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Summer Training Applications

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1 Summer Training Applications
November 2016

2 Application Process Controlled by the Regional Cadet Office
Applications submitted through FORTRESS by Admin O to Toronto Detachment Deadlines are not flexible Forms are pre-formatted and all information requested is mandatory Each cadet’s level determines which courses they can apply for – not all courses are available to all cadets

3 Making your choices Each cadet can make 3 choices for summer training
Courses are listed on the hand-out and state which level they are open to No matter the order of your cadet’s choices (#1, #2, #3) this does not guarantee that they will be selected for them in this order, or at all Be sure to make 3 selections

4 Selection Process Selections are made at the Regional level
They are based on available beds, squadron quotas, male/female, cadet choices, merit Only the merit portion is influenced by the CO in the form of a selection priority list, and is only used by the Det to differentiate cadets of equal qualifications

5 Timelines Course Offerings distributed to cadets: beginning to middle of November Course Choices submitted to Capt Palumbo by 1st Wed in December Applications finalized: Nov - Dec National Courses: all paperwork to Capt Palumbo NLT Wed 21 Dec 16 National Courses: mailed to Det London by 10 Jan 17 *** NOT FLEXIBLE***

6 Course Selections All courses should be decided by April – we should have the first round of selections by end of April, National courses as early as March Late selections occur after the first round of selections have been accepted or rejected Being accepted on ANY course is better than not being selected at all.

7 2 week Course General Training (GT)
Only for level 1 or level 2 cadets who have not completed a previous course Held at Trenton Summer Training Centre No breaks, no leave passes Parent visitation on Sunday

8 3 Week Courses For Level 2 Cadets: Basic Drill & Ceremonial, Basic Fitness, Basic Survival, Basic Aviation Technology & Aerospace, Basic Aviation For Level 3 Cadets: Advanced Aviation

9 3 Week Courses Often introductory courses that prepare the cadet for the subsequent 6-wk summer course: Basic Drill & Ceremonial (3 wks) then Drill & Ceremonial (6wks) Held at various summer training centres: Trenton, Blackdown, St. Jean (QC) Parent visitation, leave passes sometimes available

10 6 Week Courses Air Rifle Instructor, Drill & Ceremonial, Survival Instructor, Sports & Fitness Instructor Open to cadets who have completed level 3 or higher and who have completed a previous 3 wk course In-depth, intensive training course with specific course material providing cadet with a skill set to take back to the squadron training program Held at various training centres: Trenton, Blackdown, Connaught

11 National Courses Glider Pilot Scholarship, Power Pilot Scholarship (7wks), Advanced Aviation Technology Course – Airport Operations (AATC-AO), Advanced Aviation Technology Course – Aircraft Maintenance (AATC- AM), Advanced Aerospace, International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) Open to cadets who have completed either level 3, 4 or 5 (depending on the course) and have placed high enough on the MERIT LIST as compiled by the Ontario Provincial Committee selection process **Compilation of the following to be included in application: Rank, Age, Level, Courses Completed, School Marks, Narrative, Extra-curricular activities, Interview Score, Exam score (if applicable)** - IACE, Power, Glider: require a copy of Birth Certificate or proof of Canadian Citizenship & passport photos

12 Staff Cadet (Advanced Trg)
Must be 16 years old by 1 Jan 17 to apply Cadets should apply for a course that they have already completed, at a training centre they have already attended Various positions available, determined by Pre-Employment course which also assigns the cadet’s rank for the summer and their rate of pay 7 weeks in duration

13 Additional Requirements
Glider and Power Pilot Scholarships: A valid CAT 3 medical is required, obtained through an MD who is licensed with Transport Canada Medications may preclude issuing medical Cost approx $120 – reimbursed by the Squadron Sponsoring Committee on acceptance to pilot course Min/max weight and height restrictions for Glider Pilot Aviation Exam Not every squadron will receive a pilot scholarship each year regardless of published quotas 2 passport photos to be submitted with application Age 16 for Glider & age 17 for Power by 1 Sep 17 Completed level 3 for Glider, level 4 for Power by 30 Jun 17

14 Additional Requirements
International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) Valid Canadian Passport Passport photos $375 approx cost for IACE required clothing, Sponsoring Committee will partially reimburse the cadet Interview is now local, and on same day as National Courses 3 choices for destination country, merit-based selection Only open to cadets who have demonstrated that they can be a true ambassador for Canada, based on previous performance 3 weeks in duration, departure dates vary in July Age 17 by 1 Aug 17 Completed level 5 trg by 30 Jun 17

15 Additional Requirements
Narrative is required for all National Course applications (one for each course) Must be one page, typed, signed by the cadet, and describe why they want and deserve to be selected Official School Transcript & Mid-term marks Ask for this from your school guidance counsellor Interview Held first Sat in Feb, in full dress uniform, a panel of judges (Officers, OPC, Sponsor Members – not from 809) Dress, Deportment, Self-Confidence, Current Events For some courses, on the merit list, this element is worth all others combined Mock Interviews at 809 in Dec & Jan – run by LCol (Ret) Moody, CD (Sponsor)

16 CO Priority List Based on the following criteria: Attitude Attendance
Suitability Squadron needs Drill, dress & deportment File Review: blue chits/red chits, squadron teams, fundraisng/community events participation

17 Congrats you’ve been selected!
Sign acceptance form with Capt Palumbo Entered into FORTRESS This is a Regional or National selection It is a privilege to attend – not guaranteed or assumed If you must cancel: do it early, directly to CO, may affect future course selection

18 Standby, Pending, Refused, Not Selected
Standby: your cadet qualifies but is waiting to be selected; often last minute selections Pending: waiting for paperwork submission to complete application making you eligible for selection Refused: application cancelled by CO Not Selected: cadet did not meet pre- requisites or did not place high enough on the merit list

19 Summer Training Dates 2017 Blackdown, Trenton, Connaught, North Bay, St. Jean 2 week: Serial C: 7 – 18 Aug 17 3 week: Serial B: 31 Jul – 18 Aug 6 week: 10 Jul – 18 Aug Mountainview CFTC Glider: 10 Jul – 18 Aug Power: 10 Jul – 25 Aug

20 Questions? Speak with Capt Palumbo on either a Mon or Wed night (7-9pm) CO – Need help? Ask early and often National Course help? Ask CO – narrative proofing, examples, review application - National course booklet on website: For additional info

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