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Periodic Table of the Elements

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1 Periodic Table of the Elements


3 helium carbon nitrogen sodium silver oxygen mercury neodymium chlorine
gold mercury oxygen hydrogen helium sodium niobium neodymium carbon

4 Elements Science has come a long way since Aristotle’s theory of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. Scientists have identified 90 naturally occurring elements, and created about 28 others in a laboratory.

5 Elements During the Bronze Age copper, arsenic and gold gained widespread use and were isolated as elements due to their value.

6 Elements In 1766 Henry Cavendish discovered the air, or atmosphere, contained more than one element. This was the first discovery that there were separate gas elements.

7 Elements By the start of the 19th century, more than 50 elements were known by scientists.

8 Elements In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev published the first periodic table of elements. Mendeleev’s periodic table contained 63 known elements.


10 Elements The elements, alone or in combinations, make up our bodies, our world, our sun, and in fact, the entire universe. Elements are the building blocks of matter.

11 Meet the Elements 1. Iron: Fe 2. Oxygen: O 3. Carbon: C
4. Sand: Si + O 5. Neon: Ne 6. Glass and Concrete: Si + O 7. Sugar: C + H + O

12 Meet the Elements 8. Aluminum: Al 9. Mercury: Hg 10. Helium: He
11. Gold: Au 12. Salt: Na + Cl 13. Silver: Ag 14. Chalk: Ca + S + O 15. Tungsten: W

13 Why is it called the Periodic Table?
It is called "periodic" because elements are lined up in cycles or periods. Each horizontal row in the table is a period. The first one is short and only has 2 elements, Hydrogen and Helium. The sixth period has 32 elements.

14 What’s in a square? Different periodic tables can include various bits of information, but usually: atomic number symbol atomic mass state of matter at room temperature.


16 Color Your Periodic Table
Choose 3 colored pencils Use p in your book to color your periodic table Use one color for metals, one for nonmetals, and one for metalloids Include a color key

17 It’s Elementary, My Dear Watson
1. It is matter made of one kind of atom. 2. They are all the same. 3. The oxygen atoms are different from hydrogen atoms. 4. In nature or in laboratories 5. It’s a chart used to classify all of the elements. 6. About It makes scientific studies more organized and easier to understand. 8. The same symbols are always used to designate the same elements and the organization of the table is always the same.

18 What’s in a Name: Answers p.2
1. Scientists speak many different languages so they needed to develop a system that would allow them to communicate. 2. Greek and Latin 3. a. Einsteinium b. Fermium c. Curium d. Lawrencium 4. states, countries, cities, mythology, planets 5. 1st letter capitalized, 2nd letter lower case 6. No, there are some with 3 letters ( ) 7. Answers vary

19 What’s in a Name: Answers p. 3
Part 1: Hydrogen Helium Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Magnesium Aluminum Chlorine Calcium Zinc Part 2: Ne Na Si P S K Fe Cu Ag Au

20 What’s in a Name: Answers p. 4
Part 3: Gold Iron Lead Silver Sodium Part 4: 95 97 98 99 63 32 103 101 93 102

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