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Poetic Rhythms The Tercet.

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1 Poetic Rhythms The Tercet

2 Unaccented/Accented Pattern
The Tercet comes in a rhythm pattern of a tetrameter which can be: An iambic tetrameter An Antiseptic tetrameter Terza Rima

3 Iambic Tetrameter Pattern
U / U / U / U / U represents unstressed syllables, / represents stressed syllables While Tetrameter is typically applied for four lines of poetry, it is also applied to the rhythm of a tercet (three line poetry)

4 Anapestic Tetrameter Pattern
UU/UU/UU/UU/ U represents unstressed syllables, / represents stressed syllables

5 Terza Rima Terza Rima employs the rhythm of Iambic Pentameter: 10 syllables per line; in a tercet 10 syllables per line, three lines U / U / U / U / U / U represents unstressed syllables, / represents stressed syllables

6 Acquainted With the Night by Robert Frost
I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain—and back in rain. I have outwalked the furthest city light.

7 Blue by Tim Hessen I ate the angry bird, beautiful, blue. Fat squeal am I; green it seems, I love eggs. But now I eat birds small, blue yummy too!

8 Tim Hessen Mrs. Patterson PD 1 APEngLIT 10 March 2011 "Tercet
Tim Hessen Mrs. Patterson PD 1 APEngLIT 10 March 2011 "Tercet." The Online Writing Lab at Purdue (OWL). Purdue, Web. 10 Mar <

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