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Hikuwai 2016 Weekend School, Whangārei

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Presentation on theme: "Hikuwai 2016 Weekend School, Whangārei"— Presentation transcript:

1 Librarians as researchers: Understanding Library patrons and their needs
Hikuwai 2016 Weekend School, Whangārei Neda Zdravkovic, Learning Services Librarian 28 May 2016

2 Librarians as Researchers: Are you a researcher?
Evidence-based library and information practice (EBLIP)

3 Example 1: User study – paper survey
COMLAW 101 Year 1 Course (pre-requisite course for multiple disciplines) – Commercial Law in New Zealand Semester 1 – 1000 students enrolled in the course Semester II – 1200 students enrolled Survey – 3 key questions to 600 students attending lecture(s) Results - A BIG SURPRISE!!!

4 Example 1: User study – outcome:

5 Example 2: User study - interview
You have received some funding to purchase new furniture for adult non-fiction section in your library. Which colour and type of furniture would you choose to purchase? YOU HAVE 5 seconds!!!

6 Some of the methods used:
Usability studies/ web-based projects: User behaviour observation - (live) with given tasks to complete + follow up discussion (individual & group) User behaviour observation - using desktop recording software (MORAE) & webcam + “think out loud” Developing personae based on patron profiles Paper prototyping Google Analytics


8 Some of the methods used:
User studies (needs analysis & service/ programme insights): User online surveys (Qualtrics & SurveyMonkey software) User focus groups – audio recordings, transcripts & notetaking Semi-structured interviews (individual) Informal interviews and conversations (‘hey what do you think about…’) Formal research projects - Ethics Approvals, project team or supervisor/ project owner Analysis of the quality of student submissions

9 Horizon scans – new technologies, trends, developments, practices
Literature reviews



12 Tapping into the core knowledge:
What is known? What is not known? What do I need to know? Do you see yourselves as educators?

13 Data analysis: Identifying key ‘user’ voice/message
Software/ online reports Coding – qualitative data/ descriptive submissions Identification of themes (repetitions) and key trends Comparing and contrasting outputs Statistical analysis – ‘how many users…’ Identifying key ‘user’ voice/message


15 Group activity 1: Website prototype – staff profile page
5 minutes


17 Are you a researcher?

18 What are some of the barriers/ obstacles?

19 ?

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