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Working together to achieve effective transition

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1 Working together to achieve effective transition
Year 6-7 Transition Working together to achieve effective transition

2 Richard Lucas Jane Thornton
Headteacher Uplands Community Primary School Jane Thornton Assistant Headteacher Stroud High School

3 What did we want to know? What are the expectations for both phases in Y6 and Y7? What can both phases do to share this information successfully? Do you trust what you’re getting? Is it timely? How can this information be used by secondary schools to inform T&L, standards, interventions? What will the impact be of all this information on pupils starting in Year 7?

4 Are you aware of the new standards at the end of KS2?
How many different methods have you seen for multiplying two 2-digit numbers? 71 x 46 = In arithmetic paper 1, pupils should use formal methods for calculating their answers. For long division and long multiplication questions the correct answers is awarded 2 marks. A partial credit of 1 mark will be awarded for evidence of using formal methods with one arithmetic error. Do not award any marks if the error is in the place value, e.g. the omission of the zero when multiplying by tens:


6 Key Stage 2 SATs Specimen Paper GCSE Higher paper 2012

7 Dynamite Dozen Use your knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations. Multiply any whole number by a two-digit number using the column method. Divide numbers up to four digits by a two-digit number using the written method. Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers. Understand and use the equivalence of fractions to solve problems Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators

8 Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions.
Divide fractions by whole numbers. Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts. Calculate decimal equivalents for a simple fraction using division. Solve problems involving calculations of percentages. Use inverse operations.


10 How good is your grammar?
Which sentence uses the present perfect form? Jo went shopping on Saturday and she bought a whole new outfit. The girl entered at the last minute and won the race! My sister was a reserve, but she scored the winning goal. My dog was very naughty, but since the classes he has been much better.

11 Super Six Can select from a wide range of imaginative and ambitious vocabulary and use it precisely, using it appropriately for a range of tasks and formality. Can use full stops and capital letters correctly at all times, as well as using a wider range of punctuation almost correctly (inverted commas, commas, brackets, apostrophes, semi-colons, dashes, colons and hyphens). Can also use punctuation to show division between clauses.

12 Can spell most words correctly, including common exception words.
Can vary sentence length and word order to sustain interest. Can use appropriate layout devices e.g. paragraphs, headings, sub-headings, bullets, columns, tables or underlining, to structure a text. Can write neatly, legibly and accurately in a flowing style that has clarity.

13 Our key messages We needed an agreed, shared understanding of the new standards for Year 6-7 Secondary colleagues needed to trust the information they were getting It had to be useful and manageable for the secondary schools It had to make a difference

14 Reflect on your experience
What information do you get from your feeder primary schools? Do you use it? Is it of any use to you? When do you test children? How do your children feel about this?

15 Challenges Integrity Value Triangulation

16 The strength of the data
Confidence (Self assessment - Student) Competency (Assessment - Primary teacher) Complexity (Assessment - Secondary teacher)




20 Transition activities
English activity – Descriptive writing task Maths activity – Problem solving Science activity – Experiment Creative activity

21 A

22 What do we know about Student A?

23 How to use the data? Academic profiling – student self-reflection
Intervention Contact

24 Communication Primary visits (students and teachers)
Year 7 Induction Day Year 7 Information Evening

25 What next? More cross-phase visits and collaboration Review of impact
Increased contact with feeder schools to support transition

26 Any Questions?

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