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La Casa – The House Unit 4.

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1 La Casa – The House Unit 4

2 Vocabulario H:\Avancemos Challenge Spanish 8\Unit 4 House\Vocab with answers.docx

3 Video – “La casa de Marcos”
g *Watch the video and make a check mark next to the new “la casa” vocabulary words that you hear in the video.

4 Mi cuarto favorito… Draw a quick picture of your favorite room in the house. Add as much detail as possible by drawing pictures of furniture as well. Switch your room picture with a partner. Describe the room for your partner by listing the items in the room using the word “Hay..” which means “There is or There are…”.

5 Tarea Day 1 Draw a “blue print” floor plan of your house and label the rooms in Spanish (no furniture).

6 Interpersonal Task (1st period)
Take out “tu tarea” (La Casa Blueprint). Meet with Partner #1: Describe your floor plan in Spanish using house vocabulary, the verb “estar” and location words. Your Partner #1 will draw your house floor plan according to your description and label in English. (Follow my model). When finished, compare the two drawings to see how well they match.

7 My model…escucha

8 Vocabulary Reminder Al lado do – next to Lejos de – far from
Cerca de – close to A la derecha de – to the right of A la izquierda de – to the left of En la esquina – on the corner Enfrente de – in front of En el centro – in the center Entre - between

9 Interpersonal Task Part 2
Meet with Partner #2: Draw “un gato negro” in any room of your house. Describe the room without using the room name in Spanish (use furniture names instead). Your Partner will guess which room the “Gato Negro” is in based on your description. “¡EL GATO NEGRO ESTA EN LA COCINA!” Repeat with two new partners of your choice

10 Period 1 - Tarea Pg. 268 #2 and Pg. 269 #3 Due NEXT 1st Period class
Take a book home with you to complete the HW and it is also due back next 1st period.

11 Period 3 – House Hunters Day 1
Have you ever heard of the show “House Hunters”? What is the purpose of the show? We are going to watch an episode of House Hunters on location in Spain today and tomorrow. While watching, take notes on each location (in detail) so that you can choose one of the three locations to write about later on. +international+spain&view=detail&mid=4A79EA F803604A79EA F80360&FORM=V IRE1

12 Period 3 – House Hunters Day (cont..)
Circle which of the three houses you would choose for the family and write 2-3 sentences in English explaining why. Small group: Group up by which house you chose. As a group, come up with a compelling argument in English for why your choice is the best and be prepared to argue for that choice to the class. Day 2: Let’s find out which one they chose…

13 Period 3 – House Hunters Day 2
Were you surprised? Did you guess correctly? Do you still think your choice was the better choice if was different than their final decision? Turn your argument into Spanish by blogging your thoughts online. Start with drafting a rough draft in class today. Turn it into an online blog post for homework due this evening. Later…You will revisit everyone’s posts and comment on at least one of your classmate’s posts in Spanish by either agreeing or disagreeing with their comment by Friday evening.

14 Blog Directions Blog Directions: (To be completed online with access from my webpage of the school’s website) Click on your class link (Challenge Spanish): Click "Log in" at the top right corner of the screen Use the drop down box to find and click on your name Enter the password "medford" and click "Log in" Click on "Your assignment" on the main screen. Read your assignment and complete it in the comments section. Make sure you post your comment when finished typing by clicking the blue “comment” button.

15 Blog Example

16 Homework Review (268 Act 2) La comoda esta en el cuarto piso.
La television esta en el quinto piso. La cama esta en el sexto piso. La silla esta en el tercer piso. La mesa esta en el septimo piso. Las cortinas estan en el primer piso. El sofa esta en el segundo piso. La lampara esta en el octavo piso.

