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Welcome Kindergarten Knights
Welcome Kindergarten Knights! Please fill out a lime green card and place it on the table next to your child’s teacher’s name.
Norton Expectations Kindergarten Knights must follow the Norton Code of Honor.
Keeps hands, feet and objects to self. Never disrupts learning. Interacts positively with others. Gets attention appropriately. Hears and follows direction. Takes responsibility for actions and learning. Strives to make good choices.
Responsibility It is very important that the children learn to be responsible. They will be learning how to unpack and pack their belongings at school and it is important that they be allowed to do this on their own. This will help us in teaching your child responsibility and will help their self-confidence! Skills your child will practice to develop their independence will include: opening lunch items, packing and unpacking their belongings, zippers, buttons, shoe tying, bathroom procedures, completing their work, responsibility for own actions/choices.
Independence Independence is a goal for students because it helps build self-esteem and self-confidence. Kindergarteners are very capable of doing many things on their own and we encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please work on the following self-help skills at home with your child: zipping, tying, dressing, cutting with scissors etc.
Personal Hygiene Students should be able to take care of all bathroom needs on their own. Students should keep a change of clothes in their backpacks at all times. (Be sure to keep seasonally appropriate clothing in backpacks.) Please discuss with your child the importance of asking to use the restroom and taking advantage of all restroom opportunities to avoid accidents. All toilets at Norton are automatic flushing. Please practice using an automatic toilet so that your child is comfortable with the noise and flushing. Practice how to properly use tissues to blow their nose.
Backpacks and Personal Items
Please be sure your child has a backpack large enough to accommodate a jacket, change of clothes, lunch bag, etc. We prefer ones without wheels. Please do not send toys, play make-up, stuffed animals, blankets, money, “treasures”,etc. to school. In the past some of these items have disappeared, so one way we can fix this problem is to not bring these items to school.
Shoes and Clothing We recommend choosing comfortable clothing that is appropriate for physical activities, art and the weather. We ask that all students wear shoes they can put on and fasten by themselves. If your child cannot tie their own shoes, please continue to work with them at home on this skill. It is recommended that girls wearing dresses or skirts wear a pair of shorts underneath. Spaghetti strap shirts are not allowed. With the weather constantly changing, please send a jacket each day during cooler weather. We will be having two recesses this year, so there could be a big difference in temperature between the morning recess and the afternoon recess. The jacket will be helpful for use in the classroom as well due to the changing temperatures in the building.
School Supplies If you ordered school supplies through the school, then your child’s supplies have been delivered to the classroom. The packs will be labeled with your child’s name. If you did not preorder supplies, please plan to bring them on Back to the Castle Night (Thursday). PLEASE do not write your child’s name on these supplies as they are shared among the class.
Folders Each child will be issued a Norton Knight EVERYDAY FOLDER. This will be mainly for communication between parent and teacher. Please check it everyday by cleaning out the contents and responding to notes if needed. PLEASE RETURN EACH DAY! A white homework folder will also come home with your child daily (beginning in October). Please check this for any homework that your child needs to complete. The white folder needs to be at school EVERYDAY!! A special Wednesday folder will be sent home weekly. It will contain Norton updates and PTA correspondence. Please place any required information and paperwork back in the DAILY NORTON folder to be returned on Thursday. We don’t look in Wednesday folders upon return.
Our Kindergarten Day (sample schedule)
7:45-8:00 Arrive and unpack 8:00-8:15 Announcements/Morning Work 8:15-8:45 Morning Meeting 8:45-9:25 Reader’s Workshop 9:25-9:45 Recess 9:45-10: Writer’s Workshop 11:00-11:35 Lunch 11:35-12:30 Math 12:35-1:20 Specials 1:25-1:45 Science/ Social Studies 1:45-2:05 Snack/Pack 2:05-2:35 CASTLE 2:35-2:55 Recess 3:00 Dismissal
Arrival Procedures School begins at 7:50 a.m. every morning. Your child needs to be in the classroom at this time or they will be counted tardy. Students may arrive as early as 7:30, but must report to the cafeteria. A teacher will escort all kindergartners from the cafeteria to the kindergarten hallway at 7:45. A teacher will be on duty in the cafeteria to supervise those arriving early. Students arriving after 7:45 may come directly to their classrooms. ***Parents will not be permitted to walk their children to the classroom after Wednesday of the first week of school!
