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2016 Annual Performance Reviews

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Annual Performance Reviews"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Annual Performance Reviews
Employee Training December 2016

2 Agenda 2016/2017 Review Timeline Performance Management at Rexel
Changes for the 2016 Review Non-Exempt Performance Review Form Exempt Performance Review Form(s) The Performance Review Discussion

3 Performance Review Timeline
We are excited to launch the Annual Performance Review process earlier than ever before! January 10 Employee Self Review due January 30 Manager Review due February 28 Management/HR Review due March 31 Performance Review Discussions & Employee Acknowledgements due April 3 Effective date for Merit increases * A few important changes: Launching closer to closeout of the year which will provide more timely feedback Combined the HR Review and 1over1 steps into a single Calibration step which gives our leaders a broader perspective on their entire organization. Performance review discussions will be completed by the end of March in time for payment of the merit increase (if applicable)

4 At Rexel, we believe that …
The growth and development of our people is a shared responsibility between every individual employee and the company. Our performance and development process fosters the growth of our people and consequently our business; it makes each of us accountable for the results and how we achieve them. Our process includes setting expectations, aligning individual objectives with the Rexel strategy, giving and receiving regular and fair feedback, discussing career development, and providing candid and constructive year-end reviews. At Rexel, we believe that… The development of our people is a shared responsibility between both the employee and the company. We also believe that the performance process makes each of us accountable for the results of the business and how we achieve them. This process includes setting expectations, aligning individual objectives with the Rexel strategy, providing regular feedback, discussing career development, and providing constructive year-end reviews.

5 Performance Management is a Cycle
The Annual Performance Review is just one part of the ongoing cycle of Performance Management. The Annual Review is the appropriate time to set the current year’s expectations/objectives. Continuous feedback between employee and manager during the year is essential to performance excellence. The annual review is only one part of the performance management cycle. It is a great time to set the expectations for the upcoming year. Then throughout the year, both employee and manager should provide continuous feedback in order to achieve performance excellence.

6 Changes to 2016 Performance Review process
Timely kick-off and completion December launch Completed by March 31 Shorter, simplified self-review process Visibility of Performance Review rating New section to get your input on the performance review discussion Combined MIP Goal Setting & Achievement with the Performance Review process for eligible employees. Merit increases immediately follow Performance Review process for employees in good standing You may notice a few changes to the 2016 review form. Merit increases are for employees in good standing.

7 2017 Merit Process Past Future Transition in 2017
In an effort to simplify all of our processes, we will be moving towards a single merit increase date across the business.* We will continue to be a pay for performance culture. Past Future Merit increases are based on performance. Factors considered are Amount ($) Time Merit increases amounts are based on performance. All eligible employees are paid on the same date. Tie annual review and merit more closely together. Transition in 2017 Merit increases will be pro-rated based on date of prior increase. Effective date of April 3, 2017. * Employees must be in good standing to be eligible for a merit increase.

8 New Features History – quick access to previous performance reviews
Print – print a copy of the review Save as PDF – save the review in a folder for access throughout the year Save – save your work regularly while working in SuccessFactors Attachments – quick access to previous performance reviews

9 Performance Review Forms
If you are: You will receive this form: An exempt employee not on MIP 2016 Performance Review Eligible for MIP 2016 Performance Review (MIP) A non-exempt employee 2016 Non-Exempt Performance Review Eligible for MIP and started on or after October 1, 2016 2016 Goal Setting Form A new employee* that started on or after October 1, 2016 (*not MIP eligible) (not receiving any form) MIP eligible: Key leaders and exempt professional employees

10 2016 Non-Exempt Performance Review

11 2016 Non-Exempt Performance Review: Structure
Performance Summary Preparing for the Performance Review Discussion Career Interests 3 sections!

12 Preparing for the Performance Review Discussion Section
Performance Summary Section (Optional) Provide your input on your 2016 performance, including major accomplishments, how you did on established performance metrics and/or goals or special projects. Note: Maximum of 4000 characters. Use the attachment feature for additional support. Preparing for the Performance Review Discussion Section Next we have the Performance Metrics section. This is an optional section where you may provide feedback on how you performed against established metrics such as picks per hour or sales dollars. The last two sections of the non-exempt form (the Living the Values and Career Interests) will be covered later in the presentation as they are identical sections to the other review forms. Are there specific things that you would like to discuss during the performance review? Help your manager prepare by answering the following questions: What would you like to talk to your manager about during your review? How can your manager best support your success?