17 Homework Review (269 Act 3) Estoy (location) Esta (location)
Es (description) Estamos (location) Estan (location) Somos (description) Eres (description)

18 Bulletin Board Challenge
A Day vs B Day Create a full house floor plan (1-2 floors) using magazine clippings and creating a “collage-like” picture on your side of the bulletin board Divide yourself into small groups and each group is responsible for at least one room/part of the house When creating your collage, label each room in Spanish Working during 1st period for today and the next class period (and maybe the next class too)

19 A Day Gavin, Sean, Sean, Jack – la sala, el comedor
Jacob, Jack, Jay, Papa – el bano Ash, Sami – la cocina Emily and Julia- la habitacion Grace and Julia – la habitacion el garaje, el patio, el bano, la oficina

20 B Day Kelly, Julia, Ellie – la cocina
Kyleigh, Jamie, Brie, Meg – la habitacion principal, el bano Maddy, Gabby, Deven, Abbey – la sala, la habitacion Sophia, Leila, Chloe – el comedor, la sala de familia Riley, Bella, Ag, Lea –la oficina, el patio/jardin/piscina

21 Real Estate In partners, think of what these questions mean in English and how you would answer them as a buyer in Spanish… ¿Cómo prefieres tu cocina? ¿Necesitas más de dos baños? ¿Cuál es tu casa ideal? ¿Cuántos dormitorios quieres en tu casa? ¿Dónde necesitas un armario grande? ¿Cuándo usas el comedor? ¿Qué quieres estar cerca de la casa?

22 Real Estate In partners, think of what these questions mean in English and how you would answer them if you were an agent in Spanish… ¿Donde están los baños en la casa? ¿Qué hay en la cocina? Tengo muebles grandes, ¿cómo es la sala? ¿Dónde está el garaje? ¿Cuántos dormitorios tiene la casa y cómo son? ¿Qué está cerca de la casa? ¿Cuánto cuesta la casa?

23 Small-group Practice (use A/B cards)
A-Day: Sit in two rows with desks facing each other. One row are the “agents”, one row are the “buyers”. Agents take an “Agent question” from the pile, Buyers take a “Buyer” question from the pile. Agents ask their question first to the buyer sitting across from you, buyers answer question in Spanish. Buyers then ask your question to the agent sitting across from you, agent answers the question in Spanish. Pass your question to the left and repeat with a new question until you have asked and answered all questions.

24 Now switch A day/B day small groups
Small-group Practice B day: Meet with me for listening practice Listen to the following at: Pg. 268 #1 (CD 5 Track 11 – Unidad 5, Leccion 1) Answer the questions that follow by raising your hands to say true, raising your feet to say false. Now switch A day/B day small groups

25 Whole-group Practice Page 263 #20
Read each of the advertisements Listen to the Phone Message and take notes ¿Cómo es el apartamento y dónde está? Cuánto cuesta? Divide into 4 groups – one for each apartment. Summarize the major points of what you read or heard in English for the class. Discuss pros and cons of each apartment as a class

26 Whole – group… Choose which of the 4 apartments is best for you and your family (your real family). Explain why. Consider these three areas: What it looks like, where it’s located, and how much it costs. 5-6 sentences in Spanish. Share your choice and explanation with a partner. One person for each of the 4 apartments volunteer to share for the group. (Collect written explanations to check over grammar – CW grade for accountability)

27 Speaking/Listening Practice Stations
ALL STATIONS WILL BE IN PAIRS Station #1: A/B cards. Sit in two rows facing each other. One row are agents and use the A cards, one row are buyers and use the B card. Take one card from your A or B pile. Ask your question to your partner, answer the question from your partner. Pass your question to the left and repeat with new question and answer. Station #2: Which bedroom? Look at the pictures of three different bedrooms. Decide which bedroom you like the most and least and explain your answers to 2 of the 4 questions that your partner asks. Switch roles and repeat activity with remaining 2 questions.

28 Speaking/Listening Practice Stations
Station #3: Furniture Location. Use the location words to describe where the following items are in relation to each other. Alternate questions for asking/ answering. Do not write, but you may take home the page to practice the writing at home. Station #4: Conversation Cards. One student be Estudiante A, one student be Estudiante B and pick up your Conversation Card that corresponds to A or B. Do a role-play with your partner about the apartments and determine which one you will rent.

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