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Words and expressions slight shaking fear scream bomb shake direction

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Presentation on theme: "Words and expressions slight shaking fear scream bomb shake direction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Words and expressions slight shaking fear scream bomb shake direction
adj. 轻微的 n. 摇动,震动 n. 害怕,恐惧 v. 尖叫,惊呼 n. 炸弹 v. 摇动,震动 n. 方向

2 Words and expressions wildly adv. 失去控制地 brick n. 砖,砖块 calm
be trapped moment mind since adv. 失去控制地 n. 砖,砖块 v. 平静下来,镇定下来 陷入困境 n. 片刻,瞬间 n. 头脑,想法 conj. 由于,既然

3 Words and expressions alive adj. 活着的 somebody pron. 某人,有人 hurry
daylight loudly everywhere adj. 活着的 pron. 某人,有人 n. 急忙,匆忙 n. 日光,白昼 adv. 大声地 adv. 到处


5 Fun With English 8A Unit Six Reading (I)

6 What happened on 12 May 2008 ?

7 A powerful 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province on May 12, More than 69,000 people died.

8 What is an earthquake? An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.


10 Brainstorm: The terrible earthquake
shake wildly bomb earthquake run direction frightened fear N scream W E Earthquakes are really big disasters! S

11 Taiwan Earthquake 21st September 1999 8700 buildings fell down
1700 people died

12 The Taiwan earthquake There was an earthquake in Taiwan in Many people lost their lives in the earthquake,but a boy called Timmy survived.

13 The terrible Taiwan earthquake
Did Timmy give up or try his best to survive when he was in danger during the earthquake? He tried his best to survive.

14 An earthquake survivor’s home page
There was an earthquake in Taiwan in Many people lost their lives in the earthquake, but a boy called Timmy survived. Let’s look at what happened to him.

15 Read it by yourselves: At first Paragraph 1 Then Paragraph 2 When the noise ended Paragraph 3 4-5 After he was trapped Paragraph Finally Paragraph 6 Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt Can you find out in different parts?

16 Listen to the first part and answer:
1. Where was Timmy? 2. What happened in the shopping centre? Listen to the first part and answer: he was doing some shopping when it started. At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body. People in the shopping centre looked at each other in fear.

17 He was in a shopping centre.
At first Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt Paragraph1 He was in a shopping centre. (Maybe he did the shopping.) People looked at each other in fear. He heard a big noise like thunder; children screamed. He felt a slight shaking through his body.

18 Listen to the second part and answer:
1. What about the earth? 2. How did people react? Listen to the second part and answer: The earth started to shake. People ran in all directions. Some people ran out of the shopping centre. People were running while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. 3. What did Timmy do? He tried his best run out to the street.

19 (He was outside the shopping centre.)
Then Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt Paragraph2 (He was outside the shopping centre.) He tried his best to run out to the street. People ran in all directions; some ran out of the shopping centre; the walls began to come down. He heard the noise, like bombs below the ground The earth shook; (he was afraid.)

20 Listen to the third part and answer:
1. Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped? 2. How did he feel? Listen to the third part and answer: He could not see anything at all. And he didn’t know if anyone was around him. He calmed down and asked himself, ‘did I really survive?

21 He didn’t know where he was.
Paragraph3 When the noise ended Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt He didn’t know where he was. He calmed down and said to himself. He couldn’t see anything at all. (Maybe he could hear nothing.) He couldn’t believe it was over; (Maybe he was afraid.)

22 Listen to the forth part and answer:
1.What did he think and what did he do when he knew that he was still alive? 2. What did he do while he was waiting for help? Listen to the forth part and answer: A moment of fear went through his mind but he told himself to calm down. He shouted for help.

23 (He was trapped under the bricks and stones)
After he was trapped Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt Paragraph4-5 (He was trapped under the bricks and stones) He told himself to calm down; he shouted for help and told himself to stay alive (He saw nothing.) (He heard nothing) A moment of fear went through his mind.

24 Timmy is clever and brave.
Is it enough for Timmy to get out? No!

25 + = cleverness others’ help bright daylight bravery Others’ help
How did people help Timmy? People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. cleverness others’ help bright daylight + = bravery

26 Listen to the fifth part and answer:
1.How was he rescued/ saved? Listen to the fifth part and answer: a. He was trying to find the way out when he suddenly heard some noise above him. b. People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. c. At last, he saw the bright daylight. He was safe. = He was saved.

