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Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Parent Information Night

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1 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Parent Information Night
Groveland Elementary

2 Students to Be Tested in 2016–17
Students enrolled in grades 3–10 will participate in FSA ELA assessments. All students will participate in ELA Reading. Students enrolled in grades 4–10 will also participate in ELA Writing. Students enrolled in grades 3–8 will participate in FSA Mathematics assessments. Students enrolled in grade 5-8 will participate in the state Science assessment.

3 Groveland Elementary Testing Dates
3rd Grade ELA/Reading (Paper-Based) Session 1: March 28- All 3rd Grade Classes Session 2: March 29- All 3rd Grade Classes Math (Computer Based) Session 1: April 24- Williams, Bogdan, Harrell, Hudson Session 1: April 25- Patterson, Maul, Walters, Crowley Session 2: April 27- Williams, Bogdan, Harrell, Hudson Session 2: April 28- Patterson, Maul, Walters, Crowley

4 Groveland Elementary Testing Dates
4th Grade Writing (Paper Based) February 28- All 4th Grade Classes ELA/Reading (Computer Based) Session 1: April 10- Knight-Lewis, Coxe, Lahocinsky, Julsaint Session 2: April 12- Knight-Lewis, Coxe, Lahocinsky, Julsaint Session 1: April 11- Weiss, Young, Fleetwood Session 2: April 13- Weiss, Young, Fleetwood Math (Computer Based) Session 1: May 1 - Knight-Lewis, Coxe, Lahocinsky, Julsaint Session 2: May 4 – Knight-Lewis, Coxe, Lahocinsky, Julsaint Session 1: May 2 - Weiss, Young, Fleetwood Session 2: May 5 – Weiss, Young, Fleetwood

5 Groveland Elementary Testing Dates
5th Grade Writing (Paper Based) February 28- All 5th Grade Classes ELA/Reading (Computer Based) Session 1: April 17- Creech, Mayor, Duvall Session 2: April 20– Creech, Mayor, Duvall Session 1: April 18- Brewster, Karnolt, Emmermanis, Cote, Julsaint Session 2: April 21- Brewster, Karnolt, Emmermanis, Cote, Julsaint Math (Computer Based) Session 1: May 8 morning- Creech, Mayor, Duvall Session 2: May 9 afternoon- Creech, Mayor, Duvall Session 1: May 8 afternoon- Brewster, Karnolt, Emmermanis, Cote, Julsaint Session 2: May 9 morning- Brewster, Karnolt, Emmermanis, Cote, Julsaint Science (Paper- Based) May 1 & 2- All 5th Grade Classes

6 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge

7 ELA Writing-Grades 4 & 5 The ELA Writing test consists of one text-based constructed-response item (students read a variety of texts and respond to a prompt). Grades 4–10 ELA Writing tests are administered in one 120-minute session. The ELA Writing Retake is one 120-minute session, but students may use up to half the length of a typical school day to complete the test. All students (PBT and CBT) are provided with a planning sheet to plan their writing.

8 ELA Reading and Mathematics
ELA Reading and Mathematics assessments contain 56–66 items. Test sessions lengths are as follows: ELA Reading: Grades 3–5 - Two 80 minute sessions Mathematics: Grades 3–5 - Two 80 minute sessions

9 Practice Tests Computer-based and paper-based practice tests, as well as paper-based test item practice handouts, for each assessment are available on the FSA Portal. Practice tests allow teachers, parents/guardians, and students to become familiar with the system, functionality, tools, and item types that will be encountered on the FSA. Students are required to participate in a practice test session at their school prior to testing. Please see separate FSA handout for log-in information.

10 Florida Standards Assessment English Language Arts Example Questions:

11 Florida Standards Assessment: Types of Response Mechanisms- English Language Arts
Paper Based- Third Grade Only Hot Text Multi-Select Multiple Choice Open Response

12 Passage Example English Language Arts

13 English Language Arts Example:

14 English Language Arts Example

15 English Language Arts Example

16 English Language Arts Example

17 Florida Standards Assessment English Language Arts Test Design Summary Category Percentage of Assessment Key Ideas and Details % Craft and Structure % Integration of Knowledge and Ideas % Language and Editing %

18 Florida Standards Assessment Mathematics Examples:

19 Florida Standards Assessment: Mathematics-Types of Response Mechanisms
Computer Based Test Hot Text (Part A & Part B) Multi-Select Multiple Choice Open Response Items Matching Items Table Items Equations Items Test-Design-Summary-Updated pdf

20 Mathematics Example

21 Mathematics Example

22 Mathematics Example

23 Mathematics Example

24 Florida Standards Assessment Achievement Levels and Scale Scores

25 Achievement Levels Student performance on Florida’s statewide assessments is categorized into five achievement levels. Table 1 provides information regarding student performance at each achievement level; this information is provided on student reports so that students, parents, and educators may interpret student results in a meaningful way. Table 1: Achievement Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Inadequate: Highly likely to need substantial support for the next grade Below Satisfactory: Likely to need substantial support for the next grade Satisfactory: May need additional support for the next grade Proficient: Likely to excel in the next grade Mastery: Highly likely to excel in the next grade

26 FSA Scale Scores for Each Achievement Level
The lowest score in Level 3 is the passing score for each grade level and subject. The table below shows the score ranges for each achievement level on the FSA score scale. For grades 4-10 ELA, a combined score is reported that includes student performance on both the Writing and Reading components.

27 Table 2:FSA Scale Scores for Each Achievement Level
Assessment Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 English Language Arts Scale Scores ( ) for Each Achievement Level Mathematics ( ) for Grade 3 ELA Grade 4 ELA Grade 5 ELA Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

28 Additional Information
Students in grade 3 must achieve a Level 2 or higher on the FSA ELA Reading Assessment for promotion purposes. For more information on this requirement, as well as good cause exemption information for students who score in Level 1, please see the Third Grade Guidance page on the FDOE website. Please go to FSA Portal for more information

29 Thank you for coming to Groveland Elementary’ s Florida Standards Assessment Parent Information Night

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