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The Ashland Theater A Classic Reborn.

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1 The Ashland Theater A Classic Reborn

2 Defining Success Generate Foot Traffic Be Accessible to the Community
Ongoing Maintenance and Upgrades Operations

3 Summary Of Proposal Operated by the Ashland Theater Community Foundation (ATCF), a registered 501(c)(3). All profits from the theater go back into the theater’s operation, maintenance, and restoration. Multidimensional venue with live music, theater and drama, movies, comedy, lectures, children and family specific events. Theater will be run by professional fulltime staff, with ATCF board and strategic partners comprised of Ashland residents, businesses, educational, and nonprofit leaders. Strategic partners to include Slipped Disc, Ashland Coffee & Tea.

4 Summary of Proposal 50 free events per year for Ashland community groups with discounted rentals for Ashland residents and businesses. Ashland Diner located within current Theater space; a revenue generating enhanced concessions complete with fulltime staff and kitchen modeled after the classic diner experience. All profit goes back into the Theater. $200,000 in privately raised equity by the end of construction to go towards theater operations and ongoing costs.

5 Summary of Proposal Expand live theater space including enlarged stage, backstage, and green room. Renovation budget will not exceed Town and State grant money, which totals $1M. All grant money will go towards hard, infrastructure costs for renovating the theater. Soft costs will be paid for by ACTF. Renovation proposal focuses on current Theater property and does not require acquisition and renovation of adjacent property; a $500k-$1M savings to the Town of Ashland. Renovation proposal encourages use of local Ashland, Hanover based contractors and consultants. Pro forma shows Theater is self-sufficient over the next five years.









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