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Please Grab an orange textbook from the back shelf or under the front table. There is a sheet coming around for you to write your name, period, and book.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Grab an orange textbook from the back shelf or under the front table. There is a sheet coming around for you to write your name, period, and book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Grab an orange textbook from the back shelf or under the front table.
There is a sheet coming around for you to write your name, period, and book number

2 Upcoming DUe Dates Letter to Myself rough draft due Monday.
Test Recovery due Monday (optional). Book 9 questions due Tuesday. Greek prefixes and suffixes handout due Wednesday.

3 Add to Table of Contents: Epic Hero and the Odyssey Notes

4 Epic Hero a larger-than-life figure who undertakes great journeys and performs deeds requiring remarkable strength and who embodies the values of a particular society

5 Characteristics of an epic hero
Possesses superhuman strength, craftiness, and confidence; he is braver, stronger, and more clever than ordinary people Often of mixed divine and human birth so he possesses human weaknesses Emerges victorious from perilous situations, but must conquer many difficult tasks On a quest for something of great value to him or his culture Helped and harmed by interfering with the gods and goddesses

6 Epic conventions continued: Invocation of Muses
An INVOCATION is a call for help or support. In ancient times, poets or artists would call upon a MUSE to help them write or create. The MUSES were Greek goddesses of inspiration in literature, science, and the arts; the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne Ancient poets, like Homer, would start their poems with an invocation to the Muse, or a call to help them create a great poem.

7 The nine muses Euterpe Thalia Melpomene Terpsichore Erato
Calliope Polyhymnia Clio Urania Euterpe Thalia Melpomene Terpsichore Erato

8 In Medias Res (in the middle of things)
literary technique in which the plot sequence is out of order; Latin for “in the middle”; the story begins in the middle of the action, flashes back to the beginning to catch up, then skips to the end

9 Epic Plot Involves a long journey, full of complications such as:
Strange creatures Divine intervention Larger-scale events Treacherous weather Epic Plot

10 The story of The Iliad

11 the Odyssey Story about the hero Odysseus and his long trip home to Ithaca (an island off the coast of Greece) that takes 10 years...

12 The Odyssey Starts by telling about last days of the Trojan War
Because Odysseus was instrumental in Troy’s destruction, he angered the gods who were sympathetic to Troy Gods vow that he will have a long and difficult journey home

13 Book 9: Turn to page 895 in your textbooks.

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