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Core Data Set N YP community dataset

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1 Core Data Set N YP community dataset
February 2017

2 Overview CDS-N to be implemented on 1st April 2017 for new and existing clients regardless of age. New clients – immediately implement CDS-N from 1st April 2017. Existing clients – use new outcome form at next review and, where applicable, implement new sub-interventions and Client Information Review (CIR). Stakeholder Consultation 25th Jul to 2nd Sep 2016. First CDS-N submission will be in early May and contain NDTMS data from 1st April 2017. The first reports to contain the new CDS-N data items will be in Quarter 1, 2017/18. NDTMS CDS N

3 Removed reference data items
Removed data items Primary Care Trust of residence GP practice code Referred to hepatology (local field) Injected in last 28 days (local field) Ever shared (local field) Previously Hep B infected (local field) Hep C positive (local field) Are any of your children/the children living with you YP has identified mental health problem Removed reference data items Referral source - DIP - Probation NDTMS CDS N

4 Additional data items at episode level
Does the client have a mental health treatment need? Is the client receiving treatment for their mental health need(s)? Are the client’s children (biological, step, foster, adoptive, guardian) or any of the children living with the client receiving early help or are they in contact with children’s social care? NDTMS CDS N

5 Does the client have a mental health treatment need?
Episode level field. Applicable to adult drug, adult alcohol and YP datasets. Field heading – ‘MTHTN’. Permissible responses: Code Text 1 Yes 2 No Does the client have a mental health treatment need? Mental health treatment need includes:  common mental illness (eg anxiety, depression) either current diagnosis or currently experiencing symptoms/ behaviours consistent with (where the symptoms are not considered to be simply due to acute psychoactive effects of substances consumed or due to current withdrawals)  serious mental illness (eg psychosis, schizophrenia, personality disorder) – either current diagnosis, or currently experiencing symptoms/ behaviour consistent with  mental health crisis (person is currently suicidal or indicating a risk of harm to self or others, history of self-harm/suicide attempts/harm to others) This is determined by either the client’s self-report or by formal assessment. NDTMS CDS N

6 Is the client receiving treatment for their mental health need(s)?
Episode level field. Applicable to adult drug, adult alcohol and YP datasets. Field heading – ‘CRTMHN’. Permissible responses: Code Text 1 Already engaged with the community mental health team/ Other mental health services 2 Engaged with IAPT 3 Receiving mental health treatment from GP 4 Receiving any NICE-recommended psychosocial or pharmacological intervention provided for the treatment of a mental health problem in drug or alcohol services 5 Has an identified space in a health-based place of safety for mental health crises 6 Treatment need identified but no treatment being received Engaged with IAPT - IAPT: Improved Access to Psychological Therapy. Already engaged with the community mental health team/ other mental health services - To include secondary mental health services (CMHT, Inpatient mental health services) or other mental health service (eg other talking therapies delivered in third or private sector) Engaged with IAPT - IAPT: Improved Access to Physiological Therapy. To include IAPT or other primary care based mental health service. Receiving mental health treatment from GP - To include any pharmacological treatment for mental health condition received from GP. Receiving any NICE-recommended psychosocial or pharmacological intervention provided for the treatment of a mental health problem - This could include pharmacological interventions delivered by alcohol/drug services for the mental health problem, or  existing psychosocial interventions and recovery support interventions: Existing psychosocial sub- intervention “Evidence-based psychological interventions for co-existing mental health problems” Existing recovery support sub-intervention “Evidence-based mental health focused psychosocial interventions to support continued recovery” NB this as currently defined should follow completion of structured substance misuse treatment. Has an identified space in a health-based place of safety for mental health crises - Awaiting NHSE publication of their evidence based treatment pathway for 24/7 community MH crisis response for further definition. NDTMS CDS N

7 Are the client’s children (biological, step, foster, adoptive, guardian) or any of the children living with the client receiving early help or are they in contact with children’s social care? Episode level field. Applicable to adult drug, adult alcohol, YP, adult and YP secure setting datasets. Field heading – ‘EHCSC’. Permissible responses: Code Text 1 Early Help 2 Child in need 3 Has a child protection plan 4 Looked after child 5 No Early Help - Early Help - the needs of the child and family have been assessed and they are receiving targeted early help services as defined by Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 (HM Govt.). Child in need - Child in need – the needs of the child and family have been assessed by a social worker and services are being provided by the local authority under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989. Has a child protection plan - Has a child protection plan - social worker has led enquiries under Section 47 of the Children Act A child protection conference has determined that the child remains at continuing risk of ‘significant harm’ and a multi-agency child protection plan has been formulated to protect the child. Looked after child - Looked after child - arrangements for the child have been determined following statutory intervention and care proceedings under the Children Act Looked after children may be placed with parents, foster carers (including relatives and friends), in children's homes, in secure accommodation or with prospective adopters. No - Children are not receiving early help nor are they in contact with children’s services. NDTMS CDS N

