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Erasmus+ KA2 project: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro Kick-off.

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus+ KA2 project: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro Kick-off."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus+ KA2 project: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro Kick-off Meeting, 15-16th February, Montenegro .

2 Project coordinator: University of donja gorica
UDG is a unique interdisciplinary institution, located in the suburb of Podgorica, capital of Montenegro. Expertise in research and teaching of economics, entrepreneurship, law, humanistic studies, arts, polytechnics, ICT, sports, biology, food production and ecology, and many other areas evidenced by a numerous projects developed in these areas Innovative approach of interdisciplinary study programs has positioned UDG much wider outside of ME boundaries Project web site:

3 Project coordinator: University of donja gorica
UDG is focused on strengthening Montenegrin society through highly educated professionals in multidisciplinary fields, as needed for development of ME market and society in accordance with EU values and lifestyles! PH-ELIM: incorporation of disciplines of management, economy and ICTs, leading PH-ELIM consortium aimed on interdisciplinary field of public health in Montenegro. Project web site:

4 Project coordinator: University of donja gorica
UDG Staff members: Assist. Prof.dr Ivana Ognjanović National Project coordinator Prof.dr Ramo Šendelj Project coordinator Prof.dr Milica Vukotić Head of Project Quality Control Project web site:

5 Project coordinator: University of donja gorica
UDG Staff members: Prof.dr Maja Drakić-Grgur National Project Board Head Researher for Management and economy Sandra Tinaj, MSc Project Quality Control Manager Head of Administrative Control Boris Bastijančić Head Researcher in Law Project web site:


7 Project aims and objectives
PROJECT GOALS: To enhance educational system in ME in accordance with well known EU best practices, thus providing education of public health professionals making them highly skilled to support nation in creating sustainable and flexible health system, providing good quality health, protecting of citizens against health threats, all by cost-effective and straightforward approach. Additionally, project will: develop continual sustainable educational approach at all levels (from undergraduate to PhD), all adopted to ME specificities; develop and implement evidence-based approach through innovative National Platform for Education and Research in Public Health; Implement carefully selected raising awareness campaigns about health prevention and public health promotion in ME (including children, youth, workforce, elder population, vulnerable groups, etc.). Project web site:

8 Project aims and objectives
1. Enhancement and modernization of curricula and programs in public health fields (public health law, health management and economics, health informatics, medicine) at different levels in educational system in ME (from undergraduate to PhD level) 2. Enhancement of the level of competencies and skills of staff members from ME HEIs by sharing evidence-based public health teaching models of innovation and good practice; respecting the diversity of national and EU population health challenges and threats 3. Creation of new learning and teaching approaches in public health through developing National Platform for Education and Research in Public Health, ICT enhanced evidence-based learning and teaching materials, etc. 4. Strengthening internationalization of ME HEIs, including increased visibility of staff members and participating institutions’ profiles in international teaching community in the areas of public health 5. Raising awareness about health prevention and public health promotion Project web site:

9 final implementation and evaluation
Project aims and objectives (through peer review processes), learning from others making adopted to own educational system and national diversity (review and benchmarking) development of sustainable grounds for continual education and improvements in public health fields final implementation and evaluation PH-ELIM STEP-WISED APPROACH: Project web site:

10 Project aims and objectives
DIMENISON 1 development of educational programs AND curricula DIMENSION 2 quality assuran ce of educatio nal process, develop ment of high teaching expertis e DIMENSION 3 raising awareness, public health promotion All steps are planned to be implemented in 3 dimensions by simultaneous and coherent actions: Project web site:

-Create a good research ground for carrying out the other project WPs -Create thematic working groups among project partners in different fields of public health; -Help ME institutions to summarize their current level at public health education and cross-match with EU practice and standards, and cerate roadmap for improving edu. system, spreading the excellence and human capital development. WP1.- PREPARATION ANALYSIS AND ROADMAPING: PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Act 1.1. Analysis of EU practice for public health Act 1.2. Analysis of EU practice for public health education Act 1.3. Cross-matching of practices in ME with EU standards Act 1.4. Roadmap for New Educational System in Public Health in Montenegro Project web site:

12 Work plan WP2. HUMAN CAPACITY BUILDING IN PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN ME -Help staff members from ME HEIs to enhance their expert knowledge in public health; -Support organization of training, workshops, networking, good practice exchange; -Contribute to educators’ capital development, teaching capacity building; -Increase the visibility of ME HEIs staff members and participating institutions’ profiles in international teaching community in the interdisciplinary area of public health. WP2. - DEVELOPMENT Human Capacity Building in Public Health Education in Montenegro Act 2.1. Analyses of teaching approaches commonly used in ME Act 2.2. Teaching Competencies Development of academic staff from Montenegro Act 2.3. Strengthening cooperation with EU authorities in healthcare education Project web site:

