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Advisor: Chin-Chen Chang Student: Thai-Son Nguyen
Reversible Information Hiding Techniques and Their Applications in Image Protection Advisor: Chin-Chen Chang Student: Thai-Son Nguyen Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, FengChia University June 29, 2015
Outline Introduction Reversible Data Hiding Schemes in spatial domain
Scheme 1: A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Scheme 2: An Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection Reversible Data Hiding Schemes in compressed domain Scheme 3: Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis Scheme 4: Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC Applications of reversible data hiding Scheme 5 Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images Scheme 6: A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases Conclusions and future works This is the outline of presentation. First, I will introduce about the motivation and objective of this study. Then, six RDH schemes have been presented. Finally, Some conclusions are drawn.
Encryption: Meaningless Information Hiding: Hide the secret data into a cover data (meaningful). Irreversible data hiding Reversible data hiding Three domains: spatial domain, compression domain, frequency domain Basic requirements: visual quality, hiding capacity, reversibility, compression rate, robustness Cover data: images, videos, audios, written texts, database Let start from the motivation: Nowadays, a huge amount of digital data is transmitted and store in the network, such as Internet each second. Such data are easily modified and illegal copied by attacker or unauthorized users. To solve this shortcoming, several solutions have been proposed, and they can be classified into two categories Encryption and Information hiding Encryption transforms the secret data to meaningless form to ensure its security. However, using meaningless form, it may raise suspicion of malicious attackers In contrast, Information hiding hides the secret data into a cover data, meaningful form. Information hiding is also divided into two types, irreversible and reversible data hiding Irreversible: can obtain high embedding capacity but it will distort the cover image permanently after the secret data is extracted. Due to the importance of the restoration of the cover images in some special fields, i.e., medical images and military images. Therefore, reversible data hiding is the promising solution in this case because it allows the image can recover to its original version. So in this study, we try to propose some new RDH schemes They are performed in the spatial domain and compressed domain To meet the basic requirements as image quality, hiding capacity compression rate. Here, the robustness is evaluated when we apply RDH scheme to protect the ownership of database The cover data used in this study are images and database.
Introduction-Research Objectives
To propose two RDH schemes in spatial domain with the high embedding capacity while maintaining the good image quality. To provide two RDH schemes in compressed domain, to improve further embedding capacity, compression rate, as well as embedding efficiency. To apply RDH for image authentication with high accuracy of tamper detection and high quality. To develop a reversible watermarking for relational database to protect them from illegal copying and manipulation by malicious attackers.
Scheme 1: A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Here we begin with the scheme 1: RDH based on histogram modification and optimal EMD
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Embedding phase First the original image is divided into two sub-images A and B, Then the LSB of B and the secret message are used to construct the optimal EMD table And that table is used to embed the secret message into the sub-image A to get the stego-image
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Embedding phase - Generation of Optimal EMD Table Divide the secret data into into sequence S = {s1, s2,… , s|R|/3}, si is 3 bits Histogram of sequences S Sorted histogram of sequences S The question is how we construct the optimal EMD table? Here, the secret data is divided into the sequence S of three bits. Then, the histogram of S is generated and it is sorted to obtain the sorted histogram like this one The optimal EMD table is constructed according to this guidance EX: based on this histogram the optimal EMD is obtained as this one According to this table, we can embed 3 bits each time With minimum embedding distortion Embed three bits each time Minimum embedding distortion Optimal EMD table
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Embedding phase –Block classification Compute complexity The sub-image A is partitioned into block sized of 3x3 Here, the center pixel is defined as pivot pixel. Then, the complexity of the current block is calculated based on its pivot pixel and the eight reference pivot pixels If NV < T, smooth block. Otherwise, complex block
