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English Hon 9b, Day 02 * Fri/Mon

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1 English Hon 9b, Day 02 * Fri/Mon
In yer notebook: 4) Goals (50 words) What are your goals for English 9Hb this semester? Grade? Improvement? Progress? What about this poster. . . Are any of these words in your plan???? Do they fit in English 9Hb?

2 Reminder of expectations

3 Library last 20 today 1A = 8:55 2A = 10:32 1B = 8:55 2B = 10:32

4 Two great free & local STEM/computer events!!
·         Make & Fly a Tumblewing, Rich Stowell, Master Flight Instructor – Ages 10-Adult. Capacity 40 (50 minutes: 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm) Barnwell Room  Cows, basketballs, and phone books can fly! Learn what’s needed to generate Lift and about the Magnus Effect. Go through the engineering process from concept to tumblewing. Then become a pilot as you learn how to fly it ·         Build and Eat an Edible Aquifer, SUEZ and Department of Environmental Quality – Ages 5-14, Room 215, Capacity 30 (45 minutes: 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm) . Learn how ground water is stored in aquifers, how what we do can affect our groundwater and drinking water, and how good engineering helps keep our water clean. ·         How to Use Your PC / Laptop to Learn about Materials, Boise State Materials Science and Engineering – Ages 10-Adult, TBA (45 minutes: 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm 3pm) ·         Extreme Weather Science, NOAA/National Weather Service – Ages 8-Adult, Room 313, Capacity 30, (45 minutes: 9:30, 10:30,11:30, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00)  – Meteorologists will discuss the science of extreme weather in the context of a “Weather Jeopardy” game. Two teams will compete to be the Weather Jeopardy Champions and various scientific weather demonstrations will be conducted during the course of the game. In addition, weather safety information will be provided in a fun and interactive way. ·         Jelly Bean Binary, Micron Foundation – Ages 5-10, Room 335, Capacity 25, (30 minutes: 9am, 9:45 am, 10:30am, 11:15am, 12noon, 1pm, 1:45 pm, 2:30pm, 3:15pm) – Learn the language of computers. Learn how the computer uses binary code and how to encode and decode with it. Then, using “1s”, “0s”, and jelly beans you will be able to write your name in binary code. ·         Tie Dye Chromatography, Micron Foundation – Ages 5-14, Room 106, Capacity 50 (45 minutes: 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm)  – Use permanent markers to experiment with the concepts related to chromatography and color separation. ·         Snap Circuits, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boise State University – Ages 10-Adult, Room 307, Capacity 30 (45 Minutes: 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm) ·         Taming the Dragon: Explore the aerodynamics of a dragon on a wall-sized display using supercomputers. Hands-on! All Ages, Room 408, Capacity 25 (20 minutes: 10am, 1pm) ·         20K Ultra Resolution: Explore famous art and places around the world in incredible detail on a wall sized display. All Ages, Room 408, Capacity 25 (20 minutes: 11am, 2pm) ·         Exploring Explosive Eruptions with the Liquid Nitrogen Volcano Experiment, Boise State Geosciences, All Ages, Outside behind ERB, (20 minutes: 10am, 11:30am,1pm, 2:30pm) Two great free & local STEM/computer events!!

5 Upcoming Due Dates B = 30 A B A = 6 B = 13
typed current event exploration # 1 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 1 A = 6 typed current event exploration # 2 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 2 B = 13 typed current event exploration # 3 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 3

6 EASY CHEESEY GRADE!!!! “Cover Art” don’t wait to do it at the last minute!!! NEW THIS SEMESTER: Teach us something about you in your design (interest, hobby, etc.)