-Analyses of existing and Creation of enhanced programs in public health in ME (including all levels- from undergraduate to PhD programs); -Accreditation of new program and official integration of updated courses/programs into the curricula; -Preparation of learning repository in Public Health (teaching and learning materials, platform for education and research of public health data in ME, etc.) WP3.- DEVELOPMENT Development of study programs in Public Health in Montenegro Act 3.1. Analyses of educational programs in Public Health Act 3.2. Creation of new and updated programs and courses curricula Act 3.3. Accreditation of new study program(s) Act 3.4. Integration of updated courses into the curricula of ME partner HEIs Act 3.5. Preparation of study and learning materials and development of ICT support Project web site:

-Provide first generation of professionals in public health fields; -Organise high quality education in study programs and courses of public health; -Increase knowledge of ME HEIs staff members in quality assessments and assurance; -To support organisation of workshops for students at ME HEIs organised by EU staff members, serving as a tool for fostering courses and exchange of students and teachers between ME and partner EU countries. WP4.- DEVELOPMENT PILOTING AND EVALUATION Act 4.1. Enrollment of new generation of students Act 4.2. Strenghtening cooperation with EU partner HEIs through involvment in teaching process Act 4.3. High standards and quality assurance of educational process and teaching Act 4.4. Evaluation of teaching process and students experience Project web site:

MNGT- MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT Act 1. Management Act 2. Project coordination Act 3. National coordination Project web site:

Work plan SUPPORTING Working Packages: QCM - QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING Act 1. Internal Quality Control and Assesment Act 2. External Quality Control and Assesment Act 3. Inter-Erasmus coaching Project web site:

Work plan SUPPORTING Working Packages: DISS- DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION Act 1. Disemination & Exploitation Plan Act 2. Designing and maintaining the project web site Act 3. Organising info days, workshops and annual national conference Act 4. Publishing online Newsletter and other promotiomal materials Act 5. Establishment of National Center for Public Health Education Act 6. Establishing links and exchange agreements with existing study programs at EU level Project web site:

18 Work plan HOW TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS AND SUCSESFULLY IMPLEMENT ALL ACTIVITIES? QUALITY ASSURANCE Project Management Board Quality Control Board National Management Board WP leaders INTERDISCIPLINARITY OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Public Health Economics and Management Public Health Law & EU regulations Medical Informatics Medicine DISSEMINATION & SUSTAINABILITY Increasing visilibilty in EU public health community Raising awareness at national level Ensuring sustainability of the project Project web site:

19 Wp leaders – responsibilities and roles
Each task has at least 1 leading institution Leader is responsible for: Asigning tasks to participants Achieving defined goals, indicators and results Preparation of the Progress Report Having all responsibility to Project Boards regarding project implementation Project web site:

20 Overview of the first project year:
work plan, involved partner institutions .

21 Overview of 1st project year: work plan
Project officially started: 15-October-2016 DO RESEARCH MORE INTESIVELLY AND CATCH UP DEFINED DELIVERY DATES! Project web site:

22 Overview of 1st project year: work plan
Project web site:

Task 1.1: Analysis of EU practice for public health Task co-leaders: UoA (Greece), DE (Hungary), UHEI(Germany); Support: UMIT (Austria) and all ME partner institutions) Project participants will have one meeting in Greece. Task 1.2: Analysis of EU practice for public health education Implementation within each thematic working group! Involvemnt of public authorities Scheduled meetings with relevant EU agencies and HEIs, likely EFMI, ASPHER and others (EU partners) Project web site:

Working Group 1: Public Health Economy and Management Leader: UoA (Greece) ME academic institutions: UDG, UNIM Working Group 2: Law of Public Health & EU regulations Leader: DE (Hungary) Working Group 3: Medical Informatics Leader: UHEI (Germany) ME academic institutions: UDG, IMTM Working Group 4: Medicine ME academic institutions: UCG Project web site:

Task 1.3: Cross-matching of practices in ME with EU standards Task co-leaders: UCG (Montenegro), UoA (Greece); Support: all EU and ME partner institutions Involvment of relevant national institutions from ME (Ministries, Institute of Public Health, etc.) Task 1.4: Roadmap for New Educational System in Public Health in Montenegro Task co-leaders: UDG (Montenegro), UoA (Greece); Road Map should be presented to public health providers, policy makers, authorities and general audience, in order to raise awareness and find investments for innovations in public health community in ME. Project web site:

26 Wp2- Human Capacity Building in Public Health Education in Montenegro
Project web site:

27 Wp2- Human Capacity Building in Public Health Education in Montenegro
Task 2.1: Analyses of teaching approaches commonly used in ME Task co-leaders: UNIM (Montenegro); Support: UHEI (Germany), UoA(Greece), DE(Hungary), UMIT(Austria), Montenegro: UDG, UCG, IMTM, MoE Visit to Germany Task 2.2: Teaching Competencies Development of academic staff from Montenegro Task co-leaders: UHEI(Germany), UoA(Greece), DE(Hungary) Support: UMIT(Austria) and all ME partner institutions Project web site:

28 Wp2- Human Capacity Building in Public Health Education in Montenegro
Field Topics Public Health Economy and Management Health Promotion Programmes and Practice Health Economics Public Health Management Medical Decision Making Law of Public Health & EU regulations Overview of EU Health Policy Public Health Law and Ethics Medical Informatics Health Information Systems Medicine Biostatistics Secondary Data Analysis & Data Security in Medical Information Systems Medicine Psychological, Behavioural, and Social Issues in Public health; Epidemiology. Hospital Hygiene and Infection Control; Non-communicable diseases and health information systems Project web site:

29 Wp2- Human Capacity Building in Public Health Education in Montenegro
Task 2.3: Strengthening cooperation with EU authorities in public health education Task co-leaders: UHEI (Germany); Support: all EU and ME partner institutions) EU associations (e.g. APHEA- Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region, EFMI, IMIA, etc.). Certification for teachers in interdisciplinary public health domains (e.g. Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) ), etc. Connections with existing joint Erasmus Master programs (e.g. EU-HEM: Project web site:

30 Wp3- Development of study programs in Public Health in Montenegro
ME HEIs shall make agreement about which public health disciplines they are interested to improve and implement Expected numbers: 25 courses/curricula updated/established at least 7 courses at BSc level at least 8 courses at SSc level at least 6 courses at MSc level at least 4 courses at PhD level 1 new MSc created and accredited (MSc program in Health Management and Health Economics) 1 PhD program renewed mutually separated but complementary courses and programs Creation of modern learning and teaching support: the National Platform for Education and Research in Public Health in Montenegro, the basis for evidence-based teaching and learning adapted to national health system in Montenegro Project web site:

31 Wp3- Development of study programs in Public Health in Montenegro
Task 3.1: Analyses of educational programs in Public Health Task co-leaders: UHEI(Germany), UoA(Greece), DE(Hungary); Support: UMIT (Austria), Montenegro: UDG, UCG, UNIM Task 3.2: Creation of new and updated programs and courses curricula Task co-leaders: UDG (Montenegro), DE (Hungary); Support: all EU and ME partner institutions) Task 3.3: Accreditation of new study program(s) Task co-leaders: UDG (Montenegro) Support: all ME partner institutions, DE (Hungary) Task 3.4: Integration of updated courses into the curricula of ME partner HEIs Task co-leaders: UCG (Montenegro) Project web site:

32 Wp3- Development of study programs in Public Health in Montenegro
Task 3.5: Preparation of study and learning materials and development of ICT support Task co-leaders: IMTM (Montenegro); Support: all EU and ME HEIs Adopt existing learning and teaching repositories in the field of public health (e.g. National Information Centre on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR), FAIMER- Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research, etc.) ICT support services of distance and blended learning Task 3.6: Development of National Platform for Education and Research in Public Health Task co-leaders: UCG (Montenegro) Support: all partner institutions Innovative learning and teaching approach Supporting software module for Health Statistics and Data integration; module for Disease Control and Prevention; module for Financial Analyses: Health Care Costs and Utilization; module for National Surveys, as well as different communication services and information resources. The National Platform will be hosted at the Centre for Public Health Education- serving as a national repository of public health in ME. Project web site:

Task 5.1: Internal monitoring and quality control Task co-leaders: UoA (Greece) Support: EU and ME HEIs, IMTM (Montenegro) Task 5.2 External quality control and monitoring Task co-leaders: UDG(Montenegro) Task 5.3: Inter-Erasmus coaching Project web site:

Task 6.1: Dissemination & Exploitation Plan Task co-leaders: UCG(Montenegro) Support: all partners Task 6.2: Designing and maintaining the project web site Task co-leaders: IMTM(Montenegro) Task 6.3: Organising info days, workshops and annual national conference Task co-leaders: UNIM(Montenegro) &UCG (Montenegro) Support: all ME partners annual national conference “Festival of trends and achievements in public health” Task 6.4: Publishing online Newsletter and other promotional materials Task co-leaders: UDG (Montenegro) Support: all project partners an online newsletter “All for Health – Health for All”. Project web site:

Task 6.5: Establishment of National Centre for Public Health Education Task co-leaders: UDG(Montenegro) Support: all partners UDG (Montenegro):National Centre for Public Health Education Task 6.6: Raising awareness campaign of public health in ME Task co-leaders: IPHMNE (Montenegro), MofH (Montenegro) Support: all ME partners In total: 15 different events will be organized Project web site:

Task 7.1: Management Task co-leaders: UDG(Montenegro) Support: all partners Task 7.2: Project coordination Task 7.3: National coordination Project web site:


38 Wp1- action plan Project web site:

39 Wp1- to do list Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 1.1. UoA DE
UHEI Outline the content of the Report Assign sections to participating institutions Define deadline for drafted version 1.2. UoA (Greece), ME academic institutions: UDG, UNIM Establish Working Group 1: Public Health Economy and Management DE (Hungary), ME academic institutions: UDG, UNIM Establish Working Group 2: Law of Public Health & EU regulations UHEI (Germany), ME academic institutions: UDG, IMTM Establish Working Group 3: Medical Informatics DE (Hungary), ME academic institutions: UCG Establish Working Group 4: Medicine Project web site:

40 Wp1- to do list Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 1.3.
UCG (Montenegro) UoA (Greece) all EU and ME partner institutions Define which documents are needed from national authorities Outline the content of the Report Assign sections to participating institutions Define deadline for drafted version 1.4. UDG (Montenegro) - Create presentation plan to public health providers, policy makers, authorities and general audience Project web site:

41 Wp2- to do list Project web site:

42 Wp2- to do list Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 2.1.
UNIM (Montenegro) UHEI (Germany) UoA(Greece) DE(Hungary) UMIT(Austria) Montenegro: UDG, UCG, IMTM, MoE Define which documents are needed from national authorities Outline the content of the Report Assign sections to participating institutions Define deadline for drafted version Project web site:

43 Wp2- to do list Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 2.2.
UHEI(Germany) UoA(Greece) DE(Hungary) UMIT(Austria) all ME partner institutions Create training plan Prepare training materials Summary report about all training events Training event: Agenda, Minutes, List of particiapnts, Photos,... Note: please, refer to List of training topics 2.3. all EU and ME partner institutions Make review of European associations for public health educators Make overiew of therequirements at institutional and professional levels Create plan for future period Project web site:

44 Wp3- to do list Project web site:

45 Wp3- to do list Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 3.1.
UHEI(Germany) UoA(Greece) DE(Hungary) UMIT(Austria) all ME partner institutions Outline the content of the Report Assign sections to participating institutions Define deadline for drafted version 3.2. UDG (Montenegro) DE (Hungary) all EU and ME partner institutions Each ME HEI shall express interests for new programs and curricula Note: please, refer to List of indicators Project web site:

Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 5.1. UoA (Greece); EU and ME HEIs IMTM (Montenegro) Create Quality Control Plan Publish Plan on the web-site and promote among consortium members Create template for the Internal quality control and monitoring Report Note: add cross-matching sections with specified indicators; outputs and results Project web site:

Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 6.1. UCG (Montenegro) all partners Create Dissemination & Exploitation Plan at project level Publish Plan on the web-site and promote among consortium members Create template for the Dissemination Reports Create Dissemination & Exploitation Plan at each partner institution’s level 6.2. IMTM (Montenegro) Send requests for institutional information Check the content Continually update the content Project web site:

Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 6.3. UNIM (Montenegro) UCG (Montenegro) all ME partners Create Plan for organising info days, workshops & annual national conference All partner institutions shall draft plan at institutional level Desicion on organising annual national conference “Festival of trends and achievements in public health” 6.4. UDG (Montenegro) all partners Establish Montenegrin national editorial authorities with competent reviewers and editorial board start up an online newsletter “All for Health – Health for All” Project web site:

Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 6.5. UDG (Montenegro) all partners Desicion on establishing National Centre for Public Health Education Nominaton of Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator Action plan v1 (period ) 6.6. IPHMNE (Montenegro) MofH (Montenegro) all ME partners Action plan v1 (period February December 2017) Assign roles to all ME partners Note: In total 15 different events are planned for the whole project duration Project web site:

Activities Partner institution (s) Tasks 7.1. UDG (Montenegro) all partners Create Management and Coordination Plan Publish templates (Deliverables, Agendas, Minutes,...), and other unified contents (logo, presentations, internal documents, etc.) Adminitsrative procedures Management and data management plan 7.2. Constitution of the Project boards Action plan for Proejct boards Outline the 6-months report ‘State of the PH-ELIM Project’ Travelling plan 7.3. all ME partners Constitution of the National Project board Action plan for National Board Plan of the meetings Project web site:

51 Travelling plan 24-26th May 2017 27-29 th June 2017
4-8th September 2017 28th September 2017 15th November 2017 Project web site:

52 Equipment purchase Equipment specification- deadline: June 2017
Open call – July 2017 Project web site:

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