27 (He was out of the bricks and stones.)
Paragraph6 Finally Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt (He was out of the bricks and stones.) He screamed, “Help! ” He saw the bright daylight. He heard some noise above him and excited shouts. He felt excited.

28 Find the following phrases from the text:
惊恐地 向四处奔跑 该去哪 开始倒塌 冷静下来 根本看不见 处于困境中 一阵恐惧 匆忙地 移走,拿开 in fear run in all directions where to go begin to come down calm down can not see at all be trapped a moment of fear in a great hurry move away

29 Memorize the phrases 感觉一阵摇晃通过全身 听见像打雷一样的声音 恐惧地看着某人 四处逃窜 疯了一样的猛跑
从…落下/倒下/掉下 镇定下来 feel a slight shaking through one’s body hear a big noise like thunder look at sb. in fear run in all directions run wildly fall/come down from calm down

30 try one’s best to do sth. be over not … at all be trapped say to oneself a moment of fear go through one’s mind shout for help a packet of chocolate be in a (great) hurry to do sth. move away 试图/尽力做某事 结束 一点也不;根本不 身陷困境;被困住 自言自语 一阵恐惧(感) 闪过脑海 大声求救 一包巧克力 急忙; 匆忙做某事 搬开;移开

31 What happened to Timmy in the earthquake?
Timmy is a teenager. He lives in Taiwan. He survived the(1)_________ in He was doing some shopping when he heard a loud noise. It was like the noise of (2)_________. Then the noise became really loud. It sounded like (3)_________ under the ground. After that, pieces of glass and (4)_________ fell down. When the noise ended, he was (5)_________ and could not get out. A moment of (6)_________ went through his mind. Then he tried to (7)_________ down and (8)__________ for help. Finally, people moved away the bricks and stones and saved him. earthquake thunder bombs bricks trapped fear screamed calm

32 Match the meanings on the left with the words on the right .
1.stop being nervous or excited 2.keep in a place and can not leave 3.the loud noise following lightning 4. shout loudly 5. behaving in an uncontrolled (不受控制的)way . 6. fall down 7. movements from side to side or up and down A thunder B scream C calm down D be trapped E wildly F shaking G come down D A B E G F

33 4 2 6 a c b 3 1 5 f d e People ran out of the shopping centre.
I was trapped. Help came. 3 1 5 f d e Was it thunder? I screamed for help. The wall came down.

34 3 2 6 5 4 1 7

35 1. Timmy was walking in the street when the earthquake started.
Timmy was in a shopping centre when the earthquake started.

36 2. At first Timmy heard a loud noise of the thunder.
At first Timmy felt a slight shaking through his body.

37 3. Animals ran wildly everywhere.
People ran wildly everywhere.

38 4. Timmy was trapped in a dark place when the earthquake stopped.

39 5. Timmy had nothing to eat when he was trapped under the bricks and stones.
Timmy had a packet of chocolate when he was trapped under the ground.

40 6. People found Timmy at night.
People found Timmy in the daytime because Timmy saw the bright daylight at last.

41 7. Some people heard Timmy scream, so they came to move the bricks and stones away and saved him.

42 F F F T F F 1 Timmy was in a restaurant when the earthquake started.
2 Timmy heard a loud noise like bombs at first. 3 Animals ran wildly everywhere. 4 Timmy was trapped in a dark place when the earthquake stopped. 5 Timmy couldn’t calm down until help arrived. 6 People found Timmy at night. F F F T F F

43 Answer questions: 1.What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?
2. What happened in the shopping centre? 3. What happened to the buildings? 4. Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped? 5. How did Timmy feel? 6. What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help? 7. How was he saved?

44 Read with feelings At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body. frightened “Did I really survive?” confused (not sure) “I’m trapped.” sad I screamed , “Help! Please help! I’m here!” hopeful

45 Useful phrases: some shopping(do---did) 购物 2. feel a slight shaking through my body(feel---felt)我身体感到轻微的晃动 3. a loud noise like thunder一声雷鸣般的巨响 4. look at each other in fear惊恐地面面相觑 5. start to shake开始震动 6. run in all direction(run---ran---running)四处乱跑 7. run out of (run---ran---running)从……里跑出来 8. try one’s best to do sth. (try---tried---trying)尽某人所能做某事 9. run wildly (run---ran)疯狂地奔跑 10. pieces of glass玻璃碎片 11. fall down (fall---fell)倒下 12. calm down平静,冷静 13. be over结束 14. be trapped困住 15. say to oneself (say---said)某人自言自语