13 Career Interests Section
Explain what career moves you are interested in short-term (within the next year) and long-term (within the next 2+ years). Career moves could include special projects, other functional roles or up to and including a physical move to a different position Example: Short Term Career Interest: I am interested in getting involved in the opening of the new Hub or any project work that will broaden my exposure to the business. Long Term Career Interest: I would like to work toward becoming a part of the Operations team.

14 2016 Performance Review For exempt employees, both non-MIP and MIP participants.

15 2016 Performance Review: Structure
2016 Financial* & Individual Goal Achievement 2016 Performance Summary Preparing for the Performance Review discussion 2017 Financial* & Individual Objectives Goal Setting Career Interests Geographic Mobility *for MIP eligible employees only

16 2016 Financial Objectives Section*
*for MIP eligible employees only The purpose of this section is for you to be made aware of the performance on the financial goals for These are the financial targets for your MIP bonus. Financial Objectives may not appear initially, but will be populated in SuccessFactors at a later date. Financial metrics are not negotiable. No action necessary NO ACTION NECESSARY in this section. 16

17 2016 Individual Objectives Section
The purpose of this section is for you to enter your achievements towards your Individual Objectives. For MIP eligible employees, this section will be used to calculate your Individual Objectives for the 2016 MIP bonus. Your manager will determine the percent completion. Please use your best estimate on how you achieved towards your goals with the information available to you. You will see how your manager rated you when the form is routed back to you for the performance review discussion.

18 2016 Performance Summary Section
This section is where you list major projects, goals and achievements that you were assigned or worked on in 2016 (that were not already mentioned in the 2016 Individual Objectives section). A good rule-of-thumb, is to use the following format: State Goal/Objective Assigned. Discuss actual achievement. Add commentary on overall performance. Other items that can be mentioned in this section: Special Projects outside of normal duties Recognition received from customers or co-workers. Rewards earned. Certifications earned during the year. New responsibilities or changes in role

19 Example: 2016 Performance Summary Section
Employee’s Comments: In 2016, I was given three goals: Top-line Sales ($9M), Gross Profit Dollars (2.1M), and GP% (20%). My actual achievement was: $9.9M Sales, 2.25M GP$, and GP% of I exceeded my goals/objectives. In addition, I tripled my sales with ABX in 2016 by learning about some products they were purchasing from our competitors and showing them how Rexel can provide more value. I set-up three customer consignment sites during the year, which also helped me exceed my goals. I am the top sales performer in my branch. *

20 Tips: 2016 Performance Summary Section
DO: Pull last year’s review and include any performance or development goals given. Use established/published metrics to describe accomplishments. For example: Measure results in the form of dollars saved, reduced cycle times, increased margin percentages, variances, etc. Use complete sentences and proper grammar and punctuation. This document is read by others in the organization and how you write the review is a reflection on you. Include specific examples to back-up your conclusions. DON’T: Don’t use vague, generic statements. Don’t write a list of incomplete statements. Don’t write long paragraphs or stories.

21 Preparing for the Performance Review Discussion Section
Are there specific things that you would like to discuss during the performance review? Help your manager prepare by answering the following questions: What would you like to talk to your manager about during your review? How can your manager best support your success?

22 2017 Financial Objectives Section*
*for MIP eligible employees only The purpose of this section is for you to be made aware of the 2017 financial goals. These will be the financial targets for your MIP bonus. NO ACTION NECESSARY. Financial Objectives may not appear initially, but will be populated in SuccessFactors at a later date. You will be notified once the financial targets have been uploaded to the form. Financial metrics are not negotiable. No action necessary NO ACTION NECESSARY in this section. 22

23 Adding 2017 Individual Objectives
The purpose of this section is for all exempt employees to set your individual goals for 2017 as previously discussed with your manager. For MIP participants, this will be the individual objectives your MIP bonus will be based on. A separate form will not be launched. Click the “Add Objective” button and a pop-up window will appear to begin adding an objective. 23