8 Cover Art Rubric Below Standard At Standard Above Standard
>does not include 50 terms >looks like student gave little effort >student cannot be proud of this  >not attached to notebook >Student name is missing > We learn nothing about you, or are left confused >Includes at least 50 terms >Looks okay >Looks neat >Attached to notebook >Student name is clearly on notebook >NEW THIS SEMESTER: Marginally teaches us something about you in your design > Visually appealing >Neat, polished, professional-looking >Firmly attached to notebook >NEW THIS SEMESTER: Captivatingly teaches us something about you in your design


10 Q3 CECE Next Wed!!!

11 Q3 CECE You will be turning in 2ish pieces of paper!!!!

12 ~*~Table of Contents~*~
CECE Review What is Poetry? You’re a poet Goals Intelligence Test

13 Format each into 4 sections. Label front & back 1-8
In yer notebook . . . 5. Intelligence Test 2 blank pieces of paper, Format each into 4 sections. Label front & back 1-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 Go to back of notebook. This is for vocab.
Label LAST page: ~*~Table of Contents~*~ Then number 1-15

15 Go to back of notebook. This is for vocab.
~*~Table of Contents~*~ 1 Vocab 1 = poetry terms 2 vocab 2 3 vocab 3 4 vocab 4 Etc 15 vocab 15

16 Still in back of notebook, go to 2nd page
Fold in half like a hotdog and label front & back sections 1 Form 2 Sound 3 Language 4 Meaning

17 1 – Form = 5 Free verse Concrete poem Stanza Couplet Quatrain Write these words down in appropriate column, skipping 2-3 lines between them

18 2 Sounds = 6 Repetition Alliteration Onomatopoeia Rhyme Rhyme scheme Rhythm (meter) Write these words down in appropriate column, skipping 2-3 lines between them

19 3 Language = 5 Imagery Personification Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Write these words down in appropriate column, skipping 2-3 lines between them

20 4 Meaning = 4 Title Theme Lyric poem Narrative poem Write these words down in appropriate column, skipping 2-3 lines between them

21 You already know most of them . . .
. . . Take a moment and see how many definitions you can fill in.

22 APPLY THESE TERMS Go back to your imagery / intelligence test (8 squares at front of notebook) Write ONE sentence for each of the squares that includes an example of a term from the vocab list. EXAMPLE: write a simile or a metaphor or give a title or use alliteration, etc., in each box How many sentences will you write????

23 English 9b Course Syllabus

24 Follow the directions at right to join my class on ------------>

25 The most important part of the syllabus . . .

26 Website!!!!!!

27 ** “due” means AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS
WHAT DOES “DUE” MEAN?? ** “due” means AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ** not turned in at beginning of class = LATE ** DO NOT try to complete late work during class time I have planned for you to do NEW WORK during class time. ** LATE = 70% of earned grade – so if you EARN 100%, it is recorded as a “C.” If you EARN 80%, it is recorded as a “D.”

28 Privilege Passes

29 Options for Late Work Don’t turn it in, take the zero (kills your grade) Turn it in late, take the late grade = 70% of earned grade Turn it in w/ Privilege Pass = 100% of earned grade

30 3 prong folder Keep your eye open for A folder You might want to pick up a folder. We will be “publishing” a poetry portfolio in a couple of weeks and you will need a cover for it. Pick up a folder now – save yourself time!!! 

31 You are working on . . . Due Wed, noon = CECE 1
Notebook cover (due date TBD) Vocab definitions (due date TBD)

32 Q3 “Self-Selected” Reading

33 Library last 20 today 1A = 8:55 2A = 10:32 1B = 8:55 2B = 10:32

34 Q3 “Self-Selected” Reading
Select a NEW book that you have NEVER read before Books w/ movies are okay You can even see the movie!!! But you also need to read the book. At least 200 pages, probably more, and appropriate for your reading level You are looking for a FICTION book, or a non-fiction biography Not a textbook, not a topic (“auto mechanics”) You will need to discuss STORY STRUCTURE and CHARACTER. If you finish this book before the end of the quarter, you will select another book and KEEP READING There WILL be a book talk (slightly diff) We’ll discuss later.

35 Heading to the library . . . Expectations:
You are still in my class. All rules apply. No cell phone use in the library (unless your book is on it). Select book(s). When you have a book, go to the north corner of the library (by the computer lab, where the exercise bikes used to be – now there are some stools and tables there). READ until the end of class. It is a privilege and joy to read in the library, surrounded by all of those beautiful books and possibilities!!!

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