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Presentation on theme: "Library!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library!

2 Where is the Everybody Fiction Section?
A B C D E F G H Where is the Everybody Fiction Section?

3 E!

4 Where is the Non-Fiction section?
A B C D E F G H Where is the Non-Fiction section?

5 C!

6 Where is the Fiction section?
A B C D E F G H Where is the Fiction section?

7 F!

8 Where is the classroom area?
B C D E F G H Where is the classroom area?

9 B!

10 Where is the reading rug?
B C D E F G H Where is the reading rug?

11 H!

12 Where is the Everybody Non-Fiction?
A B C D E F G H Where is the Everybody Non-Fiction?

13 D!

14 Where is the computer lab?
D E F G H Where is the computer lab?

15 G!

16 Where is the checkout counter?
A B C D E F G H Where is the checkout counter?

17 A!

18 Where do you type your search word(s).
Question: Answer: in the Find box. Question: What would you type to find books about prehistoric animals. Answer: Dinosaurs. Question: What would you put in the find box to locate the books by Jennifer Holm? Answer: Holm. Question: What search would you use to locate the comic books in our library? Answer Graphic Novel. Screen shot of a search on Splat the cat Question: What do you look for to find this book’s location in our library. Answer: Call Number Question: What is the call number for the Splat the Cat’s New Shoes (I made that up). Answer: E Scotton Question: What does the E stand for? Answer: Everybody Question: Where are the Everybody books in our library. Answer: the three angled book case rows. Where do you type your search word(s).

19 In the Find box

20 What would you type to find books about prehistoric animals.
Question: Answer: in the Find box. Question: What would you type to find books about prehistoric animals. Answer: Dinosaurs. Question: What would you put in the find box to locate the books by Jennifer Holm? Answer: Holm. Question: What search would you use to locate the comic books in our library? Answer Graphic Novel. Screen shot of a search on Splat the cat Question: What do you look for to find this book’s location in our library. Answer: Call Number Question: What is the call number for the Splat the Cat’s New Shoes (I made that up). Answer: E Scotton Question: What does the E stand for? Answer: Everybody Question: Where are the Everybody books in our library. Answer: the three angled book case rows. What would you type to find books about prehistoric animals.

21 Dinosaurs!

22 Question: Answer: in the Find box.
Question: What would you type to find books about prehistoric animals. Answer: Dinosaurs. Question: What would you put in the find box to locate the books by Jennifer Holm? Answer: Holm. Question: What search would you use to locate the comic books in our library? Answer Graphic Novel. Screen shot of a search on Splat the cat Question: What do you look for to find this book’s location in our library. Answer: Call Number Question: What is the call number for the Splat the Cat’s New Shoes (I made that up). Answer: E Scotton Question: What does the E stand for? Answer: Everybody Question: Where are the Everybody books in our library. Answer: the three angled book case rows. What would you put in the find box to locate the books by Jennifer Holm?

23 Holm, Jennifer

24 What search would you use to locate the comic books in our library?

25 Graphic novels

26 What is the call number of the Women Explorers book?

27 920 Cum

28 What is the total number of books found in this search?

29 368

30 What do I do to narrow my results to books that fit my AR level?

31 Click on Reading Level and move the sliders. Click Apply

32 Now what is the number of books found by narrowing your search?

33 71

34 What could you do to narrow your search to Fiction titles?

35 Click Genre and then click on Fiction

36 How many books would you find?

37 46

38 What do you do to see the websites for explorers?

39 Click on the Websites tab

40 Would these websites contain information about exploring North America?

41 Maybe! But it would be a lot of digging.

42 What would be a better search?

43 North American explorers

44 Now how many websites did we find?

45 804

46 What can we do to help make good choices of sites to go to?

47 Mouse over each of the results icons to see the grade levels and read a brief description of the information.

48 Would this be an appropriate site to use? Why?

49 Yes! Because the grade level fits us.

50 We read the information. How do we get back to our search results?

51 Just close the window.

52 What do we do to continue our research in the databases?

53 Click on One Search

54 How many Online databases returned results
How many Online databases returned results? How do we go see the results?

55 33

56 Which of these articles would be the best one to use for our research on North America explorers? Support your answer.

57 The last one. Because it says primary sources.

58 What are some of the “tools” here that you find in books?

59 Table of Contents and Index.

60 Is this the only page of information at this website on our topic?

61 No. We can click on several other links.

62 We have read the information and taken notes; now how do we get back to our search results?

63 Just close the window.

64 Many of the databases have different levels or focus
Many of the databases have different levels or focus. Which of these two World Book Databases would be the best for our research?

65 World Book Discover.

66 Which of these articles would be most helpful in our research?

67 Vespucci, Amerigo and America

68 There are actually two more World Book databases if we keep scrolling down. Do we need to go to all of them?

69 No, it would be duplicate information

70 What is the name of the things above the line?
What do they help us do?

71 They help us quickly alphabetize.
Guide Words They help us quickly alphabetize.

72 What is the information in the ()?

73 Pronunciation

74 How many syllables in epidermis?

75 4

76 Which word has the most definitions or uses?

77 Cell. It has 4 different uses.

78 In what order are indexes arranged?

79 Alphabetical

80 What is the fastest way to see if this page has the information you need?

81 Just read the bold print words.

82 What page number do we turn to, to learn how to create a toolbar button?

83 63

84 How many pages would we find information on the config object entry?

85 3

86 What does See mean after an entry?

87 Wrong word. Use this…

88 We do not always need to use the index
We do not always need to use the index. What chapter discusses the importance of good eyesight?

89 Chapter 4

90 What page number would you turn to read the information on speaking skills?

91 Page 34

92 What would you find on page 141?

93 The Index.

94 What do you use the index for?

95 To quickly find the specific information.

96 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B What continent is this? C D E F G H

97 South America

98 What country is located at F4?
1 2 3 4 5 6 A B What country is located at F4? C D E F G H

99 Uruguay

100 Where is the United States in relation to South America?

101 Northwest

102 What “kind” of map is this?

103 This is a political map. It is only showing countries.

104 What is the subject (information) on this map?

105 Weather

106 You were hiking the highest point of the island, (where
You were hiking the highest point of the island, (where?) and now hot and sweaty you want to go swimming! (where?)

107 The Mountain peak, purple triangle. The beach, the yellow area.

108 Your vacation is over, time to leave the island; where do you need to go?

109 To the Ferry.

110 What country is this?

111 The United States

112 Which way is North, South, East and West?

113 South East West North

114 Where do most of the people live in our country?
Population < 1 1 – 10 10 – 25 25 – 50 50 – 100 100 – 250 250 – 500 500 – 1000 1000 – 2500 2500 – 5000 5000 > per sq. mile Where do most of the people live in our country?

115 On the East Coast.

116 Why is there such a divide where people live?
Population < 1 1 – 10 10 – 25 25 – 50 50 – 100 100 – 250 250 – 500 500 – 1000 1000 – 2500 2500 – 5000 5000 > per sq. mile Why is there such a divide where people live?

117 The Rocky Mountains

118 What “kind” of map is this?

119 A Physical Map.

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