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Conference of the Caribbean/Latin American Action:

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Presentation on theme: "Conference of the Caribbean/Latin American Action:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation and Competition: Telecommunications in the Dominican Republic
Conference of the Caribbean/Latin American Action: Free Trade and Integration: Implications for the Caribbean Basin December 5th, 2001 Hotel Intercontinental Miami, Florida Lic. Orlando Jorge Mera President Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL)

2 Telecoms Law No. 153-98 INDOTEL’s Role Conclusions
AGENDA Telecoms Law No INDOTEL’s Role Conclusions

3 Telecoms Law No. 153-98 Enacted May 27th, 1998
Creates a regulator with functional, jurisdictional and financial autonomy Convergent regulation applicable to the following sectors: telephony, radio, TV and cable

4 Telecoms Law No. 153-98 Objectives of Public and Social Interest
Promote the development of telecommunications Ensure fair, efficient and sustainable competition Protect consumers rights Manage the spectrum efficiently Promote Universal Service

5 INDOTEL’s Role Promote Investments Establish Policies and Norms
Supervise Service Providers Defend Consumers Manage the Spectrum Solve Controversies Administer the Telecommunications Development Fund


7 Promote Investments Wireline Industry Indicators Source: INDOTEL

8 Promote Investments Wireless Industry Indicators Source: INDOTEL

9 Promote Investments Internet Industry Indicators Source: INDOTEL

10 Promote Investments Industry Indicators 1996 2000 2001 GDP Growth
3rd. Q GDP Growth Telecoms GDP Share Telecoms Growth Rate 7.2 % 7.8 % 1.8 % 3.8 % 5.4 % 6.6 % 16.3 % 15.7 % 22.7 % Sources: 1.- Dominican Economic Report January-December 200, Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, March 2001 2.- Dominican Economic Report January-December 200, Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, August 2001 3.- Central Bank Homepage:

11 Promote Investments Fiber Optic Project CDE-INDOTEL - commerce Agenda
Entry of new Telco’s and ISP’s

12 Establish Policies and Norms
Telecoms Law No establishes a general regulatory framework. Regulator’s task is to establish policies and norms to enhance regulatory framework Regulation of Services NOT Technology Minimum Regulation Principle

13 Establish Policies and Norms
September 200 to date: Universal Service Policy Universal Service Plan Rules concerning the Telecommunications Development Fund Rules for the Solution of Controversies between Consumers and Operators Rules establishing the Prohibition of the Interception of Telecommunications

14 Under Public consultation
Establish Policies and Norms Under Public consultation Regulation concerning the Acquisition of Authorizations to Provide Telecommunications Services in the D.R. National Frequency Attribution Plan Regulation of provision of Cable Service Regulation of provision of FM Service Rules concerning the Contribution to the Development of Telecommunications Regulation for Ham Radio Users Routing Technical Plan Interconnection (SOON TO BE RELEASED)

15 Supervise Service Providers
Revision of all concessions and licenses granted prior and under Telecoms Law No to ensure legality of these authorizations Shutdown of illegal radio and TV stations Shutdown of illegal call centers

16 Protect Consumers Rights
Establishment of a Assistance Center for Consumers Establishment of rules applicable to consumer complaints Educational lectures on consumers rights and obligations

17 Manage the Spectrum Limited resource Organization of the Spectrum
Administer efficiently the available frequencies Implementation of a spectrum monitoring system

18 Solve Controversies Case by case basis
Cases of frequency interferences between radio, TV and cable operators Interconnection disputes

19 Administer the Telecommunications Development Fund
Rural Telephony Tele-centers Tele-education Cortesía de Universal Access Tele-medicine Cortesía de Rural Telephony Project Tele-centers Project Telemedicine Project (in coordination with State Secretariat of Health and Public Assistance) Teleducation Project (in coordination with State Secretariat of Education)

20 Conclusions Regulator must balance: market needs vs. consumers needs
Regulator should be accessible and its actions must be transparent Regulation should incentive the existence of conditions of a competitive market

21 Th nk You!

22 Lic. ORLANDO JORGE MERA Internet :
PRESIDENT – INDOTEL Internet : : Tel.: (809) Fax: (809) Av. Abraham Lincoln No. 962, Edificio Osiris • Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic•

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