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Embedding phase – Embedding procedure 150 151 149 152 -2 -3 152 1 2 Peak = 0 T= 15 NV = 10 Secret data = Original block -3 -4 152 2 3 149 150 148 152 1 Stego block Optimal EMD table
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Extracting phase 149 150 148 152 T = 15 -2 -3 152 1 2 Peak = 0 Stego block Optimal EMD -3 -4 152 2 3 150 151 149 152 Secret data = 001 011 1 [Peak -1, Peak +1] Original block
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Experimental results Here comes the experimental results of the first scheme. We compare this scheme to four previous schemes. And as seen that the proposed scheme achieves the higher quality of stego images and embedding capacity for different images Lena Boat [8] X. Li, B. Yang, and T. Zeng, “Efficient reversible watermarking based on adaptive prediction-error expansion and pixel selection,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 20, no. 12, pp , Dec [12] X. Li, B. Li, B. Yang, and T. Zeng, “General framework to histogram-shifting-based reversible data hiding,” IEEE Trans. on Image Process., vol. 22, no. 6, pp , Jun [19] W. Hong, “Adaptive reversible data hiding method based on error energy control and histogram shifting,” Opt. Commun., vol. 285, no. 2, pp , 2012. [20] V. Sachnev, H. J. Kim, J. Nam, S. Suresh, and Y.Q. Shi, “Reversible watermarking algorithm using sorting and prediction,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 19, no. 7, pp , Jul
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Experimental results Baboon Peppers
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Experimental results Table 2.1 Comparison of PSNR (dB) between the proposed scheme four previous schemes [8, 12, 19, 20] for EC of 10,000 bits Images Sachnev et al. [20] Li et al. [8] Hong et al. [19] Li et al. [12] Proposed Lena 58.18 58.12 58.64 59.37 F16 60.38 60.74 61.72 62.65 61.53 Baboon 54.15 54.21 53.29 54.41 55.35 Peppers 55.55 56.06 56.02 56.89 58.71 Sailboat 58.15 57.29 58.27 58.26 Boat 56.15 55.57 56.55 57.16 58.61 Average 57.09 57.14 57.25 58.13 On this table, we compare the image quality of the proposed scheme and four other schemes for EC 10,000 bits
An optimal EMD table is generated for RDH Reversibility
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Difference-Histogram Modification and Optimal EMD Algorithm Summary An optimal EMD table is generated for RDH Reversibility High image quality and high embedding capacity
Scheme 2: An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Here is the scheme 2, we use adaptive rhombus prediction and pixel selection for RDH
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Embedding phase In this scheme, the image is also divided into sub-images A and B The sub-image B is used to solve the overflow/underflow problem While the smooth pixels in the image A is used for embedding data Prediction errors are calculated by adaptive rhombus prediction. Here, the pixels in cross set is predicted by the pixels in the dot set and vice versa. Then, optimal pair of peak and zero points are determined to embed data Rhombus prediction
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Embedding phase- Pixel selection Compute local complexity If LVx < TH, select it for embedding data. In this scheme, the pixel is selected if its complexity is smaller than threshold. And its predicted value is calculated as this formula Then, calculate predicted value
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Embedding phase 250 252 197 190 253 223 185 254 180 255 170 Skip unchanged Prediction errors e = TH = 5
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Embedding phase Peak P Zero Z e= P = 0, Z = 2 W = 0 1 e= 2 1 1
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Embedding phase e= 250 252 197 190 253 223 185 254 180 255 170 254 253 Stego image
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Extracting phase 250 252 197 190 253 223 185 254 180 255 170 250 252 197 190 253 223 185 254 180 255 170 P = 0, Z = 2 Original image W = 0 1
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Optimal pair of peak and zero points Embedding capacity L Two possible cases: 1. F(Pl) L, (Pl, Zl) is the first candidate 2. F(Pr) L, (Pr, Zr) is the second candidate Here, we explain how to select the optimal pair of peak and zero point First, from the value 0 search to left and right hand sides to find two zero points, Zl and Zr There are two possible cases: From the left zero point Zl, search toward to the center to determine the suitable peak point PL such that frequency of Pl is larger than L. and the PL and Zl is the first candidate pair Similarly, from the right zero point, search the suitable peak point Pr, such that frequency of Pr is larger than L. And Pr and Zr is the second candidate. Finally, the optimal one is selected with minimum embedding distortion. 3. Optimal one is selected with the smaller embedding distortion
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Experimental results Here is the result of the scheme 2. On this table the proposed scheme can embed the higher EC with smaller embedding distortion.
