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Association of Latino Professionals For America.

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1 Association of Latino Professionals For America

2 ALPFA ALPFA MONTHLY CALL Presidents, EVPs and Regional Directors
Wednesday, March 29, 2017 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. EDT Empowering Latino Leaders 2

3 ALPFA AGENDA Women of ALPFA Presentation
Girl Scouts & Junior Achievement Updates Marketing Update MPL Update Convention Update Chapter Related Updates Chapter Revenue Discussion Empowering Latino Leaders 3

4 ALPFA WOMEN OF ALPFA Ileana Musa Chair, ALPFA Corporate Advisory Board
Empowering Latino Leaders 5

Director, Boston Chapter Operations Empowering Latino Leaders 5

6 ALPFA Status of Girl Scouts and ALPFA partnership 5
Empowering Latino Leaders 5

7 Junior Achievement Empowering Latino Leaders 2

8 BOARD RECRUITMENT Radhames Nova joins Junior Achievement of Northern New England as President and CEO. Featured in February Edition of Latino Leaders “Nova became involved in the Boston chapter of ALPFA and worked to bring more Latinos on the boards of JA chapters and get professionals to volunteer with JA in the classroom.” Cindy Izzo KPMG’s only Latina Partner joins board of JA of Northern New England. Empowering Latino Leaders 4

Pavel is re-introducing new Chapter President to respective JA Presidents. Several ALPFA Chapters like ALPFA Michigan, ALPFA Chicago, and ALPFA Pittsburg collaborate regularly with their JA Counterparts. ALPFA Atlanta is looking to increase partnerships with JA and adopt a local school. In April JA and ALPFA will be formulating a national volunteer activity named ALPFA – JA in a Month, where JA Areas and ALPFA Chapters work together to put on a JA in a Day activity during the month of September or October. Empowering Latino Leaders 5

Director, Boston Chapter Operations Empowering Latino Leaders 5

11 ALPFA MARKETING UPDATE Luis Vargas Chief Marketing Officer
Carlos Perez Creative Director Jacqueline Lopez Marketing Coordinator Empowering Latino Leaders 5

12 MARKETING Chapter Driven Content Development
FACT #1: hundreds of ALPFA local events every year produce great content useful to all ALPFA members FACT #2: we are not leveraging this great content to enhance our brand value to members FACT #3: offering scale to partners sponsoring these local events could drive increased sponsorship $$ at the local level (i.e. local events with national distribution and branding impact through co-branded social media series of clips/tips/takeaways from event) FACT #4: we hired an overseas rich media professional that can help us transform raw video into highly interactive (i.e. video, animated infographics, etc), and value added content THE PLAN: Run a pilot program with 1 – 2 chapters to build an organically generated content library that is evergreen and available to all members and chapters THE ASK TO 1-2 CHAPTERS: Need local chapter events (i.e. workshops, keynote speakers, etc) to be videotaped COST: less that $300 can buy a simple camera and a tripod. Cost could be more than offset by either: selling co-branding opportunities in social media, or increase in sponsorship fees from co-branded national distribution of content generated at event ) Empowering Latino Leaders 5

13 MARKETING Chapter Website Optimization
Upcoming Webinar Social Media 101 April 7th, 2017 What does March Look Like Updating Chapter Websites Social Media Basics Outlining Agendas Annual Strategies Engagements + Metrics Creating Webinar Slides Videos and Photos Inviting Chapters to View Progress + Learn Empowering Latino Leaders

VP of Membership and NY Chapter Operations Empowering Latino Leaders 5


16 Summit Agenda • 8:00AM – 5:45PM
8:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast (Low Library Rotunda) 9:00 Welcome Remarks by Fortune & ALPFA (Faculty Room) 9:20 Making U.S. History 9:40 How Purpose Led to Airbnb Success 10:00 How to Become a Fortune 500 CEO or Corporate Board Member 10:30 Break 10:45 Could You be the Next CEO? 11:10 How the Most Powerful Women Build Their Brand 11:35 An Intimate Conversation with Mary Dillon, Fortune’s #3 Businessperson of the Year (only woman in the Top 10) 12:00 “Leading with Purpose: One Woman’s Courage & Resilience While Caught in the Storm of War” 12:20 Luncheon, Keynote, and Awards Program (Low Library Rotunda)

