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Communication Skills i

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Skills i"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Skills i
March 12, 2015

2 Today - More podcast information - Practice Presentation (speaking with key points)

3 Podcast Task Things you need to decide:
A name for your podcast (somehow related to your theme).  i.e., Dinosaur theme: “Jurrassic-Cast” “Dino Chat” A few topics that you want to talk about in your podcast episodes (one topic/episode).  Brainstorm some ideas with your partner

4 Podcast Task In the first episode:
- After you introduce your podcast and the hosts (yourselves)… …give a brief explanation of your podcast (what it’s about and what some future topics may be). - State what this episode’s topic will be.

5 Podcast Task To prepare: - Decide the topic for Episode 1.
- Do some research on your topic. Find some interesting points you would like to discuss with your partner and share with your listeners. - Make some notes about your points. - Keep in mind: 15 minute maximum time.

6 Podcast Task To prepare: - Compare notes with your partner.
Decide which points you will discuss in the episode. Make some notes of what you want to say BUT DO NOT write a script!!

7 Podcast Task To prepare: Do a rehearsal with your partner so you can:
- Know the length of your episode (too long? too short?) - Know how you will discuss the topic. - Avoid misunderstandings and other problems.

8 Podcast Notes Some things to include: - Some background information on the topic. - Questions to ask your partner. - Interesting facts about your topic. - Current research/information of your topic. - Comments or opinions about some points.

9 Example Podcast Title: Stuff You Missed in History Class Theme: History This episode’s topic: Yi Sun Shin

10 Podcast Example Host interaction i.e., ) one host states information other host comments “turn taking” one host gives information other host provides more information Adding information Asking questions to each other. State opinion and discuss/argue

11 Podcast Format Welcome listeners.
Introduce the podcast (names of podcast and hosts). State the topic of the podcast. Give a short outline of the episode. Discussion (this is the main part of each podcast). Closing (thank the listeners).

12 Welcome listeners “Hello, and welcome everyone.” “Thank you for listening today.” “Hello everyone , welcome to…” “Welcome everyone, you are listening to…”

13 Introduce podcast “Welcome everyone, you are listening to Engli-Ed, we’re the hosts Bob Barker and Drew Carey. Thank you for finding us.” “Hello, and welcome everyone. I’m Bob Barker, and this is Drew Carey. Thank you for listening to our podcast, Engli-Ed.”

14 State podcast’s topic “Our topic for today is…” “Today, we’ll be talking about…” “In today’s episode, we’ll be looking at…” “In this episode, we’re going to talk about English education in South Korea.”

15 Give a short outline “First, we’ll look at _____, then move on to _____. We will finish with ________.” “We’ll begin by discussing ______, then turn to ______. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a look at _________.” “Today, we’re going to start by talking about the history of English education in South Korea. Next, we’ll look at current trends in Korean English education, and finally, we’ll discuss future predictions for English education in Korea.”

16 Closing “Well, that’s the end of today’s episode. Thank you for listening, and we hope to see you next time.” “That’s all we have for today. Please tune in next time. Thank you.” “That’s it for this episode. Have a nice day, everyone.”

17 Podcast Episode 1 Due Monday after next (03/23) 11:59 pm Upload instructions will be available on the website.


19 Presentation Tip BEFORE you state your name, BEFORE you state the presentation’s topic… Open with a “hook” (an attention-grabbing introduction).

20 Introduction Structure
The Introduction is divided into several parts: - Greeting - Hook - Statement of topic (& outline)

21 Introduction - Greeting
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m very pleased to be here today.” “Thank you everyone for coming today.” “Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us for this presentation.” “Hey guys. Thanks for coming.” X

22 Introduction - Hook Something to “grab” the audience’s attention. IMPORTANT: Keep it simple! Possibilities: - Start with a rhetorical question. - Start with a quotation. - Start with a short anecdote/story. - Start with an interesting fact.

23 Introduction - Hook “Is volunteering abroad something for you?”
“Abraham Lincoln once said ‘Whatever you are, be a good one.’” “Three years ago, a regular high school student in Daegu decided to do something different and started taking pilot lessons…” “More people are scared of public speaking than are scared of death.”

24 Introduction – Names & Statement of topic
Clearly state what the presentation is about: “I’m ______. Today, I’ll be talking to you about cake.” “My name is ______ and I’m here to talk to you about cake.” “I’m _____, and this is ______. We’re going to review Hansot 도시락 for you today.”

25 Introduction – Outline
Give the audience a brief outline of what points you will be covering. i.e., “My name is ______ and I’m here to talk to you about cake.” First, I will cover the health benefits of cake, then I’ll move on to discuss the latest cake trends and I will finish with the future of cake.

26 Conclusion – Closing Comment
Thank the audience for attending your presentation. “Thank you for once again for coming today.” “We greatly appreciate your attention. Thank you.” “Thank you, everyone, for attending this presentation.” “Thanks for attention.” “Thanks for listening.” X

27 Practice Presentation
Remember: - Maintain Contact with the audience. - Shift attention between sections of the audience. - DO NOT just read the script.  COMMUNICATE with the audience. - DO NOT hold script with 2 hands.


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