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Library Jeopardy Library Book Care Web Library Lingo Words $100 $200

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Presentation on theme: "Library Jeopardy Library Book Care Web Library Lingo Words $100 $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Jeopardy Library Book Care Web Library Lingo Words $100 $200
Procedures Book Care Library Web Words Potpourri Library Lingo $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Clarissa Grindle Clarissa Grindle 5/02

2 What do you need to bring to the library in order to check out a book?
Answer Your library card $100

3 How many books can you check out from the library?
Answer 3 books $200

4 How long can you check out a book before it is overdue?
Answer 1 week $300

5 How should I come into the library and look for a book?
Answer Quietly, without disturbing others. $400

6 What should you use when looking for books on the shelf?
Answer Call number $500

7 Where should you keep your books at home?
Answer On a bookshelf Or safe place High up $100

8 What should I use to save my place in a book?
Answer A bookmark $200

9 What should I never have around my library book?
Answer Water bottles, any food, All drinks $300

10 Where should you not take your library books?
Answer Playground, cafeteria, out in the rain $400

11 Who should I keep library books away from?
Answer Baby brothers or sisters, pets $500

12 What does FIC stand for? Answer Fiction $100

13 What do does E stand for? Answer Everybody $200

14 How do you know if a book is in the nonfiction section?
Answer It has a number. $300

15 What do you use to find out if we have a certain book?
Answer Library Web on the computer $400

16 How do you know if a book is checked out?
Answer Library Web will say 0 of 1. $500

17 What is an alphabetical list of words and their definitions?
Answer Dictionary $100

18 What is a book of maps? Answer Atlas. $200

19 What can you use in the library to research?
Answer Books, encyclopedias, databases, Internet $300

20 What is a book written by the author about him/herself?
Answer Autobiography $400

21 Who are the people that work in the library?
Answer Mrs. Marchant Mrs. Wadsworth Mrs. Harvey $500

22 What kinds of books can you find in the fiction section?
Answer Books with characters, a setting, and a plot. Books with a beginning, a middle, and an end. $100

23 What is a call number? Answer A label on the spine of a book that tells you what section of the library to find the book. It is like the book’s address. $200

24 When you put a book on the shelf, what part faces out?
Answer The spine of the book $300

25 What kinds of books can you find in the nonfiction section?
Answer Informational books and books organized by categories; poetry, fairy tales, sports, etc. $400

26 Where do you return books in the library?
Answer In the Library Bin! $500

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