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Lena Airplane With the same EC, the image quality of stego images outperform than other four schemes. Baboon Peppers
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Sailboat Boat Here is four schemes are used to compare to our scheme because of their high performance. [12] X. Li, B. Li, B. Yang, and T. Zeng, “General framework to histogram-shifting-based reversible data hiding,” IEEE Trans. on Image Process., vol. 22, no. 6, pp , Jun [13] J. Wang, J. Ni, and Y. Hu, “An efficient reversible data hiding scheme using prediction and optimal side information selection,” J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., vol. 25, pp , 2014. [20] V. Sachnev, H. J. Kim, J. Nam, S. Suresh, and Y.Q. Shi, “Reversible watermarking algorithm using sorting and prediction,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 19, no. 7, pp , Jul [21] L. Luo, Z. Chen, M. Chen, X. Zeng, and Z. Xiong “Reversible image watermarking using interpolation technique,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forens. Secur., vol. 5, no. 1, pp , 2010.
An Efficient RDH Scheme Based on Adaptive Rhombus Prediction and Pixel Selection
Summary Adaptive rhombus prediction and pixel selection techniques are used for RDH Higher performance in terms of image quality and embedding capacity
Scheme 3: Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
Here we describe the scheme 3
Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
In this scheme, the image is encoded by VQ and then is transmitted by SMVQ The question is Why we combine VQ and SMVQ? Look at this table, if we used VQ coding only , the indices were distributed everywhere. But if we used transform the VQ indices to SMVQ algorithm, most of indices are concentrated from 0 to 7. We exploit this property to further compress the image and embed more secret data. Encoding method Frequency of indices Tiffany Goldhill Peppers VQ only Indices [0,7] 0.00% 6.24% 16.84% Indices [8,255] 100.00% 93.76% 83.16% VQ and SMVQ 87.70% 59.72% 77.21% 12.30% 40.28% 22.79%
Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
The number of zero frequency is U = 9 The largest mapping bits Sorted histogram Because most of indices are concentrated in the small value, so we analyze the histogram of indices, to embed more secret data. For EX: the frequency of indices are obtained as this table. Here the number of zero frequency is 9. We used this formula to calculate the largest bits ca be embedded in our scheme. The result is 3, meaning that, we can map at most three bits. And we can determine mapping function by using this formula. For this case, we can embed by mapping two bits once and mapping one bit 6 times. And the mapping table for mapping two bits Several mapping functions can be obtained. .…likes this. And the optimal one with the highest embedding capacity is selected. In this example, mapping function [3, 2, 0] is selected because it can achieve highest EC. By doing so, we can embed higher EC while maintaining low CR as traditional VQ. To make sure the reversibility, the sorted histogram is send to reciever [2 0 1], [0 3 0], [3 2 0], and [6 1 0] [3 2 0] Achieve higher embedding capacity Low compression rate as traditional VQ
Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
Embedding phase S = Transformed index table IT 1 3 2 6 4 5 8 Here, we take an example for embedding process according to mapping table. For this mapping table, we can embed 2 bits for each time the index 0 is encountered. 9 7 8 Stego index table
Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
Experimental results The CR of the proposed scheme is preserved the same as traditional VQ. It is slightly higher than, Chang et al.’s scheme. But Figure 4.11 Compression rate results of our proposed scheme and some previous schemes
Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
Experimental results But when, in terms of EC, the proposed provides the superior performance. Figure 4.12 Embedding rate (ER) results of our proposed scheme and some previous schemes
Reversible Data Hiding for Indices Based on Histogram Analysis
Summary Preserve image quality and compression rate the same as those of traditional VQ. Improve embedding rate of previous schemes further [46] Z. M. Lu, J. X Wang, and B. B. Liu, “An improved lossless data hiding scheme based on image VQ-index residual value coding,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 82, pp , 2009. [47] C. H. Yang and Y. C. Lin, “Reversible data hiding of a VQ index table based on referred counts,” J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., vol. 20, no. 6, pp , Aug [48] J. X. Wang and Z. M. Lu, “A path optional lossless data hiding scheme based on VQ joint neighboring coding”, Information Sciences, vol. 179, pp , 2009. [49] C. F. Lee, H. L. Chen, and S. H. Lai, “An adaptive data hiding scheme with high embedding capacity and visual image quality based on SMVQ prediction through classification codebooks,” Image and Vision Computing, vol. 28, no. 8, pp , 2010. [50]C. C. Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A novel VQ-based reversible data hiding scheme by using hybrid encoding strategies,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 86, pp , 2013. These five schemes are used in comparisons.
