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Construction of the Antarctic 10-m THz Telescope

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1 Construction of the Antarctic 10-m THz Telescope
TGSW2016 session#6 "Universe Evolution and Matter Origin" Construction of the Antarctic 10-m THz Telescope NAKAI Naomasa University of Tsukuba

2 Search for “dark galaxies” which cannot be seen in optical
Galaxies are the mother’s body of stars and planets which are sources of life. age of the universe 13.8 billion yrs -When and how were the galaxies born? Unknown, unobservable Observations with existing telescope A billion yrs -How and why have the galaxies evolved in different types? 1 billion yrs Elementary particle and nuclear physics studies Big Bang Formation of First stars and galaxies ダスト

3 THz, submm, mm are best to detect extremely distant galaxies
at z~0 Most of galaxies are originally the brightest in the infrared radiated from dust heated by light from stars. 4.9Gyr receding according to expansion of the universe 11.5Gyr observed 12.5Gyr Emission is redshifted. Galaxies observed on the earth are the brightest at THz to mm. 13.2Gyr galaxy formation? 13.5Gyr Spectra of THz to mm determine the redshift of the galaxies. mm submm THz infrared → optical Antarctic 10-m telescope

4 (e.g.) galaxies observed
Color: Optical image (Hubble Space Telescope) Z=0.25 (2.9Gyr) Look back time Contours: submm image (SCUBA) 350 GHz = 850 μm   θ = 14” Z=2.56 (11.0Gyr)

5 Plateaus in Antarctica are best to observe THz, submm (mm)
THz, submm (mm) are best to detect extremely distant galaxies, but absorbed by water vapor in the atmosphere. Atacama desert in Chile at 5000 m (ALMA site) = best at present Precipitable water vapor 2012 2013 Ridge A South Pole (2835m) Dome C (3260m) Ridge A Altitude 3000 – 4000 m Mean temperature <-50℃ Lowest temperature -80℃ Clear sky always Weak wind summer winter 2013 day# Kulesa (2013)

6 Concordia station @ Dome C
Visited in Jan. & Feb. 2016 only for summer group summer camp airport runway ASTEP Main building electric power line communication line 80cm optical &IR Antarctic 10-m THz telescope ・diameter ~ 10 m ・weight ~ 100 ton ・freq: 200~1500 GHz ・best resolution: 5” ・field of view: max. 1 deg ・continuum observations spectral line observations

7 Transportation Italian ship, ITALICA plane Australian station plane
Dome C Australian station plane 130 m x 17.3 m GT ton 60 people max. USA sta. snow tractor Italian sta. USA’s plane Italian ship plane Navigation:   Christ. → Italian sta. at least 7 days (vomited/spewed 4 times!) French sta. people researchers Heavy goods ship thick ice in the sea near the station → a helicopter Christchurch (NZ) Hobart (Austra.) Japan

8 Italian station on the coast → Concordia station at Dome C
transfer station refueling a runway oil drums a bulldozer no building no ground staff a copilot 3.5 hrs captain→ flight attendant (woman)  Italian station on the coast Douglas DC-3 a best‐selling plane before the world war II ! The above plane was made after the war. 30 min Twin Otter Temperature ~ -2℃ ! (outside) ~ +20℃ ! (inside)

9 Concordia station @ Dome C
(inside) +20~24℃ 2016 Jan.-Feb. Temper. (outside) -28℃~-45℃ short-sleeved! offices→ recreation room ←dining room bed rooms→ (16) ←warehouse ↓power generator entrance 250 ton /building Extremely dry Often drinking water

10 Used water is recycled. → a shower every day! laundry anytime! although drinking water is made from snow.

11 A weather tower Height ~ 40m a year electric power line
communication line

12 Small telescopes 80cm optical & IR Observing room ←empty
2m submm telescope

13 construction machinery
Construction period in summer 70 days construction machinery 130 ton crane Vehicle for work at height of 15m 4.6 ton crane ケースーボーラPB300(snow clearing)

14 Snow base for the antenna
Main buildings ~100 ton 250 ton 250 ton ・jack-up system + spacers(<1mm) ・measuring the inclination ・feed-back the inclination by software ・height of the antenna base ~2m ・surrounding by insulating material ・dig snow by 3m ・leveling of ground ・covering with snow ・hardly pack the snow ・repeat the process for 3 or 4 years ・use legs having large area

15 Transportation in the inland
ケースボーラーPB300 CAT tractor Remove snow Construct a road pulling power 60 ton sleighs

16 A jumbo jet C17 Australian air force 4.5 hours Hobart (Australia)
Farewell party Dome C → DC 3 → Austr. station on the coast A jumbo jet C17 Australian air force 4.5 hours Hobart (Australia)

17 Time Schedule of Construction
Fiscal year of Japan (April – March) 20 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 Negotiating with government (construction budget) (operation budget) Request con. budget to government Start construction Antenna: Tower: Construc. in Japan Test in Japan To Ant. Construc. at CCS. Evaluation & test observations * Antenna Base: Construc. in Japan To Ant. Construc. at CCS. (Observ. Building:) Construc. at CCS. Receivers/ cameras: making/test in Japan To Ant. Set at CCS To Ant. Set at CCS (*Antenna company is decided by competition) Request oper. budget

18 Summary Operation of the Concordia station is very good.
Construction machinery is satisfied. -130 ton crane, vehicle for work at height of 15m The construction period is limited to be 70 days in summer. Components of the antenna can be transported. Technique to construct the snow base is fine. Speed of satellite communication (Iridium, Inmarsat) is 512 k Bit/s which may not be enough. Japan side may add a line. It would be possible to construct the 10-m THz telescope at the station, although detail consideration is required. Life at the station is comfortable, especially in water supply.

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