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Demographic Challenges and the Labour Market

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1 Demographic Challenges and the Labour Market
Baltic Sea Labour Forum ROUND TABLE Dr. Ann Zimmermann Population Europe, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Berlin, 15. June 2017

2 Partners of Population Europe

3 The Baltic Sea States Project
On the edge of societies: New vulnerable populations, emerging challenges for social policies and future demands for social innovation. The experience of the Baltic Sea States The aim is to better understand the current situation and the long-term trends of social vulnerability in different welfare state regimes and under various political and historical settings in the Baltic Sea States on different levels. For example: Working Life (reconciliation of work and family/care, “employability”, role of education and health, consequences of work-exit and retirement arrangements)

4 Demographic Change Population ageing Changing family formations

5 Projected old-age dependency ratio
(per 100 persons) Source: Eurostat - Population projections EUROPOP2013

6 Population ageing and the labour market
Labour supply Labour productivity Labour demand

7 Demographic challenge – demographic solution?
For the next four decades neither an increase in birth rates, nor increased immigration alone can substantially compensate for the effects of demographic change. Increase of labour force participation: better usage of the potentials we have (esp. older worker, women) Increase of productivity: investment in human capital by improving and maintaining cognitive abilities throughout the life course The economic burden of population ageing is not a demographic destiny, but depends on the productivity of tomorrow’s workforce.

8 Labour force participation rate of older age groups, 2015 (% in same age group)

9 Overall Active Ageing Index, 2014 (March 2015)

10 Labour force participation by gender, 2015 (15-64)

11 Compensating for an ageing labour force
Longer working lives Lifelong learning Reconciliation policies More flexibility over the life course An age-integrated life course approach with parallel strands of family, work, education and training, as well as leisure and community activities

12 Relevant Population Europe publications available on www
Relevant Population Europe publications available on Discussion Papers Demographic Change on the Political Agenda of the European Commission (2015) Social Vulnerability as an Analytical Perspective (2017) Family Diversity and its Challenges for Policy Makers in Europe (2017) Greenbook Ageing Society (2017) Policy Briefs Europe's Citizens Should Have a Choice (2011) Mission Not Accomplished? (2011) Population on the Move (2012) Riding the Population Wave (2012) Who Pays for Demographic Change? (2015)

13 Thank you!

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