Scheme 4: Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC
Here come schemes 4.
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC
Figure 5.2 Distribution of indices by using VQ compression and SOC algorithm SOC is designed for further compressing VQ indices. However, the distribution of VQ indices are not very concentrated. So, the property of SOC can not fully be exploited. It is observed that, if applying SOC for SMVQ the better compression result will be obtained. Because of the concentrated distribution of SMVQ indices. Meaning that the more embedding space is generated for hiding secret data. Figure 5.3 Distribution of indices by using SMVQ compression and SOC algorithm
Figure 5.5 The main processes of the proposed embedding algorithm
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC Here the flowchart of the proposed schemes, five cases are determined for embedding data Figure 5.5 The main processes of the proposed embedding algorithm
Table 5.3 Encoding rule of the proposed scheme
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC Table 5.3 Encoding rule of the proposed scheme Cases Encoding rule Compression code Under-hiding m1 = 5 bits m2 = 3 bits Normal-hiding m1 = 6 bits m2 = 4 bits Over-hiding m1 = 7 bits m2 = 5 bits Case 1 00 00|| m1 secret bits Case 2 01|| SOC-2bit 01||SOC-2bit || m2 secret bits 00||SOC-2bit || m2 secret bits Case 3 10||OIV of P - Case 4 11||indicatori||0||log2(thr) bits of |d| Case 5 11||indicatori||1||log2(thr) bits of |d| They are described in this table The first two cases are used for embedding data. And the last three cased are used for compression. Here, we divide the proposed schemes into four different schemes, The first one is compression scheme. The second is under-hiding, it controls the compression rate smaller than 0.5 The third one is equal to 0.5 The last one is larger than 0.5
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC
4 11 Case 3 Case 4 Case 1 Case 2 SMVQ index table Secret message Threshold thr = 8, m1 = 6, m2 = 4 Here is an example of embedding data of the scheme 4 Code steam CS 10|| 11||00||0||111 00||101110 01||01||1010
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC
Images Parameters Under-hiding Qin et al. [64] Pan et al.[65] Lena EC 43,463 10,292 16,384 CR 0.46 0.40 0.52 EF 36.40% 9.72% 12.02% Airplane 60,488 11,182 0.45 0.39 0.51 51.15% 10.91% 12.25% Tiffany 71,707 11,566 0.44 0.49 62.19% 11.46% 12.76% Peppers 43871 11,295 0.54 36.57% 11.08% 11.57% Sailboat 42042 7,247 0.53 34.63% 6.09% 11.79% Boat 44886 9,301 0.42 37.51% 8.41% Average 51,076 10,147 0.41 43.08% 9.61% 12.10% Here is the result of scheme 4
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC
Images Parameters Normal-hiding Over-hiding Lee et al.[63] Wang et al.[66] Lena EC 56,322 69,181 46,962 46,694 CR 0.50 0.55 0.52 0.49 EF 42.59% 47.67% 34.45% 36.35% Airplane 74,064 87,640 57,933 59,473 0.53 56.18% 60.28% 42.50% 42.81% Tiffany 87,522 103,337 72,177 74,875 0.56 0.51 66.75% 70.33% 53.67% 51.00% Peppers 56470 69,069 45516 49,480 42.60% 47.58% 33.33% 37.75% Sailboat 53,396 64,750 44046 49,152 40.22% 44.93% 32.07% 37.50% Boat 57,578 70,270 39042 48,634 43.51% 48.45% 28.70% 36.38% Average 64,225 77,375 50,946 54,718 48.64% 53.21% 37.45% 40.30%
High EC and high EF while guaranteeing a low CR.