46 Useful phrases 16. a moment of fear一阵恐惧
17. go through my mind(go---went)经过我的大脑 18. shout for help喊救命 19. stay alive(stay---stayed)活下去 20. a packet of chocolate一包巧克力 21. find my way out找到我出去的路 22. hear shouts from excited people(hear---heard)听到激动的人群的叫喊声 23. in a great hurry匆忙 24. move away移开 25. the bright daylight明媚的阳光 26. shout loudly大声喊叫 27. sound like bombs听起来像炸弹的爆炸声 28. get out(get---got)出来 29. scream for help尖叫求教 30. have nothing to eat(have---had)没任何东西可吃

47 Ways to save yourself Which of the following actions are useful in earthquakes? run to the street run in all directions and wildly use the lift eat the chocolate little by little and save the energy to survive scream when people come nearby

48 Ways to save yourself If there were an earthquake here and there were no time for you to run out, what would you do to save yourself?

49 Ways to save yourself 1. You can hide under the desk. 2. You can stay in the corner. Remember: the most important thing is to protect your head!

50 No matter what terrible disasters you are facing,
don’t give up easily!

51 tornado

52 Can you find the answers?
Tornado struck Something terrible happened on the morning of 24 April. It was something that no one ever thought could take place in this city. Down from the sky came a dark funnel-like cloud. It reached to the ground. This was a tornado-a wind that goes round and round, sometimes as fast as five hundred miles an hour. It picked up everything in its path: trees, cars, houses, and even people. On and on it moved, right through a part of the city where many people lived. It happened so fast that no one knew what to do. Many people lay hurt inside destroyed buildings. Fire burned, telephone wires fell and roads were blocked. Can you find the answers? The date of the tornado:________________________________________ What is tornado:______________________________________________ How fast is a tornado:__________________________________________ What did it pick up:____________________________________________ After the tornado ended, what could people see? ____________________________________________________________

53 Tornado is a wind that goes round and round.
Tornado struck Something terrible happened on the morning of 24 April. It was something that no one ever thought could take place in this city. Down from the sky came a dark funnel-like cloud. It reached to the ground. This was a tornado-a wind that goes round and round, sometimes as fast as five hundred miles an hour. It picked up everything in its path: trees, cars, houses, and even people. On and on it moved, right through a part of the city where many people lived. It happened so fast that no one knew what to do. Many people lay hurt inside destroyed buildings. Fire burned, telephone wires fell and roads were blocked. Can you find the answers? The date of the tornado:________________________________________ What is tornado:______________________________________________ How fast is a tornado:__________________________________________ What did it pick up:____________________________________________ After the tornado ended, what could people see? ____________________________________________________________ on the morning of 24 April Tornado is a wind that goes round and round. sometimes it goes as fast as 500 miles an hour. It picked up everything in its path. Many people lay hurt inside destroyed buildings. Fire burned, telephone wires fell and roads were blocked.

54 Homework Try to find ways to save yourself during other natural disasters! Please write down your ideas and Timmy at

55 Let's cherish the beauty of nature! Thank you for listening!
Cherish our life! Thank you for listening!

56 Unit 6 Natural disasters
Reading (2)


58 guess

59 earthquake

60 Answer questions quickly

61 felt heard saw at the beginning
in fear fall down wildly come down calm down scream in a hurry run in all directions be trapped daylight try one’s best thunder a slight shaking felt heard saw at the beginning a slight shaking thunder in fear scream

62 felt heard saw during … fall down come down wildly bombs calm down
in a hurry be trapped run in all directions daylight noise and shouts try one’s best shake nervous felt heard saw during … shake bombs run in all directions wildly try one’s best fall down come down

63 Well done felt heard saw after … calm down daylight in a hurry
be trapped noise and shouts nervous felt heard saw after … nervous nothing nothing calm down be trapped noise and shouts in a hurry daylight

64 felt heard saw at the beginning during after
a slight shaking thunder scream in fear during shake bombs run in all directions wildly try one’s best fall down come down after be trapped nervous calm down noise and shouts in a hurry daylight

