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Introduction to Linear Statistical Modelling Using R

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1 Introduction to Linear Statistical Modelling Using R
Francis Duah Maths Skills Centre, Academic Support Office

2 Session Outline Training Available
Introduction to the R platform and R Studio Descriptive Statistics Graphical displays Linear Regression Regression Diagnostics

3 Quantitative Data Analysis
Face to face training PG Statistics workshops at York

4 Quantitative Data Analysis
Face to face training Gardeners Own All you need to know as a beginner University of Western Sydney Data Analysis and Visualisation in R Advanced topics in R Harvard University Data Science Services Regression Models in R Technical University of Denmark Analysis of correlated data in R

5 What should your statistical practice entail?
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Explore nominal and/or ordinal variables using Bar/Pie charts Explore your data to obtain descriptive statistics of your variables Explore the distribution of your continuous/interval scale variables Using charts Statistical tests

6 What should your statistical practice entail?
Inferential Statistical Analysis Look for association between nominal variables and/or ordinal variables Look for differences in mean averages for groups (Between subjects) in with respect to some continuous variables Look for differences between the mean average for repeated measurements of continuous variables (Within subjects)

7 What should your statistical practice entail?
Model development Look for bivariate relationships between continuous/scale variables Pearson correlation Spearman correlation Develop models that fit your data Simple regression analysis Multiple regression

8 Excel Files to Copy Filenames gpapoints.csv exam.csv

9 Practical – Demonstration
Goal To develop a model for predicting the MBA GPA Scores Import or load the CSV file gpapoints.csv Obtain Descriptive Statistics of the variables Differences Is there a difference between males and females mbagpa? Is there a difference between males and females gmatscore? Is there a difference between males and females degreegpa? Look for bivariate relationships between continuous/scale variables Develop linear regression models for prediction of mbagpa. Which independent variables significantly predict mbagpa?

10 Practical – Exercise or Homework
Goal To develop a model for predicting the EXAM MARKS of a person Import or load the CSV file exam.csv Obtain Descriptive Statistics of the variables. Differences Is there a difference between males and females A-level scores? Is there a difference between males and females exam results? Is there a difference between males and females anxiety score? Is there difference between males and females number of hours of revision? Look for bivariate relationships between continuous/scale variables Develop regression models that may be used to predict exam marks Which independent variables significantly predict exam marks?

11 Take Home Message Practice and practice with authentic research data.
Seek advice from your supervisor. Consult the Maths Skills Centre at the earliest opportunity. Attend our PG Statistics Workshops.

12 Thank You for Listening
Keep in touch Francis Duah Maths Skills Centre, Academic Support Office

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