Adaptive Lossless Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme for SMVQ Indices Using SOC Summary High EC and high EF while guaranteeing a low CR. Further improve the performance of four previous schemes [63-66] Here is four schemes are used for comparisons [63] J. D. Lee, Y. H. Chiou, and J. M. Guo, “Lossless data hiding for VQ indices based on neighboring correlation,” Information Sciences, vol. 221, pp , Dec [64] C. Qin, C. C. Chang, Y. P. Ping, “A novel joint data hiding and compression scheme based on SMVQ and image inpainting,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 23, no. 3, pp , Mar [65]Z. B. Pan, X. X. Ma, X. M. Deng, S. Hu, “Low bit-rate information hiding method based on search-order-coding technique,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 86, pp , 2013. [66] L. F. Wang, Z. B. Pan, X. X. Ma, S. Hu, “A novel high-performance reversible data hiding scheme using SMVQ and improved locally adaptive coding method,” J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., vol. 25, pp , 2013.
Scheme 5: A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images
In scheme 5, we apply RDH for image authentication
Figure 6.1 Framework of the proposed authentication scheme
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images The image blocks are classified into the smooth block and the complex blocks Then, the authentication code is generated based on the seed K and embedded into the image with minimum modifications. Figure 6.1 Framework of the proposed authentication scheme
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images
For each image block with the size of 3x3 , its complexity is computed. The authentication code is embedded into the left or the right pixels of the block for verification. Figure 6.2 Example of an image block and its satellite reference pixels
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images
25 24 26 23 22 dL = L- C = 0 dL’ = 2 x = 1 dR’ = 2 x = 2 dR = R - C = 1 Original block 25 24 26 27 23 22 T* = 2 W = 1 0 Here is an example to embed the authentication code into the block. We have the original image block, and the prediction errors of left and right pixels are calculated as 0 and 1 Then according to this formula the authentication code W is embedded. Here T* is equal to 2. then, the new prediction errors are obtained as this ones. And the stego block is obtained. Stego block
Figure 6.6 Image quality of the embedded images of the proposed scheme
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images Image quality of various image under different values of T* Figure 6.6 Image quality of the embedded images of the proposed scheme
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images
(b) T* = 1 (d) T* = 2 (e) T* = 3 For tamper detection test, the image butterfly is added on the wall of the image Lena Figure 6.9 Tampered images “Lena” of the proposed scheme with various values of T*
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images
(a) Refined detected image with T* = 0, NC = (b) Refined detected image with T* = 1, NC = (c) Refined detected image with T* = 2, NC = (d) Refined detected image with T* = 3, NC = Here is the tampered detection results
Authentication code bits per block
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images Table 6.5 Comparison of the proposed scheme and Lo and Hu’s scheme Schemes Block size Authentication code bits per block Average PSNRs Average NC Clear tamper area Lo and Hu 4 × 4 2.76 51.48 dB 0.9106 Yes Proposed 3 × 3 1.35 51.72 dB 0.9429 We compared the proposed scheme to Lo and Hu’s scheme because this scheme obtained the reversibility as the proposed scheme. Here, the proposed scheme can achieved more accuracy of tamper detection although embedding less authentication code. [86] C. C. Lo, Y. C. Hu, “A novel reversible image authentication scheme for digital images,” Signal Process., vol. 98, pp , 2014.