8 Client Information Review (CIR)
Update at regular intervals throughout the episode if data item responses have changed. Should be completed at least annually but is recommended to be completed following each care plan review and any information updates reported to NDTMS. If nothing changes then no CIR required. If only one data item requires changing, just complete a CIR with that data item updated. The child safeguarding questions are particularly important to keep up-to-date as the latest information will be used to inform ministerial reports. NDTMS CDS N

9 Client Information Review (CIR)
Client information review date CIR ID CIR Pregnant CIR Parental status CIR Children living with the client CIR Are the client’s children (biological, step, foster, adoptive, guardian) or children living with the client receiving early help or are they in contact with children’s social care? CIR Does the client have a mental health treatment need? CIR Is the client currently receiving treatment for their mental health need(s)? CIR Hep B intervention status CIR Hep C intervention status NDTMS CDS N

10 New reference data items
Hep B intervention status Offered and accepted but refused at a later date Deferred due to clinical reasons Hep C intervention status Referral source Self- referred via health professional Pupil referral unit NDTMS CDS N

11 Young Person Outcome Records
YPOR introduced in secure settings Additional data items at YPOR level Unsuitable housing – Yes, No or NA Injected in the past 28 days/ 28 days prior to custody – Yes, No or NA Note: If yes to ‘ever injected’, have you injected a substance in the past 28 days/28 days prior to custody? Note: existing field but header has been amended in the CSV submission file. Unsuitable housing - Has the client been in unsuitable housing in the previous 28 days? Unsuitable housing can be a housing situation that is likely to have a negative impact on health and wellbeing and / or on the likelihood of achieving recovery. NDTMS CDS N

12 Outcome records in secure settings
YP Secure Setting Complete a Reception YPOR within 2 weeks of the initial reception date. For clients that have been discharged from a Secure Setting as ‘transferred – not in custody’ (community provider has been contacted by the secure setting and is expected to continue the client’s journey)- Community provider Complete a Post Release YPOR within 28 to 56 days following transfer from Secure Setting to cover 28 days post release. NDTMS CDS N

13 Outcomes records Outcomes will be measured between entry to prison (‘reception TOP/YPOR’) and when the client is released in to the community (‘post release TOP/YPOR’). The ‘reception TOP/YPOR’ will provide a baseline record of behaviour in the 28 days leading up to the custodial stay and commencement of a new prison treatment journey. NDTMS CDS N

14 Reception TOP / YPOR TOP applies to adults secure settings and YPOR to YP secure settings, regardless of the age of the client at the time of reception who are receiving structured substance misuse treatment. Expected to be complete within 2 weeks of ‘Initial Reception’. Ideally complete when the individual is being assessed for their treatment need. The timeframe (known as the recall period) of the TOP/YPOR questions should cover the 28 days immediately prior to reception. NDTMS CDS N

15 Post-release TOP / YPOR
Following release from custody, a ‘post release TOP/YPOR’ is expected to be completed by community providers, where the client has been transferred to and engaged with structured treatment and / or taken onto a CJIT caseload. Community providers ‘post release TOP/YPOR’ should be complete at least 28 days after the client leaves custody (and within 56 days of release). To support this, please ensure that the ‘Prison Exit Date’ is shared with the community provider. NDTMS CDS N

16 Care co-ordination To ensure compliance levels are sufficiently high to robustly report on prison outcomes, it is vital that key NDTMS data items are accurately handed over to community providers who are continuing care for recently released prisoners. In order to do so, there needs to be a strong link between the prisons and community services. NDTMS CDS N

17 Care co-ordination Matching from Prison NDTMS to Community NDTMS / CJIT is based on the prison data items…Discharge Reason of ‘Transferred – not in custody’ and Prison Exit Reason of ‘Released’. Key fields as reported on your NDTMS reporting database (DET): initials / dob / sex / prison exit date It may be best to share this information via release plans. NDTMS CDS N

18 Documentation Reference data Business definitions
Technical definitions Lists all NDTMS data items and all possible answers Describes all items in dataset Guidance to IT managers NDTMS CDS N

19 Any Questions? If you have any questions, please contact your local NDTMS team, the contact details of which are on next slide. NDTMS CDS N

20 Regional contacts Region Contact Details Yorkshire and the Humber
North East North West West Midlands Eastern (East Midlands and East) South East South West London The NDTMS fair processing notice can be found at: NDTMS CDS N NDTMS CDS N

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