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Authenticated Join Processing in Outsourced Databases

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1 Authenticated Join Processing in Outsourced Databases
Providence, USA, 2009 Yin Yang, Dimitris Papadias, Stavros Papadopoulos HKUST, Hong Kong Panos Kalnis KAUST, Saudi Arabia Authenticated Join Processing in Outsourced Databases

2 Database Outsourcing Advantages A main challenge
The data owner does not need the hardware / software / personnel to run a DBMS The service provider achieves economy of scale The client enjoys better quality of service A main challenge The service provider is not trusted, and may return incorrect query results The SP serves multiple owners. The client has fast assess to the SP.

3 Query Authentication The owner signs its data with a digital signature scheme Given a query, the service provider attaches a VO (Verification Object) to the results The client verifies query results with the VO and the owner’s signature soundness completeness

4 Example Queries Range: σquantity>100Purchase
If the SP sends one more result (p3) and modify its quantity to 180, the results are not sound If the SP omits a valid result (p4), the results are not complete. Because of the FK constraint, all Purchase records participate in join results. Range: σquantity>100Purchase Join: Purchase cidCustomer Range & Join :(σquantity>100Purchase) cid(σcity=“New York”Customer)

5 State of the Art Range authentication: many solutions
Join authentication: few proposals Materializing join results into views AINL (presented in detail later) Joins are inherently more complex than ranges A join combines information from multiple tables Only individual tables are signed Materialization is very expensive for the owner, especially when there are many possible joins and frequent updates.

6 Previous Work Multi-dimensional range authentication
Y. Yang, S. Papadopoulos, D. Papadias, G. Kollios (BU) ICDE’08, VLDB J. Continuous range authentication S. Papadopoulos, Y. Yang, D. Papadias VLDB’07, VLDB J. Novel authentication framework S. Papadopoulos, D. Saccharidis, D. Papadias ICDE’09

7 Background Concepts in Cryptography Authenticated Data Structure (ADS)
Merkle Hash Tree MB-Tree AINL

8 Concepts in Cryptography
One-way, collision-resistant hash functions h = H(m) Computationally infeasible to infer m from h, or to find two m1, m2 with the same hash value h Example: SHA1, SHA2, … Public-key encryption Two keys: private key sk, public key pk Public key to encrypt, private key to decrypt Example: RSA Digital Signature Hard to forge without the secret key Signing: s = encrypt(H(m), sk) Verifying: check if H(m) = decrypt(s, pk)

9 Merkle Hash Tree (Merkle, Crypto’89)
A binary tree with hash values satisfying hn = H( | hn.rc) Authenticates 1D range queries Example: a query Q retrieves d4, d5 VO(Q) = {sroot, h1-2, d3, d4, d5, d6, h7-8} The client re-constructs hRoot bottom-up, and verifies the signature

10 Merkle B-Tree (Li et al. SIGMOD’06)
Merkle Hash Tree + B-Tree Conceptually, a Merkle Hash Tree with a large fanout (>2)

11 AINL For binary joins Requires ADS on the join attribute of the inner relation Reduces a join query into multiple ranges Algorithm For every tuple in the outer relation Perform an authenticated range on the inner relation

12 Example of AINL r2 r1 r1, hF, h10, s11, s12, hE
r2, h1, s2, s3, s4, h5, h6, hC, hG

13 Drawbacks of AINL Large VO size
|R| records from R (outer relation) 2|R|+|RS| records from |S| (inner relation) Numerous hash values Often larger than the combined size of R and S High computation overhead at the server and the client

14 NAI: A Naïve solution The server transmits all the data to the client
The client performs the join locally NAI often outperforms AINL

15 Proposed Methods Binary join authentication
AISM: requires ADS on one relation AIM: requires ADSs on both relations ASM: requires no ADS Complex join query authentication Multi-way join Select-project-join

16 AISM: Query Processing
Sort the outer relation R on the join attribute Transmit all tuples in R to the client in their verifiable order Transmit the sort order R of R tuples on the join attribute Incrementally traverse the ADS on S once with the R records