Achieve reversibility.
A Reversible Authentication Scheme for Digital Images with High-Quality Images Summary Obtain high accuracy of tamper detection and preserve high quality of the stego images. Achieve reversibility.
Scheme 6: A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
In the scheme 6, we apply RDH to protect the ownership of relational database
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
Embed Watermark Relational database Several techniques have been proposed to protect the ownership of database. However, most of them are irreversible. We try to design new RDH scheme for relational database with high robustness Irreversible Reversible and more robustness
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
ID A1 A2 A3 A4 PK1 295 52 75 48 PK8 256 94 25 PK13 126 451 455 PK17 55 15 11 512 PK23 452 964 PK30 58 254 54 Database Assume that selected attribute: ATT(PK1) = 2 ATT(PK8) = 1 ATT(PK13) = 4 ATT(PK17) = 1 ATT(PK23) = 3 ATT(PK30) = 3 Get two last digits of each selected attributes Seq = 52, 52, 54, 55, 55, 56 For each tuple, the attribute is selected. For example, the attributes are selected in this database table as Then, two last digits are extracted and sorted. Later on, the mid value is determined. And the different values are computed by using this formula. The different results are obtained. Mid = 54 Diff_Seq [i] =Seq [i] - mid Diff_Seq = -2, -2, 0, 1, 1, 2
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
PP1 PP2 Diff _Seq= -2, -2, 0, 1, 1, 2 ZP1 ZP2 We construct the histogram of different values Two pairs of peak and zero points are determined in the histogram And the watermark is embedded by histogram shifting The values between the peak and zero points, PP1 and ZP1, are shifted toward to left And the values between the peak and zero points, PP2 and ZP2, are shifted toward to right. Different values are obtained as this one PP1 PP2 Diff _Seq= -2, -2, 0, 1, 1, 3 Histogram after shifting
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
Diff _Seq= -2, -2, 0, 1, 1, 3 PP1 PP2 Watermark b = Hide ‘1’ in – 2 – 2 – b = – 2 – 1 = – 3 Hide ‘0’ in – 2 – 2 – b = – 2 – 0 = – 2 Hide ‘1’ in 1 1 + b = = 2 Histogram after shifting Hide ‘0’ in 1 1 + b = = 1 ID A1 A2 A3 A4 PK1 295 51 75 48 PK8 257 94 25 PK13 126 451 456 PK17 55 15 11 512 PK23 452 964 PK30 58 254 54 We can embed the watermark into the different values and the watermarked database is generated. Diff _Seq becomes -3, -2, 0, 2, 1, 3
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
Experimental results Here, the result of the proposed scheme in comparison to two previous schemes. Figure 7.7 Comparison of the results for resilience to an alteration attack by the two proposed schemes and two other schemes
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
Experimental results The proposed scheme provided stronger robustness than other two schemes under different data attacks, such as alternation and deletion Figure 7.8 Comparison of the results for the resilience to the detection attack of the two proposed schemes and two other schemes
A Blind Reversible Robust Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases
Summary Achieves reversibility. Resilient to various attacks. [89] M. Shehab, E. Bertino, and A. Ghafoor, “Watermarking relational databases using optimization-based techniques,” IEEE Trans. Knowledge Data Engineer., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 116, 129, Jan [92] M. E. Farfoura, S. J. Horng, J. L. Lai, R. S. Run, R. J. Chen, and M. K. Khan, “A blind reversible method for watermarking relational databases based on a time-stamping,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, pp , 2012.
Conclusions Six RDH techniques have been proposed in this study with high performances: Reversibility. Good image quality. Higher embedding capacity. Lower compression rate. High accuracy of tampered detection. More robustness.
