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Years, days, and months.

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Presentation on theme: "Years, days, and months."— Presentation transcript:

1 Years, days, and months

2 Monday Named for : The moon. Moon’s day.

3 Tuesday Named for : Tiw, the Norse god of war. Tiw’s day.

4 Wednesday Woden, Old English for the planet Mercury. Woden’s Day.
Named for : Woden, Old English for the planet Mercury. Woden’s Day.

5 Thursday Named for : The Norse thunder god, Thor. Thor’s Day

6 Old English goddess, Frigg,
Friday Named for : Old English goddess, Frigg, their version of Venus, goddess of love.

7 Saturday Named for : Saturn. Saturn’s day

8 Sunday Named for : The Sun

9 Calendars Roman calendar Julian calendar Gregorian calendar
10 months, lunar calendar Julian calendar 45 BC, Julius Caesar; 12 months, solar calendar Gregorian calendar TODAY’s calendar; Pope Gregory 13th, 1582 Small adjustments

10 Century years that are NOT divisible by 400.
Leap year One day, added on Feb. 29th, every: Four years (2016, 2020, 2024) Except: Century years that are NOT divisible by 400. (2100, 2200, 2300 are NOT; 2000 and 2400 are)

11 January Named for : Roman god Janus (beginnings, endings, gates, transitions. Looks forward and backward.)

12 A month of purification, Roman festival of Februa.
February Named for : A month of purification, Roman festival of Februa.

13 March Named for : Roman god Mars, war and agriculture

14 April Named for : Latin aprilis, opening.

15 Greek goddess of Spring and fertility , Maya
Named for : Greek goddess of Spring and fertility , Maya

16 Roman goddess of home and hearth, Juno
June Named for : Roman goddess of home and hearth, Juno

17 July Named for : Julius Caesar

18 August Named for : Augustus Caesar

19 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months in the Roman Calendar
September, October, November, December Named for : 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months in the Roman Calendar

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