17 Example of AISM R[1]=2 R[2]=4 R[4]=1 R[5]=3 R[6]=5 R[3]=6 r4 r2
VO: signature of R, root signature of TS, r1-r6 in their verifiable order R[1], h1, s2, s3, s4; R[2], h5, h6, hC, s10, s11, s12; R[3]; R[4]; R[5], h13, h14, s15; R[6];

18 AISM: Verification The client checks R records
correctness of the sort order R of R boundary records whether the re-constructed root hash of TS matches its signature

19 AIM Query processing Verification: similar to AISM
Require ADSs on both relations Start with one relation R, traverse its ADS TR down to the first tuple r1 Traverse TS until reaching the right boundary record s of r1 Traverse TR until reaching the right boundary record r of s Alternatively traverse TS and TR similarly to the above Verification: similar to AISM

20 Example of AIM VO: root signature of TS, root signature of TR, r1
hs1, s2, s3, s4; r2; hs5, hs6, hC, s10, s11, s12; r3, r4; r5; hs13, hs14, s15; hr6;

21 ASM Idea Query processing Verification
Sort-Merge-Join, sort at the server, merge at the client Query processing Require no ADS Transmit both R and S in their verifiable order Sort R and S respectively on the join attribute Transmit the sort orders of R and S to the client Transmit bitmaps BR and BS to the client, indicating the tuples with join partners Verification correctness of the base relations / sort-orders / the bitmaps

22 Complex Query Authentication
Multi-way joins Selection-Projection-Join queries

23 Multi-Way Join Build a tree of binary join operators
m-ASM / m-AISM / m-AIM optimized for multi-way joins Example: A specialized algorithm AST applies when all relations are joined on the same attribute One single VO

24 Example of m-AIM and m-AISM
VO(RS):{root signature of TR and TS, s1, s2; hA, r4, r5, r6; s3; s4; s5; hC} VO(RST):{root signature of TT, [1], t1, t2; [2]; [3]; [4]; ht3}

25 Example of AST

26 Selection-Projection-Join Query
Use the m- algorithms for joins Projection Build a Merkle Hash Tree for each record Query optimization

27 Experiments Foreign keys Parameters Three synthetic relations Queries
R(a1, a2) S(a1, a2, b1, b2) T(b1, b2) Queries R a1 S R a2 S (R a1 S) b1 T (R a2 S) b2 T Foreign keys S.a1 references R.a1 S.b1 references T.b1 Parameters Tuple size Cardinality of |S|

28 Repeatability and Workability
We participated in the ACM SIGMOD 2009 Repeatability & Workability Evaluation (cf., The reviewers were able to repeat all the experiments presented in our paper, yielding results that match the ones published in our paper, except from insignificant and to be expected variation due to randomness and/or hardware/software differences. The detailed reports will shortly be made publicly available by ACM SIGMOD.

29 Evaluations of AINL Tuple size (bytes) 32 64 128 256 512 CVO (Gbytes)
8.9 9.0 9.2 9.6 10.3 CClient (seconds) 205 207 210 214 219 CDSP (seconds) 262 271 429 1728 4603 |R| / |S| 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 CVO (Gbytes) 7.8 8.9 9.2 9.5 9.7 CClient (seconds) 196 205 210 218 223 CDSP (seconds) 296 311 429 540 647

30 Binary Join: Effect of Tuple Size

31 Binary Join: Effect of |R| / |S|

32 Multi-way Join: Effect of Tuple Size

33 Multi-way Join: Effect of |S| / |R|

34 Conclusion Binary join authentication Complex query authentication
AISM: authenticated structure on one relation AIM: authenticated structures on both relations ASM: no authenticated structure Complex query authentication Multi-way join: eliminate unnecessary intermediate VO elements Selection-projection-join query Future Work Authenticated Structures specialized to joins Hash join instead of SMJ

35 Thank you! Questions?

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