Future works For the RDH schemes of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, only one bit is embedded into each pixel. Therefore, we try to improve embedding capacity as well as image quality (i.e., larger than 1 bit per pixel and greater than 60 dB). Enhance the performance of my proposed schemes in Chapters 4 and 5, i.e., higher embedding rate (up to 6 bits per index) and lower compression rate (less than 0.4 bit per pixel) while guaranteeing good image quality of reconstructed image (PSNRs > 30dB) . Improve the Scheme 6 in Chapter 7 to achieve more security against some malicious attacks in relational database (e.g. deletion, sorting, modification, addition attacks) Develop RDH schemes in the frequency domain by using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to achieve high robustness. Develop reversible data hiding techniques for encrypted images and high dynamic range (HDR) images. Address data hiding algorithms for 3D images, stereo images, and videos. In the future work, we intend to improve the proposed schemes further in terms of image quality and embedding capacity. We also want to develop RDH scheme in the frequency domains and apply RDH for different cover data, such as encrypted image, 3D image, stereo image and videos.
Publication list International Journal Papers:
1. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices using locally adaptive coding,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI), vol. 22, no. 7, pp , Oct (SCI) 2. W. X. Tian, C. C. Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and M. C. Li, “Reversible data hiding for high quality image exploiting interpolation and direction order mechanism,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 23, no. 2, pp , Mar (SCI) 3. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A novel VQ-based reversible data hiding scheme by using hybrid encoding strategies,” Journal of Systems and Software, (JSS) vol. 86, no. 2, pp , Feb (SCI) 4. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “Distortion-free data hiding for high dynamic range images,” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, (JEST) vol. 11, no. 1, pp , Mar (EI) 5. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “Reversible image hiding for high image quality based on histogram shifting and local complexity,” International Journal of Network and Security (IJNS), vol. 16, no. 3, pp , May 2014 . (EI, Scopus) 6. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A blind reversible robust watermarking scheme for relational databases,” Scientific World Journal (SWJ), volume 2013. (SCI) 7. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A novel compression scheme based on SMVQ and Huffman coding,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 10, no. 3, June 2014. (EI, Scopus) 8. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices based on absolute difference trees,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 7, Jul (SCI) 9. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “Reversible data embedding for indices based on histogram analysis,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI), vol. 25, no. 7, pp , Oct (SCI, EI) This is the results that I worked in three years
Publication list 10. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and T. F. Chung, “A tamper-detection scheme for BTC-compressed images with high-quality images,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 6, Jun (SCI) 11. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and M. C. Lin, “Adaptive lossless data-hiding and compression scheme for SMVQ indices using SOC,” Smart Computing Review, vol. 4, no. 3, Jun 12. W. L. Lyu, C. C. Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “Image watermarking scheme in areas of interest using scale-invariant feature transform,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 10, 2014. (SCI) 13. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A new distortion-free data embedding scheme for high dynamic images,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Available on 28/9/2014 (SCI) 14. C. C. Chang and T. S. Nguyen, “A reversible data hiding scheme for SMVQ indices,” Informatica, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 523–540, 2014. (SCI) 15. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A reversible compression code hiding using SOC and SMVQ indices,” Information Sciences, vol. 300, pp , (SCI) International Conference Papers 16. C. C. Chang, Y. J. Liu, and T. S. Nguyen, “A novel turtle shell based scheme for data hiding,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP14),Kitakyushu, Japan (EI) (Best paper award). 17. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A virtual primary key for reversible watermarking textual relational databases,” Proceedings of The International Computer Symposium 2014, Dec., 2014, Taichung, Taiwan, pp 18. C. C. Chang, Y. J. Liu, and T. S. Nguyen, “Hiding secret information in block truncation code using dynamic programming strategy,” 6th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2014), Beijing, China, 2014/10/ (Best paper award). 19. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A blind robust reversible watermark scheme for textual relational databases with virtual primary key,” 13th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2014), October 1-4, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
