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Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Doped Helium Nanodroplets

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Presentation on theme: "Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Doped Helium Nanodroplets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Doped Helium Nanodroplets
Evgeniy Loginov Marcel Drabbels Talk MG10 65th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, Ohio June 21, 2010

2 Experimental Setup

3 Photoionization Scheme
Aniline Gas Phase Photoelectron Image Ionization Scheme e- S0 S1 IP ħω1 Photoelectron Spectrum Probability

4 Photoionization of Doped Droplets
Å Å Loginov E.,Rossi D., Drabbels M.: PRL (2005)

5 The Shape of Photoelectron Peak
Å Field strength 30 V/cm τ ≈ 100 ns n ≈ 50 re ≈ 250 nm

6 Shift of Ionization Potential
1/R - prefactor values: experiment: ± 350 cm-1/Å theory: cm-1/Å IP∞ shifts: experiment: -904 ± 3 cm-1 theory: -993 cm-1 Loginov E.,Rossi D., Drabbels M.: PRL (2005)

7 Two-color Photoionization

8 Relaxation of photoelectron kinetic energy
Å [Å]

9 Two-color Photoionization 2

10 Modeling the Relaxation of Kinetic Energy:

11 Photoionization of Na-HeN
Field strength 5 V/cm τ ≈ 1 µs n ≈ 100 re ≈ 500 nm

12 Droplet Size Effects in Photoionization of Na-HeN

13 Conclusion Photoelectrons do escape from the helium droplet
Ionization threshold is red-shifted and broadened compared to the gas phase. The shift can be explained within simple polarizable continuum model. The evidence of photoelectron kinetic energy relaxation is obtained. Simple modeling showed that the elastic scattering of photoelectrons on helium atoms cannot explain it. Photoionization of surface-doped helium droplets shows red-shift in the ionization potential. Long living Rydberg states with n≈100 of doped helium droplets have been detected.

14 Acknowledgements MER, Dr. Marcel Drabbels Professor Tom Rizzo
MER, Dr. Oleg Boiarkine Dr. Andreas Braun Past and present members of LCPM group

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