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U.S. Presidents and Policy

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1 U.S. Presidents and Policy 1968-2013
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama


3 The Nixon Administration

4 Nixon’s Policies Vietnamization-pulling U.S. troops from Vietnam
Eased Cold War tensions- “Détente” China 1972-SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)-limited each country’s nuclear weapons ping pong diplomacy

5 Watergate Scandal On June 17, 1972, police arrested five men who had broken into the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Men found to be loosely tied to the Nixon campaign Issue: Did Nixon know? Did he try to cover it up?

6 Secret Tapes Senate orders the president to give up secret tapes from his office Nixon argued that executive privilege (“I am the President”) gave him the right to withhold the tapes. Nixon fired 3 people in the Justice dept. including the special prosecutor who demanded the tapes. Nixon’s actions shock the public

7 Supreme Court Nixon continued to deny his involvement in the break-in or a cover-up. The Supreme Court ruled that Nixon must hand over the tapes. United States Vs. Nixon At the same time the House voted to recommend impeachment. 18 ½ minutes of the tapes are “accidentally” erased On August 8, 1974, Nixon resigned the presidency. history channel watergate FG watergate

8 Effects of Watergate Led to widespread distrust of the government
Confidence weakened in the government

9 Gerald Ford The only President who was never elected Pres. or VP. Tried to restore dignity to the Presidency after the Nixon resignation and Vietnam. Was criticized for his pardon of President Nixon. Never recovered from this, lost his election bid in 1976.

10 Jimmy Carter 1976-1980 A one term President from Georgia.
Most famous for the Camp David Accords: a peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel in Egypt becomes the first Arab nation to recognize Israel’s existence as a nation. Signed the treaty to turn over control of the Panama Canal to Panama on Dec. 31, 1999. Was criticized for his handling of the Iran Hostage Crisis.

11 Ronald Reagan A former actor and Governor of California, Reagan proved to be a very popular President. Conservative Very good public speaker. Seemed very Presidential Supply-side economics: cut taxes on businesses and benefits would “trickle down”. Somewhat successful. “Reaganomics”

12 Ronald Reagan 1980-1988 Reagan was tough on Communism.
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eased Cold War tensions. Dealt with many controversies included the Iran-Contra affair. Also dealt with the new deadly disease AIDS. Sadly, he never mentioned the word AIDS until a speech in 1986. Many thought Reagan only helped the rich and not the lower classes. Nominated and was successful in getting Sandra Day O’Connor (first woman) on the Supreme Court. “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign.

13 George H.W. Bush His most infamous quote included “Read My Lips, No New Taxes!”, he then raised taxes. He was not re-elected. Was Reagan’s VP for eight years. Former director of the CIA, Bush had an experienced foreign policy background. Was in office at the end of the Cold War. Led the U.S. into the successful Persian Gulf War in 1991.

14 Bill Clinton A great public speaker, many people were drawn to his charismatic tone. Wanted to bring about health care reform, he was unsuccessful Had to work with a Republican Congress, the first one in over forty years. Al Gore was his VP for eight years. Saw the end of Apartheid in South Africa

15 Bill Clinton Clinton signed the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) treaty with Canada and Mexico. President Clinton had a number of controversies, the most infamous was the “inappropriate relationship” he had with a White House intern. After lying under oath, Clinton faced impeachment (only the 2nd president to go through the process), he was eventually acquitted by the Senate.

16 George W. Bush Won one of the most “unique” elections in U.S. History over Al Gore in 2000. Was tested immediately with the September 11 attacks in NYC and Washington D.C. Declared war on terror the next day. Led the U.S. to Afghanistan in October 2001 to overthrow the Taliban government. Led the U.S. into the controversial war with Iraq in March 2003.

17 George W. Bush With the controversies surrounding the wars, Bush faced a tough task convincing Americans to support the war effort. This time of division helped pave the way for Democrats to re-take both houses of Congress and eventually the Presidency.

18 Barack Obama 2009-present Became President in the historic election of 2008. First African-American President. Like Reagan and Clinton, is considered a great public speaker. Faces many challenges concerning the economy and foreign policy. Health Care reform Troops out of Iraq (2011) Combat operations in Afghanistan end (2014)

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