids, Teachtown and Minecraft, my program specialist agreed those were kids friendly and did not require really anything from me in the way of set up and monitoring. My sons were talking about playing the Math Busters games in elementary school and saying how fun they were, so I decided to look at it and then thought it was something I would like to add to my class list.

My students really love to explore and create in Minecraft and through their exploration of the Minecraft world, they use reasoning, math skills (they do not realize this), art, and even engage in social interactions. This is the first year of letting my students try Minecraft and I plan on using the website listed below to set my students up their own blank canvas and take the time to work with them on different lessons. Another plus is joining the Minecraft education community. Students and teachers are able to share and discuss different lessons and the students can make connections outside of the class setting. For more information, this is a wonderful link. ttps://

4 TeachTown focuses exclusively on children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities and emotional and behavior disorders. TeachTown’s products utilize research-based best practices derived from the methodologies of ABA, making it easy to deliver this proven treatment with existing staff in any school or setting. My students love this program and would play it all day if I would let them. They are encouraged and there are mini games that allow for them to have a quick break. My only issue with this program is that it is expensive and this will be the only year my kids can play it.

5 Kahoot This is a free online game where you can play pre-existing games or teachers can make their own game. Students can either use a computer or cell phones to answer the questions. Once the teacher creates a game, there will be a code and the students enter the code and will have access to the game. The game tracks the scores of each student Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! I plan on using this program starting April 1st to do reviews for the end of year testing.

6 PBS Kids PBS kids have games based on their TV programs and they range from rhyming, feelings, spelling, story and dress-up, just to name a few. They also have creative games and engineering games. All of the games are rated based on the level of difficulty and are definitely kid friendly where the games explain themselves. I let my students play on PBS kids when they have free computer time. I like this site because several of my students really enjoy it, but I honestly feel this is geared more for students in elementary school.

7 Math Blasters
My oldest son told me about this game and how much he always loved playing it. Looking over the website, I will use this with my students since you are able to program for each students needs. These educational games help refine math concepts through arcade type games. The games are designed to target the specific math skills students encounter each year through the 8th grade. Knowledge adventure also has reading busters, typing and kids words deluxe so this is a site that provides many options.

8 I really recommend this site.
I love using this site with my students. I usually do all of the entries and I just do a round robin answering session. The kids love the program and the videos and the site covers all of the major events and themes that we discuss in class; math, english, social studies, and science, to name a few. I really recommend this site. Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology,

9 Bloom’s Thinking skills per game
PBS Kids: Edutain Depending on the games as to what all of Bloom’s is used Kahoot: Edutain Again, it could use all 6 of Bloom’s, but it would depend on the questions Brainpop: Edutain Again, depending on what the topic is as to what is used of Bloom’s Teachtown: Education It uses all 6 of Bloom’s, but not always in the same set of games Math Busters: Edutain Depending on the type of math questions that are being asked. Minecraft: Edutain It uses creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying and understanding

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