65 Lucky Timmy Timmy was one of the luckiest men in the world.
Fill in the blanks: Lucky Timmy Timmy was one of the luckiest men in the world. One afternoon, in 1999,while he was in a ________ ______, a terrible earthquake happened. At first ,he felt a slight _______ through his body, then he heard a big noise like ______. People looked at each other ___ ____. Some children ________ because they were frightened. shopping centre shaking thunder in fear screamed

66 bombs Then real noise began, like ______ below the ground. People ran ___ ___ _______. Pieces of glass and bricks _____ _____ and the walls began to _____ _____too! Timmy tried his best to ____ ___ ____ the street. After the noise and shaking ended, he found he ____ ______. He felt afraid but he tried to ____ ____ since he was still alive. in all directions fell down come down run out to was trapped calm down

67 He had a packet of _______but he didn’t eat it all because he knew he might be there ___ __ ____ ____. When he heard some noise above him, he screamed for help. People heard his scream and hurried to ____ _____the bricks and stones. He was saved at last. chocolate for a long time move away

68 shout loudly in fear B. the feeling we have when we are afraid C. the way you go or face D. move quickly from side to side E. coming to an end F. suddenly and strong movement of the earth shake 2. fear 3. scream 4. direction 5. over 6. earthquake

69 shaking fear screamed earthquake direction over Exercises
1.The leaves on the tree are________ in the strong wind. 2.The girl cried with _____ as the snake came closer. 3.The boy fell into the river and ________ for help. 4.You must calm down in the ___________. 5.We ran quickly in the _________ of the exit. 6.Everyone is happy when the class is_____. fear screamed earthquake direction over

70 Exercises shaking 1. What did Timmy do when the _______ (shake) ended? 2. He always said to ______ (he), “I must calm down.” 3. He was so happy he was still ____ (live). He didn’t die. 4. The cat was ________ (trap) in the small hole. 5. Animals always run ___ (wild) everywhere when the earthquake comes. 6. Tommy was so lucky because he_______ (survive) the earthquake. himself alive trapped wildly survived

71 Can you understand these sentences well?
1. Some children screamed because they were very frightened. = Some children ___________ because they were _________. /because of______. 2. A moment of fear went through my mind. =I ___________ for ____________. shouted loudly afraid fear a short time felt frightened

72 Can you understand these sentences well?
3. I was still alive. = I ________. = I _______. = I was still _______. didn’t die survived living

73 Translate the sentences into Chinese:
People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.(L10) 当玻璃碎片和墙砖往下落的时候,人们疯了一样的乱跑. while: 当……的时候 e.g. I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking. She was dancing while he was singing.

74 Finally, the noise and shaking ended.(L13)
最后,响声和晃动停了下来(结束了)。 end : 结束 n. ( in the end; at the end of) v. ( = finish ) Our school day starts at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. We are going to end this unit next week.

75 I could not believe it was over.(L14)
我不相信这已经结束了。 over : adj. 结束的 be over ( = finish = end ) Class is over. The match will be over tomorrow.

76 I did not know if anyone was around me(L15-16)
我不知道周围有没有人。 If 意为“是否”后接陈述句。 e.g. I don’t know if he will go. If还可以表示“如果,假如”引导条件状语从句。 e.g If it rains, we won’t go hiking.

77 I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.(L19-20)
我告诉自己,既然我还活着就要镇定下来。 since 引导原因状语从句,意为“由于,既然” e.g. Since it is late, I shall go home now.

78 People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.(L31)
人们立即/急忙赶来搬开墙砖和石快。 in a hurry: 立刻; 急忙 e.g. I was ill yesterday and Mum was in a hurry to take me to hospital. e.g. I was ill yesterday and Mum took me to hospital in a hurry.

79 6.They were in a great hurry to move
away the bricks and stones. be in a hurry to do sth. n. do sth. in a hurry hurry to do sth v. They moved away the bricks and stones in a hurry. They hurried to move away the bricks and stones.

80 Describe me be in a hurry to do sth. do sth. in a hurry
Miss Gai was in a hurry to put all the things into the bag. Miss Gai hurried to run out of the classroom. Which is right? _____________________ Which is wrong?

81 Free talk do sth. in a hurry hurry to do sth.
If you get up late in the morning, what will you do ? be in a hurry to do sth. do sth. in a hurry hurry to do sth.