17 Summit - Saturday, May 20, 2017 • 8:00AM – 5:45PM
1:15 Keynote: The Art of Choosing 1:45 Awards – 2017 Most Powerful Latinas 2:00 Break 2: Interactive Table Led Discussions by America’s Most Powerful Women 3:00 Report Out by Groups Table Leaders 3:30 Break 4:00- MPL Group / Warren Room 1: How the Navy SEALs, Liverpool F.C. (Football 4:45 Club), Google, and NASA, 4:45 Create and Manage Top-Performing Teams 5:00- MPL Group (stays in Warren Room 1): How to Receive an Offer to Join a Fortune 500 Board 5:45 5:00- Stars Group (stays in Warren Room 2): How the Navy SEALs, Liverpool F.C. (Football Club), Google, NASA, and Create 5:45 and Manage Top-Performing Teams

18 Celebratory Dinner Agenda • 6:00PM – 9:00PM
6:00 Reception and Silent Auction 7:00 Welcome Remarks 7:15 Celebratory Dinner 7:45 Morley composes and Releases New Song Tonight on "Leading With Purpose" for Women of ALPFA with New York City's Top Female Artists 8:05 Live Auction and Silent Award Winners 8:45 ALPFA Distinguished Service Awards 9:00 Closing Remarks


20 ALPFA MPL Updates for Chapter Leaders
All Chapter Leaders get a 50% discount on tickets for the fundraising dinner (discounted rate of $500). Code to use during registration: CHAPTERLEADERMPL Looking for donations of awards to auction during fundraiser. Any leads please contact Katie at Empowering Latino Leaders 5

21 ALPFA CONVENTION UPDATE Migdalia Diaz COO Empowering Latino Leaders 5

22 ALPFA Empowering Latino Leaders 3

23 ALPFA STATUS UPDATES Registration expected to open first week in April
WoA content spread throughout convention Power Breakfast now a Business to Business Breakfast Industry Panels Business to Professional Networking Session changes Student breakfast/hospitality rooms CEO panel changed to interview format Empowering Latino Leaders 3

24 ALPFA ADDITIONAL UPDATES Chapter leader rates will apply as follows:
End of May 6/1 to 7/24 Onsite Chapter Leader $ $750 $850 Chapter President $ $300 $400 Code will be provided to all chapter leaders on rosters as registration opens. Chapter Leaders will be needed as MCs of main stage programs and opening workshops. Please advise if you will be attending convention Chapter Leader trainings on the Sunday before convention. Plan accordingly. Empowering Latino Leaders 3

25 ALPFA CHAPTER UPDATES Migdalia Diaz COO Empowering Latino Leaders 5

Must include start and end date for annual sponsorships Membership revenue must be identified Career Center revenue must be identified Empowering Latino Leaders 4

Membership revenue imbedded in chapter contracts remains 100% with chapter Membership revenue from individual sales is split 50/50 as part of initiative to combine National and Local efforts on larger membership drive Need to address concerns with chapters who do not have relationships with any of companies targeted for the drive. Empowering Latino Leaders 4

28 ALPFA MEMBERSHIP REVENUE Membership Drive Companies:
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ernst & Young Deloitte KPMG Bank Of America State Street JPMorgan Chase Prudential Morgan Stanley New York Life Empowering Latino Leaders 4

29 ALPFA MEMBER DATA Chapter Leaders are responsible for cleanup of member data for members of your chapter. Please work with Katie Schlomann on best process: Empowering Latino Leaders 4

Empowering Latino Leaders 5

31 ALPFA ANALYSIS AND NEEDS Chapter training needs Local Research
Using 2016 as a Benchmark Regional Sales calls Empowering Latino Leaders 4

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