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Welcome to 1st Grade Ms. Busche Room 615.

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1 Welcome to 1st Grade Ms. Busche Room 615

2 Reading Reading Workshop includes the following elements:
Phonemic Awareness - ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words Phonics - understanding the relationship between letters and sounds Fluency - ability to read text accurately and quickly Vocabulary - knowledge of the words within a text Comprehension - ability to understand and gain meaning from what you read

3 Our reading curriculum includes:
* Phonics instruction and mini-lessons - shared literature or read-aloud by the teacher that focuses on our theme for the week * Guided Reading - small group reading lessons based on your child’s instructional reading level * Read Around Program - Each child chooses a book, becomes fluent, then has the opportunity to read to a variety of listeners. This provides opportunity for reading practice at each reader’s independent level. * Independent Reading - Each child chooses a book and reads silently to him/herself. We will strive for fluency and stamina. * iReady - Online reading program differentiated based on student responses.

4 Reading As a beginning first grader, your child should already know letter sounds and basic sight words. He or she should be able to read simple or repetitive text. By the end of the year, your child should be able to read fluently at a level J or higher. He or she should be able to retell the story (beginning, middle, end) and identify the main idea and important details of the text.

5 Spelling Word Study Our word study program is phonics based. Words correlate with NC standards based spelling patterns and use a logical progression. We use these words to enhance our reading and writing skills. We will be implementing a spelling and phonics program called Words Their Way this year. More information will be shared in coming weeks.

6 Math Math Workshop is a hands-on program in which your child uses manipulatives, activities, and workbooks to develop math skills. The concepts will become more challenging as we progress.

7 Our math curriculum includes:
Math Journal - a composition notebook of various math skills completed at school Investigations Math Practice Workbook - regular practice for guided and independent classwork Math Homework - A math homework calendar will be sent home each month. These activities will reinforce math skills taught at school and are intended for practice. Homework is not graded. DreamBox - computer program based on individual strengths and needs Calendar Routine - daily class discussion of dates, weather, number of days in school, tallies, patterns, money, etc.

8 writing Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop is student-centered with teacher conferencing. Units include: small moments stories, opinion writing, fiction and non-fiction (how-to and all about). Shared/interactive writing consists of class discussions, brainstorming ideas, using graphic organizers (thinking maps), keeping journals in science, or writing facts in social studies. D’Nealian Handwriting format Letters are formed for easy transition to cursive writing.

9 Science Our science curriculum includes hands-on activities that allow your child to explore and investigate. This year we will study: Balance and Motion Earth, Sun, and Moon Rocks and Minerals Living Organisms (life cycles)

10 Social studies In social studies, first graders will learn about themselves and how they are alike and different than other children around the world. The curriculum includes: Citizenship People and Places – understanding diverse cultures Special Days/Customs Economics Environment

11 Pride Calendar Your child's Pride Calendar is sent home in his or her homework folder daily. Each child begins the day with a smiley face. Several rule reminders and “redirection” of a student are done before a letter replaces the smiley face. Please initial the calendar every day. We remind our first graders that each day is a new beginning, with opportunities to make choices about his or her behavior. Key Concepts to Reinforce at Home Respect Responsibility Readiness These concepts are also the focus of the HES Positive Behavior Matrix.

12 Homework Folders - Please sign daily. Behavior is noted here.
Reading - Your child should read each day for at least minutes. Please be sure to record the book title in the Reading Log. This includes if you read to your child. Math - A math homework calendar will be sent home each month. These activities will reinforce math skills taught at school and are intended for practice. Homework is not graded. DreamBox - Practice at home is encouraged. IReady- Practice at home is encouraged. Spelling - To be determined

13 Lunch We will eat lunch each day from 11:20-11:45.
If you pack your child's lunch, please pack a healthy lunch. We ask that you send no soda or candy. Remember that CCS does not allow fast food items. You are able to add money to your child's lunch account online, or you may send money with your child to school. You are welcome to have lunch with your child. Please meet us in the cafeteria and your child may join you at the parent table. Due to time constraints please say good-bye at the cafeteria. Store bought items can be brought in and shared for birthday treats. It is always best to let your child's teacher know in advance if you are planning on coming or sending in a treat. Please be aware of any classroom allergies*. *We have students with nut allergies in our class this year.

14 Attendance/Tardy Policy
Cabarrus County is stressing the importance of attendance, tardiness and early dismissals. *6 unexcused absences - Parent/guardian will be contacted by administration. Tardies include arrival after the 8:15 bell or early checkout. Early checkout is any time before 2:30. 10th tardy/early checkout - no longer eligible for perfect attendance. Meeting will be scheduled with administration and social worker.

15 Important dates There will be a field trip in the Fall and Spring. You will be notified once the trips are approved.

16 Report Cards for the 2016 - 2017 School Year
Our report cards are standards based. I will review the report cards with you during first quarter conferences in October.

17 volunteers We would love to have volunteers to help especially 
with making copies, stapling items, and other clerical 
items. There is a classroom volunteer sheet form on your desk tonight. Please make sure that you have completed the 
background check to be able to volunteer. If not, you can visit the HES webpage to start the process. Please complete it as soon as possible. They are valid for 3 years.

18 Important information and reminders
Transportation changes must be sent in your child's folder. If the change occurs after the school day has begun, you may call the office. Please do not send an the day of the change as I may not see it until after the children have been dismissed. Please be sure you have returned student health forms. Your child will need small headphones for independent work on the iPad or computer. You may send a refillable water bottle for your child to use in the classroom, especially during hot weather.

19 Thank you 704-455-5118 ext. 615

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