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HIP Buffet: Mapping Your Career with NIH

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1 HIP Buffet: Mapping Your Career with NIH
2/18/2018 Purpose of NIH Career Development Programs: To provide protected time for individuals to further develop their research expertise.

2 General Tips about Mentored K Awards
Understand the intent of the mentored K award. To help promising new investigators achieve research independence (i.e., to compete successfully for R01 funding). Preparing for the R01 grant application you will submit at the end of the K award should be the organizing principle of the K grant application.

3 Develop a career development training plan that is uniquely suited to you.
Given your previous training and research experience, and your short- and long-term career goals, propose a mix of didactic training and “hands- on” research experience that make perfect sense for you (and only you). Degree-granting programs are appropriate for candidates with little or no previous formal training in research, but even these programs should be “customized” whenever possible.

4 K Awards Individual Awards (Mentored): Mentored Independent
Depending on the award, for early, mid-, or senior career levels Depending on the award, all doctorates or restricted to clinical doctorates Institutional Awards (Mentored): Institution applies and receives the award Institution selects trainees 5 K12 awards at OHSU

5 In addition to NIH K awards, consider…
NSF Faculty Early Career Development VA CDA awards Career development awards from scientific organizations such as American Cancer Society, American Heart Association Professional organizations. Consider your research focus, career

6 NSF Faculty Early Career Award
Provide stable support for 5 years (≥400K in most Directorates) for career development of outstanding new teacher-scholars Must be tenure track ore equivalent as an Asst Prof Can apply twice Related to integration of research and education, either students, under-represented, community Otherwise, proposal structure and review very similar to NIH K awards

7 Mentored K Awards K01: Mentored Research Scientist Development Award
K07: Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral Sciences, and Population Sciences Career Development Award K08: Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award for Laboratory Research K22: Research Career Award for Transition to Independence K23: Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Development Award K25: Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award K99/R00: NIH Pathway to Independence Award K12: Institutional Mentored Research Scientist Development Program (Clinical)

8 K01- Mentored Research Scientist Development Award
HIP Buffet: Mapping Your Career with NIH 2/18/2018 K01- Mentored Research Scientist Development Award Support for intensive, supervised career development in biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences leading to research independence. 5 year, 75% FT effort Define the need for 3-5 years of additional supervised research, can be in new area for applicant or one that substantially adds to research capability of applicant Ideal candidate varies by institute Career hiatus, under-represented in research, disabled, disadvantaged background, interruption of research career

9 NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award K99 / R00
HIP Buffet: Mapping Your Career with NIH 2/18/2018 NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award K99 / R00 Phase 1, 1-2 years of mentored support Phase 2, 3-4 years of independent support Phase 2 contingent on securing independent research position, evaluation of research plan, positive career development Initial application must have proposal for research project as independent investigator in Phase 2

10 Success Rate of K01 Awards

11 Success Rate of K23 Awards

12 Success Rate of K99 Awards

13 K Awards – Common Themes
HIP Buffet: Mapping Your Career with NIH 2/18/2018 K Awards – Common Themes Most demand 75% FT commitment x 3-5 yrs Buys protected time, formal research training and mentored research experience Pay $75K, $90K, or 75% of true salary up to cap Usually $25K for research support but up to $50K For most, prior R03, R21 OK; others are not OK Cannot pay the other 25% from federal money MOST IMPORTANTLY, each institute may apply each PA differently Deadlines in Feb, June, Oct

14 Common Features: Eligibility
Doctoral degree (generally) US Citizen, Non-Citizen National, Permanent Resident (except K99/R00); Citizenship requirement met at time of award, not application Previous NIH PD/PI may be Ineligible Usually PD/PI on R03 or R21 is OK (except K99/R00) PD/PI on R01 or subproject PD/PI on a P01 is NOT OK For K99/R00: Eligibility changed to target investigators who have no more than 4 years of postdoctoral research experience (previously 5 years) Read the Eligibility Section of the Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) carefully!

15 Common Features: Costs
Some costs vary widely across NIH ICs. Review specific Program Announcements carefully. Salary/fringe benefits: Most pay $100K per year for 0.75 FTE Fringe benefits Salary supplementation OK, but must be with non-Federal funds and not require extra duties that would interfere with K activities Research/development costs: Generally $25,000 to $50,000 Commonly used for: supplies, equipment, technical personnel, travel to research meetings or training, tuition/fees, computational services

16 Mentored K Awards: Review
Overall Impact Score Scored Review Criteria Candidate Career Development Plan Research Plan Mentor(s), Consultant(s), and Collaborator(s) Environment and Institutional Commitment to the Candidate

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