Publication list Submitted Papers
20. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “New compression algorithms based on SOC and SMVQ,” submitted to Informatica (Submitted 2014/12/25) (SCI / EI, Impact Factor: 0.901) (Reviewing). 21. C. C. Chang and T. S. Nguyen, “A reversible data hiding scheme based on the Sudoku technique,” submitted to Displays (Submitted: 2013/01/27) (SCI / EI, Impact Factor: 1.390) (Reviewing). 22. C. C. Chang and T. S. Nguyen, “A reversible data hiding scheme for image interpolation based on reference matrix,” submitted to Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (Submitted: 2013/10/17). (SCI / EI, Impact Factor: 1.390) (Reviewing). 23. C. C., Chang, T. S. Nguyen, and C. C. Lin, “A blind reversible robust watermarking scheme for categorical relational databases,” submitted to Computers & Security (Submitted: 2015/04/15) (SCI , Impact Factor: 1.488) 24. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, W. C. Chang, C. C. and Lin, “High capacity reversible data hiding for BTC images,” submitted to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications (Submitted: 2015/3/24). (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.48) 25. C. C. Chang, T. S. Nguyen, M. C. Lin, and C. C. Lin, “A novel data-hiding and compression scheme based on block classification of SMVQ indices,” submitted to Digital Signal Processing (Submitted: 2014/07). (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.018) (Revision) 26. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and T. H. Shih, “A high-quality reversible image authentication based on adaptive PEE for digital images,” submitted to KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (Submitted: 2015/04/09). (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.56) 27. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and T. H. Shih, “A reversible authentication scheme for digital images with high-quality images,” submitted to Multimedia Tools and Applications (Submitted: 2015/01/20). (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.058) 28. Y. J. Liu, C. C. Chang, and T. S. Nguyen, “A high capacity data hiding scheme based on turtle shell,” submitted to IET Image Processing (Submitted: 2014/12/21). (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.676)
Publication list 29. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and H. S. Hsueh, “High capacity data hiding for binary image based on block classification,” submitted to Multimedia Tools and Applications (Submitted: 2014/12/28). (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.058) 30. H. L. Wu, C. C. Chang, and T. S. Nguyen, “Reversible data hiding using pixel order exchange,” submitted to Journal of Visual Languages & Computing (Submitted: 2015/05/20). (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.8) 31. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and N. T. Huynh, “A novel reversible data hiding scheme based on difference-histogram modification and optimal EMD algorithm,” submitted to Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI) (Submitted: 2015/1/30). (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.430) 32. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and X. Q. Yang, “High-quality semi-fragile watermarking for image authentication and tamper detection,” submitted to Computers & Security (Submitted: 2015/2). (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.488) 33. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and H. L. Wu, “Adaptive image sharing scheme based on quadri-directional-search-strategy with meaningful shadows,” submitted to Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.058) 34. C. C. Chang, Nguyen, T. S., and C. C. Lin, “A blind, reversible, robust watermarking scheme for textual and numerical relational databases,” submitted to Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on (Submitted: 2015/4/15) 35. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and W. C. Chang, “High capacity reversible data hiding scheme for encrypted images,” submitted to Signal Processing: Image Communication (Submitted: 2015/04/13). (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.28) 36. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Lin, “High capacity reversible data hiding scheme based on AMBTC for encrypted images,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics (Submitted: 2015/4/20). 37. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and W. C. Chang, “An efficient reversible data hiding scheme based on rhombus prediction and pixel selection,” submitted to Information Sciences (Submitted: 2015/05/14). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.969)
Publication list 38. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and H. S. Hsueh, “High-quality Data Hiding Algorithm for H.246/AVC Video Stream without Intra-Frame Distortion Drift,” Neurocomputing (Submitted: 2015/05/19). (SCI) 39. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and T. H. Shih, “Effective reversible image authentication based on rhombus prediction and local complexity,” submitted to Journal of Visual Languages & Computing (Submitted: 2015/05/26). (SCI) 40. T. S. Nguyen, C. C. Chang, and Y. Q. Yang, “Fragile watermarking for image authentication based on DWT-SVD-DCT features with High-quality,” submitted to Signal Processing (Submitted: 2015/06/09). (SCI)
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