Kindergarten classes go to lunch at 11:00 a.m.
Your child’s school identification number is also now their lunch code. This can be found when you complete your back to school forms on Family Access. Please contact the cafeteria manager through at if you have any questions. Your child must memorize their code before making their initial lunch purchase. Lunches must be prepaid into the students’ lunch account (no cash accepted during lunch). If you want to meet your child for lunch, please be prompt. Remember that it takes time to sign in at the office. Parents will need to remain on the stage to eat lunch with their child. We ask that you DO NOT meet your child for lunch during the first 2 weeks of school. Learning the routine and practicing lunch room procedures is important during this time.
Specials Schedule Monday- Music Tuesday- PE Wednesday- PE
Snacks 10 minute afternoon snack
Please send a SIMPLE, NON-PERISHABLE snack with your child each day. Please pack separately from lunch. Please make sure the snack is labeled with your child’s name and does not require utensils or refrigeration. We encourage each child to bring a water bottle labeled with their name. This is for classroom use and should be separate from their drink for lunch. Water fountains are available in each classroom.
CARPOOL This is for parents that will be remaining in their car
You will be provided a green card with your child’s name to be used for carpool dismissal. You will receive this card on Thursday evening in your child’s Norton Folder. Please place this card in the bottom right corner of the front windshield. Please stay in your car and someone will assist your child into the car. Children will only be loaded on the passenger side of the car. The carpool lane is located in the back of the building off of Seaport Drive.
WALKERS/ PARK AND WALK You will be able to park and walk up to pick up your child. We will dismiss from the side office door (closest to kindergarten rooms) via Newport Dr. To ensure the safety of your child, please carry the printed green dismissal card to help us identify faces. You will get this card on Thursday evening in your child’s Norton Folder.
Students will be escorted to the gym by Kids Club staff. BUS RIDERS/DAYCARE Students will be supervised by staff members in the cafeteria while waiting to load the bus. If someone else is picking up your child you MUST notify the office via a written note. They will have to be added to the approved list for your child. Please let the teacher know if your child is going home with someone else or if changes need to be made on how your child gets home. ***PLEASE LET US KNOW IN WRITING IF THERE ARE ANY CHANGES IN DISMISSAL!***
Positive Student Recognitions
Knight of the Week-This is a school wide honor recognizing one student per week from each classroom. This recognition is based on a Character Trait that we are learning about and focusing on children exhibiting those behaviors. These children will be recognized on Friday on the announcements and will have their pictures taken for our website and school newsletter. King/Queen of the Week-Each kindergarten teacher will pick a student to celebrate each week. The appointed child will come home with a letter announcing their upcoming week. Some of the special activities your child will participate in for the week include: bringing an All About Me poster, taking home the class mascot for the weekend, being line leader, calendar helper, office messenger, etc.
Health Concerns Please notify the school nurse at Back To The Castle night (Thursday) if you have any special health concerns (food allergies, asthma, seizures, etc.) or dietary restrictions. AISD policy states that children must be fever free and diarrhea free for 24 hours (without medication) prior to returning to school. It is helpful to notify the school by phone or if your child will be absent. The school is required to call and verify each absence if notice has not been received. Each absence requires a signed note from parent/ guardian, doctor upon return. If the absence is excused, a signed parent note or doctor note must be returned to school within 3 days.
Volunteers If you plan on participating in classroom parties, going on field trips, or volunteering at Norton…. *YOU MUST COMPLETE A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK ON-LINE at on the home page! This must be completed yearly and can take up to two weeks for clearance.
Contact Information Front Office Phone Number: Teacher Contact Number: Nicole Cole: ext Maggie Esposito: ext Tracy Savitch: ext
Conferences We will have a formal parent conference day on Monday, October 23rd. An opportunity to sign up for a conference time will be sent home at a later date. Parents are more than welcome to request a conference at any time. Please contact your child’s teacher by to set up a time that is good for both parties.
Kindergarten Questions ????????????????
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