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not a passive event, get up an move around

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2 not a passive event, get up an move around
Aims of the learning event IMPROVEMENT Using Plan, Do, Study, Act NETWORKING and SHARING FUN MOVEMENT not a passive event, get up an move around RISK BENEFIT being less risk adverse

3 What a fantastic lady, now I am not giving any guarantees that through CAPA we will get you to 104 but we should be able to encourage more movement.

4 Physical activity and the health and social care sector in Scotland

5 Physical activity includes:
Dance Everyday tasks Gardening Moving while sitting Walking

6 Wellbeing and feeling good!
Physical Disease prevention and management Maintenance of independence and mobility Improvement appetite Improved quantity and quality of sleep Positive Words Energy Vitality Capacity Reserve Wellbeing and feeling good!

7 Psychological Wellbeing and feeling good
Mood, stress, anxiety and depression Physical activity burns up adrenaline (stress/frustration) and produces endorphins (happy) Positive associations and actions Improving self esteem and self efficacy Contributing to life Staying in touch with others

8 What is good for the heart is good for the brain!
Cognitive Enhancement of brain growth Activation of attention (alertness) and memory Increase/improve neuronal connections Increased blood flow (oxygen and glucose to the brain) Music has a key role to play What is good for the heart is good for the brain!

9 ‘Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting’

10 Life curve Piece of research from Newcastle University – There are 15 steps on this road of decline.

11 Moving regularly and frequently
Moving More Often Moving regularly and frequently Starting from where you are Meeting the physical activity guidelines

12 CAPA Resource 2014: “To support those who work in the care sector to make physical activity part of every resident’s daily life.” Evaluation showed clearly that tailored support would be effective. CAPA Project 2017: Extended reach from care homes to day services, care at home and sheltered housing.

13 Values: You and the people you care for are the experts. You are already successful, already doing this, we are here to assist with improvement, where you identify it’s needed. Mutual learning process – constructive, positive and supportive. We will all be respectful, trusting and compassionate. It’s all about learning and improving – and not being afraid to suggest something or say we don’t know or understand.

14 Whole setting approach
Successful, effective and sustainable improvements .. are based upon a “whole setting” or “whole systems” approach (CAPA Resource 2014) “Health is created and lived by people within the settings of their everyday life: where they learn, work, play and love” (Ottawa Charter 1986)

15 Whole setting approach

16 Make Every Move Count Designed to make something small but important happen on a regular basis Ideas to enable the person to have a voice and make a choice Increase opportunities that are: built into every moment, every day realistic and achievable placing each individual at the heart of the process

17 5 Key Messages The voice and choice of the person
Get to know me, what motivates me, supporting me to move with purpose Support me to move safely with confidence to move more often and be more active every day to move regularly and frequently to move giving purpose and meaning to my day

18 Our vision Older people in Scotland will….
Have a voice and make a choice and be at the heart of the process Be socially connected and take part in the life of their community Have every opportunity to be active and involved – every day Have purpose and meaning added to their lives, making every day special.

19 Improvement approach Getting even better at what we do

20 As a nation, we are all interested in improvement ………… what we do ………
As a nation, we are all interested in improvement ………… what we do ………. how we do it ………… and how we can get better It’s not rocket science!

21 Improvement is best judged from the viewpoint of those affected!

22 What made you laugh? Who matters most? What’s your dream? What’s your story? What matters most? What are you afraid of?

23 Putting the theory into practice – it works!
Number of falls resulting in injury in care homes who took a proactive approach to improvement Collaborative started here

24 What evidence will we look for?


26 How do we measure change?
Evaluation: an evaluation identifies any changes which have occurred It assesses the level of change of a programme

27 How do you measure change?

28 Baseline data Information collected at the start of a project.
Gives us: numbers to show where we’re at now stories, opinions, thoughts and feelings to show where we’re at now

29 UK Active Resident Questionnaire
Before you try out your improvement work/change Where possible ask the resident to complete the Resident Questionnaire (with support if requred) Baseline, 6 weeks, 20 weeks

30 UK Active - Physical measures
Grip strength using handgrip Balance using Berg Balance scale Lower limb strength using sit to stand test 4. Flexibility using sit and reach test

31 More Data Collection! Opinions, thoughts, feelings
Measured using diaries, stories, questionnaires where you give your opinion Diaries will be key to tracking progress of improvement

32 Life cycle of data CAPA team distributes data collection resources
Data collected is sent to UK Active for All data collected remains strictly confidential and anonymous UK Active is responsible for evaluating the CAPA project

33 What is a risk? Did you take any risks getting here today?

34 Definition of risk The possibility that an event will occur with harmful outcomes for a person or others with whom they come in contact.



37 Positive risk taking Positive risk taking is NOT negligent ignorance of the potential risks…It should be a carefully thought-out strategy for managing a specific set of circumstances. (Morgan, 2004)

38 Good Quality of Care Good Quality of Life


40 Further reading Mental Welfare Commission (2013) Rights, Risks and Limits to Freedom DoH (2010) Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Risk guidance for people with dementia Paths for All (2009) Physical Activity and Older People Mental Welfare Commission (2007) Safe to Wander

41 Action planning and consolidating improvement plans

42 Fill out your ‘Plan’ sections
Do Study Act Fill out your ‘Plan’ sections

43 Useful questions What difference will this make to the person experiencing care? What might hold you back? How will you get past this challenge? (swap over)

44 National Conference September 2018

45 Next Steps Action section Support from advisors Tailored support –
, team meetings, one to one Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle Keep evidence – photos, videos, stories Remain in contact


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