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Immigrants and different cultures POLAND VS SPAIN(MELILLA)

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Presentation on theme: "Immigrants and different cultures POLAND VS SPAIN(MELILLA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigrants and different cultures POLAND VS SPAIN(MELILLA)

2 History of Melilla Melilla as Rusaddir was founded by the Phoenicians. Later this Phoenician colony belonged to Carthage and then to Rome. It remained under Arab rule from the seventh century until 1497, when it was conquered by the Spaniards. Over next centuries it was only a small Spanish fortress. Its major development occurred after It was the object of the Spanish-Moroccan conflicts . By 1909 Melilla was occupied by Spain. Between 1921 and 1926 it was overrun by insurgents led by Abd al-Krim. In 1995 Melilla gained autonomous status.

3 The entire territory of the city is 12, 5 km²
The entire territory of the city is 12, 5 km². 83,762 people live in Melilla (in 2012).

4 The concept of immigration
Immigration - arrival from abroad to visit or to live permanently. Immigration is the opposite of emigration, divided into legal and illegal. Its causes may be political, religious, economic or private.

5 The most popular ways of immigration to Europe

6 Immigrants arriving in Melilla come from different countries such as:
Syria Algieria Palestine Marocco

7 Getting to Europe costs a lot
The cost depends on the location from which the immigrants depart. For example, the Syrian prices range from 4 to 6 thousand euros, just over the border with Maroccan-Spanish average of 400 euros, but you must remember that during the journey many new expenses can occur. Many people wish to get a compensation for the "secrecy". Because of that the chances to come to Europe are very low and if you don't have friends or luck, there's no chance.

8 The fact is that immigrants often leave their family and hit the road with their last savings, and so, once they manage to get through, they have nothing. After the arrival only few reach a decent standard of living, few also manage to find a job.

9 Many immigrants say that Spain is the end of their journey, but those well educated are often looking for more luck in Germany and England.

10 Contrast…

11 People’ s attitude to immigrants

12 How Polish and Spanish people see potential immigrants.
Make ours country strong: - They working They develop economy… They are harmful: They occupy jobs They enjoy the social privileges… (The rest % of the people is not determined)

13 Different cultures in Melilla

14 4. Number of persons surveyed- 10.
Introduction 1. Destiny of survey- objective of the survey was to get information on the origin and cultures in Melilla. 2. The method of realization- survey was carried out in paper form, it was completely anonymous 3. The people surveyed were aged years and they were students of I.E.S. Enrique Nieto. 4. Number of persons surveyed- 10.

15 CONCLUSIONS Most of surveyed people said that their family come from Spain but some people said Thant they aren’t from Spain. For example two of that person declared that part of their family come from Morocco and , what’s really interesting, one said that he/she has his/her roots in Belgium.

16 Families live there since…
Contrary to appearances most of people here doesn’t live here since they were born. Only 50 % of surveyed persons said that their parents live here since they were born. Average count of years that thay have been living here is about 18 years.

17 Big families? I always thought Thant in town like this are big families but I was very surprised when I checked the surveys. Average size of family here is mother, father and two or three children.

18 Traditions associated to religion
70% of surveyed people were catholics and they had traditions we all know. But the rest of people had other traditions or holidays Thant are different for example muslim Ramadan.

19 Ramadan Ninth month of the Muslim calendar. For the Muslims, it is holy, because this month began revealing the Quran - the archangel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad, passing a few verses of the future of the holy book of Islam. During Ramadan from dawn to dusk (about 15 minutes after sunrise), a Muslim over the age of 10 are not allowed to eat any food, drink, any drink, smoke or use cosmetics

20 Eid al-Adha tekst: it is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra'il (Gabriel), who then put a sheep in his son's place. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: the family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.


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