24 2017 Individual Objectives Section (cont.)
You should add a total of 3 – 5 individual objectives with a total combined weighting equal to 100%. For each objective, you should include: The performance or development objective you will strive to achieve in 2017. How success will be measured. The weight of the objective. When complete, click “Save Changes”. 24

25 key obligations of the job description.
2017 Individual Objectives Section Defining & Setting Individual Objectives Individual objectives should be linked to overall business and management objectives and should directly relate to the key obligations of the job description. Learning-oriented Captures skills, knowledge & experience needed Important to remain effective in current job or to take on new responsibilities for career growth Job-oriented Results-based statements Focused on employee’s important ongoing and special project responsibilities PERFORMANCE Goals DEVELOPMENTAL Goals Focused on employee’s important ongoing and special project responsibilities either to remain effective in his/her current job or to take on new responsibilities and grow in his/her career. Why are Development Goals important? Development Goals focus on learning, which is key to individual and organizational performance. Achieving Development Goals leads to increased personal job satisfaction, which increases workplace morale. A commitment to employee development helps recruit, retain and motivate successful employees.

26 Tips: 2017 Individual Objectives Section
When setting individual objectives, make sure they are “SMART” goals. S Specific What exactly do you want to accomplish? M Measurable How will you evaluate when the goal is met? A Attainable Is the goal within the scope of your capabilities? R Relevant Does the goal tie into your key job responsibilities and the goals of the organization? T Timely Are you able to achieve the goal within 2017? Within what time frame? Example 1: (Outside Sales) Increase top line sales by 10% over the previous year. Example 2: (Branch Manger) Increase active customers by 10% over previous year.

27 Career Interests & Geographic Mobility Sections
Explain what career moves you are interested in short-term (within the next year) and long-term (within the next 2+ years). Career moves could include special projects, other functional roles or up to and including a physical move to a different position Example: Short Term Career Interest: I am interested in getting involved in the opening of the new Hub or any project work that will broaden my exposure to the business. Long Term Career Interest: I would like to work toward becoming a part of the Operations team. Geographic Preferences – In 2017, will you relocate for a promotional opportunity? If so, nationally or internationally? Be sure to save your preferences before you close the window.

28 You’ve Finished Writing Your Reviews: What’s Next?
Employee Manager Management/HR Review step Performance Review Discussion In preparation for THE PERFORMANCE REVIEW DISCUSSION: Be prepared... Be honest. Be open to a dialogue with your manager. Give him/her feedback, too. Focus the discussion on significant accomplishments, not on daily activities. Use our Core Values as topics of discussion in your performance review. Discuss your short-term/long-term career goals. Are they realistic? How can you move to the next step?

29 ? For the PERFORMANCE REVIEW DISCUSSION, be prepared to discuss:
How am I doing? How do you view my performance vs. expectations? What should I do differently? Where should I focus? Goals & objectives? Job responsibilities? What do I need to learn? What resources / opportunities are available? What course is right for me? How am I perceived? How do my customers and colleagues view my performance? How can I improve? What are my biggest development needs? How can I grow? Can we discuss my next role? What roles can I do next? What skills should I be developing to prepare? How can I improve? How am I perceived? What do I need to learn? Where should I focus? How am I doing? Can we discuss my next role? ?

30 Performance Review Timeline
January 10 Employee Self Review due January 30 Manager Review due February 28 Management/HR Review due March 31 Performance Review Discussions & Employee Acknowledgements due April 3 Effective date for Merit increases * A few important changes: Launching closer to closeout of the year which will provide more timely feedback Combined the HR Review and 1over1 steps into a single Calibration step which gives our leaders a broader perspective on their entire organization. Performance review discussions will be completed by the end of March in time for payment of the merit increase (if applicable)

31 Questions or Problems? SuccessFactors Support
For SuccessFactors PASSWORD RESET Requests: - enter “SuccessFactors” on the subject line - include your Username (Clock #), Contact info & reason for request For ALL OTHER SuccessFactors questions / issues: Also, please remember to update your employee profile to include your education, work history, and training while you are in SuccessFactors. - enter “SuccessFactors” on the subject line - include your Username (Clock #), Contact info & reason for request PHONE: (203)

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