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Therapeutic Hypothermia in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy An audit of clinical management and follow up Malini Ketty, Nitin Goel, Sujoy Banerjee.

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Presentation on theme: "Therapeutic Hypothermia in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy An audit of clinical management and follow up Malini Ketty, Nitin Goel, Sujoy Banerjee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Therapeutic Hypothermia in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy An audit of clinical management and follow up Malini Ketty, Nitin Goel, Sujoy Banerjee Department of Neonatal Medicine, Singleton Hospital - Swansea

2 Therapeutic cooling in HIE
Standard of care in moderate to severe HIE Reduction in death and major 2yrs (RR 0.75) NNT =7 Whole body hypothermia C for 72 hrs Target therapeutic temperature - within 6 hrs Trial characteristics Developed countries Tertiary centres Strict entry criteria UK TOBY trial / Coolcap - aEEG for case selection (a normal aEEG within 6 hours predicts with high probability a normal outcome)

3 Post-Trial era - Management challenges
Case selection - ? Therapeutic Drift Referrals often originate in smaller centres CFM recording facility unavailable before arrival in tertiary centre Vague clinical criteria for encephalopathy - criteria ‘B’ Less experience and confidence in assessing clinical encephalopathy Fear of litigation Implementation of hypothermia Active cooling equipment not available in most referring hospitals Challenges in maintaining passive cooling following initiation and during transport Late assessment of clinical situation in cooling centre - late arrival > 6 hours

4 Post-Trial era - Management challenges
C. Parents Initial separation and anxiety Managing expectation that cooling will be continued Lack of intimate skin to skin contact during cooling D. NHS resources Cost of intensive care + Capacity management Cost of transfer Balancing cost / risk of treatment with risk of disability care / litigation Follow up requirements

5 Audit Standards Case selection – Correlation with CFM grade
Target temperature (33-340C) - within 6 hours Follow-up : MRI brain within 2 weeks Standardised neurodevelopment assessment at 2yrs Offered to all (100%) Undertaken within 3 months of 2nd birthday (85%) Secondary aim: To review ND outcome in survivors at 2 years

6 Methods Retrospective analysis 2009-2011
Cases identified from unit cooling register Data from TOBY forms, case notes, Bayley’s assessment reports, HSQs, Clinic letters etc

7 Results Survived 20 Mean weight = 3.55 ± 0.82 Kg
Babies with suspected HIE admitted to the unit 34 Cooling initiated 32* Cooled for 72 Hrs 23 Died 3 Survived 20 Cooling stopped < 72 Hrs (normal CFM, neurology) 4 Cooling stopped < 72 Hrs (clinical worsening) 5 1 Cooling not possible (DIC/PPHN) 2 Results Mean weight = 3.55 ± 0.82 Kg Mean gestation = 39.3 ± 1.6 Wks *20/32 (62%) were outborn

8 Nearly a half had normal CFM
Cerebral function monitoring (aEEG) Nearly a half had normal CFM *Nine (90%) of the 10 cooled with Grade 1 CFM were outborn

9 Achievement of target temperature (n = 23)

10 Recommended imaging - MRI (n= 20)

11 Long term outcomes - assessment (n=20)

12 Overview of outcome in survivors

13 Comparative outcome in HIE survivors
Category Standard care With therapeutic hypothermia* Singleton study cohort (clinical encephalopathy) Survival without disability in moderate to severe encephalopathy 28% 44% 57% CP in survivors 41% 8% Thornberg et al 1995  NICE guidance

14 Conclusions TH is being offered to milder grades of HIE, often to infants born outside the treatment centre In 1/4th babies (mostly out born), target temperature for TH was not achieved within 6 hours Most children had MRI scans within the recommended time frame Almost all children underwent standardised assessment for long term outcome at the recommended time Excellent long term outcome may be explained by therapeutic drift despite poor achievement of target temperature by 6 hours

15 Recommendation Every unit must strive to achieve therapeutic hypothermia within 6 hours The network / Transport Service must audit this important target outcome Clinical assessment for encephalopathy should be more standardised and thorough (e.g. Use of Thomson criteria) Consideration to equip referral units with CFM machines Will provide reliable assessment of the grade of brain injury Prevent unnecessary escalation, transport and separation from family Diagnostic support could be provided by regional unit by reviewing images The cost of the equipment and personnel training will be offset by the reduced cost of transfer, critical care cot occupancy and unnecessary emotional burden on the family.

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