82 1. At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body.
shaking n shake v. 1) At first, the slight _______ of the house made Timmy frightened. 2) When the earthquake really started, the earth _______. shook shaking shook

83 1. At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body.
shaking n shake v.   1)我们必须在使用前摇匀这药。  We must _______ this medicine before using it. 2) 她抖掉了鞋子里的沙。 The _______ made the sand get out of her shoes. shook shake shaking

84 2.I tried my best to run out to the street too.
try one’s best (not) to do sth. = do one’s best (not) to do sth. I did my best to run out to the street too.

85 Free talk Mr. Nature will come to China to tell us what we can do and what we can’t do during the earthquake , so he wants to learn Chinese. What should he try his best to do ? try one’s best (not) to do….

86 When the earthquake comes, we should… try our best (not) to do sth.
protect stay hide

87 3. People ran in all directions.
in the direction of + place Students go back home in all directions after school. Students go in the direction of their home

88 Miss Gai is ________________
Jinling High School. The birds are shocked and _____________________. walking in the direction of flying in all directions

89 4. People were running wildly.
the frightened horses, wildly ______________________________________ The frightened horses are running wildly.

90 shout cry think fight wildly

91 5. I calmed down and asked myself…
calm down calm sb. down __________ ! Miss Geng is very kind and friendly. Little Tom kept shaking. Miss Geng tried her best to _______________. Calm down calm him down

92 Exercises 选用in all directions, a moment of fear, in a hurry, in fear, felt a slight shaking, in the shopping center, try my best, fall down from填空 1. When the girl saw the snake, she screamed _________. 2. During the long holiday, there are thousand of people_____________________. 3. I got up late, so I went to school _______. 4. The final exam is coming. I’ll ___________ to study hard in all the subjects. in fear in the shopping center in a hurry try my best

93 Exercises 选用in all directions, a moment of fear, in a hurry, in fear, felt a slight shaking, in the shopping center, try my best, fall down from填空 5. Seeing the policemen, the thieves ran quickly______________. 6. The leaves turn yellow and ___________ the trees in late autumn. 7. I _________________ through my body when I saw the dead man on the street. 8. After ______________, the little boy started to calm down. in all directions fall down from felt a slight shaking a moment of fear

94 Complete the sentences
1. 今年的伊朗大地震中,数千人遇难,数百万人无家可归。 The earthquake of Iran this year ____________________ and ________________________________. 2. 电梯坏了,我们被困在了里面。 The lift was broken and we_____________ inside. killed thousands of people millions of people lost their homes. were trapped

95 3. 那个女孩看到蛇时尖叫了起来。 The little girl ________ when she saw the snake. 4. 听到爆炸声,人们四处跑开。 People ________________ when they heard the sound of the bomb. 5. 人们匆忙搬开砖块和石头救出了那个孩子。 People _________________ screamed ran in all directions were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones to save the child.

96 quiz Level one Level two Written work Oral work

97 A.Change the underlined words
Written work A.Change the underlined words When the typhoon came, people shouted loudly because they were very frightened. Can we run in all directions and crazily? No! Don’t be nervous! We should be in a hurry to go into the room nearby. screamed in fear run wildly Calm down! hurry to

98 B. Fill in the blanks with phrases given
be trapped; move away; fall down; calm down; in a hurry; H: Why are you ____________, Eddie? E: My friend ____________ in a car. A big snowball __________ onto his car. I am worried about him. H: ____________, Eddie. Let me help you ____________ the snowball. E: You are so kind, Hobo. Thank goodness ! in a hurry is trapped fell down Calm down move away

99 Make a home page of yourself
Oral work Make a home page of yourself Suppose you survived the latest Taiwan earthquake. Please tell your story to others and put it on your home page. final PK


101 An earthquake survivor’s home page
The Taiwan earthquake

102 Memorize the phrases 感觉一阵摇晃通过全身 听见像打雷一样的声音 恐惧地看着某人 四处逃窜 疯了一样的猛跑
从…落下/倒下/掉下 镇定下来 feel a slight shaking through one’s body hear a big noise like thunder look at sb. in fear run in all directions run wildly fall/come down from calm down

103 try one’s best to do sth. be over not … at all be trapped say to oneself a moment of fear go through one’s mind shout for help a packet of chocolate in a (great) hurry move away 试图/尽力做某事 结束 一点也不;根本不 身陷困境;被困住 自言自语 一阵恐惧(感) 闪过脑海 大声求救 一包巧克力 急忙; 匆忙 搬开;移开

104 Homework 1.熟读课文,背诵3-4小节。 2.抄写本单元所学词组,每个一行。

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