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IST 210 Organization of Data

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1 IST 210 Organization of Data
Final presentations IST 210 Organization of Data

2 IST210 Awesome projects!

3 IST210 Group 9: Ticket Lion Two persons team!

4 IST210 Group 2: Uselfie

5 IST210 Group 8: Used Car Finder

6 IST210 Group 11: BarHub! No programming background!

7 IST210 Group 4: CarMatch

8 IST210 Group 7: RideShare No programming background!

9 IST210 Group 5: Nittany Help Most data!

10 IST210 Group 6: FoodFriend

11 IST210 Group 3: Yummy

12 IST210 Group 1: Another Round

13 IST210 Group 10: Plot my course

14 The third place goes to…
IST210 The third place goes to… Team 5 Nittany Help Alex Weber Ishani Viradiya YooKyung Kim Nada Ziab

15 Team 9 Honorable mention Ticket Lion Hilary Godin, David Brilliant
IST210 Honorable mention Team 9 Ticket Lion Hilary Godin, David Brilliant

16 Team 3 The runner up is… Yummy
IST210 The runner up is… Team 3 Yummy John Esteves, Le Fang, Daniel McPhillips, Benjamin Rader

17 Team 8 Tied second place… Used Car Finder
IST210 Tied second place… Team 8 Used Car Finder Christopher Silverwood, Marissa Rapaport, Joe Guan, Frank Barbour

18 Team 6 And the winner goes to… FoodFriend
IST210 And the winner goes to… Team 6 FoodFriend Richard Kletter, Ryan Leckenby, Hope Wimer, Audra Stafursky

19 IST 210 Organization of Data
Final exam review IST 210 Organization of Data

20 IST210 Exam Rules 1. The exam will be held at 8:00-9:50AM, on Friday 12/18/2015, in IST 110 (110 minutes). Try to come to class at least 10 minutes early. Exam starts at 8AM. 2. The exam is close book. No computer or other digital device is allowed. 3. You can bring one double-sided letter-size cheat sheet. You should only have a pen or pencil, an eraser, and one cheat sheet on your desk during the exam. 4. You should sit at your assigned seat during the exam. The seat assignment will be displayed on the screen before the exam. 5. Turn in your final exam paper AND the cheat sheet.

21 Academic integrity will be strictly enforced.
IST210 Exam Rules Academic integrity will be strictly enforced.

22 IST210 Exam Content All the exam contents are covered in our slides. We will not test the contents in the textbook but are not in slides. However, if you have problems in understanding the slides, you need to refer to the textbook. This exam will NOT test web-based programming (HTML or PHP).

23 Exam Content Part 1. True or False. (1 point * 10 = 10 points)
IST210 Exam Content Part 1. True or False. (1 point * 10 = 10 points) Part 2. Choose ONE from the multiple choices. (2 points * 10 = 20 points) Part 3. Normalize a relation (similar to Assignment 1 & 2 and part 2 in midterm). (10 points) Describe the modification problems. List the candidate keys and functional dependencies in this relation. Is it a well-formed relation and why? If not, normalize this relation. Part 4. SQL (similar to Assignment 3 and Part 3 in Midterm). (25 points) Write SQL to create a table – cheat sheet is very important… Write SQL to insert data. Write SQL to answer queries.

24 Exam Content Continued
IST210 Exam Content Continued Part 5. E-R diagram (similar to Assignment 4 and in-class exercises of Ch. 4). (20 points) 1) Given the description of user requirement, draw the E-R diagram. Entities Relationships Minimum/maximum cardinalities. Part 6. Database design (similar to Assignment 5 and in-class exercises of Ch. 5). (15 points) 1)  Given an E-R diagram, transform it into database tables. 2)  Specify some properties for the attributes in the tables.

25 IST210 Exam Content Overview Part 1. True or False – all chapters. (1 * 10 = 10 points) Part 2. Multiple choices – all chapters. (2 * 10 = 20 points) Part 3. Ch2 Normalize a relation. (10 points) Part 4. Ch3 SQL. (25 points) Part 5. Ch4 E-R diagram (20 points) Part 6. Ch5 Database design (15 points)

26 IST210 Some Tips You should thoroughly understand every assignment. All the assignment solutions are in ANGEL Lessons  Solutions. You should go through all the examples, in-classes exercises, and review questions in the slides. Do this in the slideshow mode: When you review assignments or examples in slides, do NOT simply read the answer. Try to re-do them, compare your answers with the solution, and learn from the mistakes. You should put some SQL commands on the cheat sheet, especially the template of creating tables (Be sure to include referential integrity constraint statements… )

27 Chapter 1. Introduction to Database
IST210 Chapter 1. Introduction to Database Problems with lists: redundancy, multiple themes, modification issues (delete, update, insert) From list to relational database: Break into tables, and join back using the value of the data Know how to query a relational database

28 Chapter 2. The Relational Model
IST210 Chapter 2. The Relational Model Know the characteristics of a relation Know the definitions and synonyms of Table, Row, and Column Understand the definitions of key, composite key, candidate key, primary key, surrogate key, foreign key Know the concept of referential integrity Know the presentation of a relation with primary key (underline) and foreign key (italic) – In the exam, use wave underline. Understand functional dependency and definition of determinant, know how to find functional dependencies in a table. Know the principles for normalization and know the steps for normalization process (4 Steps)

29 IST210 Chapter 3. SQL The best way to review this chapter is to understand every command in the slides and assignments. Do not only READ SQL. Reading SQL is easy. You have to know how to WRITE SQL by yourself. Try to re-write the SQL for the exercises in slides and assignment. Compare your answer with the solutions to understand the mistakes. It is important to learn from the mistakes! You should write down the SQL statements on the cheat sheet if you think necessary.

30 IST210 Chapter 3. SQL Know how to create tables: (1) attribute definitions: data types, not null, unique, default, identity; (2) how to define primary key, foreign key; (3) referential integrity: delete/update cascade/no action. Know what delete/update cascade/no action mean. Delete a table: DROP Know how to insert a data record using SQL. Pay attention to surrogate key and null value. SELECT…FROM…WHERE… SELECT * , DISTINCT WHERE: match criteria, AND, OR, IN, NOT IN, LIKE, wildcard, IS NULL Sort the results: ORDER BY … ASC/DESC Know how to use the build-in functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX GROUP BY…HAVING… Retrieve information from multiple tables: Subqueries and Joins

31 IST210 Chapter 4. E-R Diagram The best way to review this chapter is to re-draw the in-class exercises in Chapter 4 and the case in assignment 4. Compare your answer with the solutions. Understand the purpose and role of a data model Know the principal components of the E-R data model: entities, attributes, identifiers, relationships Understand how to interpret and draw E-R diagrams Know how to draw an entity including entity name, identifier, and attributes. Strictly follow the standard to the draw an entity Know how to draw maximum cardinalities on relationships (1:1, 1:N, N:M) Know how to draw minimum cardinalities on relationships (optional and mandatory)

32 Chapter 5. Database Design
IST210 Chapter 5. Database Design The best way to review this chapter is to re-do the in-class exercises in Chapter 5 and the case in assignment 5. Compare your answer with the solutions. Know how to transform an E-R diagram into relational tables Know how to transform entities to tables Know how to transform 1:1, 1:N, and N:M relationships Know how to specify the properties for the attributes in a table. Pay attention to the properties of the foreign keys

33 IST210 Questions?


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