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Performance Analysis of Optical Add Drop Multiplexer for Higher Bit Rate by Using Different Modulation Format Surinder Singh, Meenakshi, Veerpal Kaur.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Analysis of Optical Add Drop Multiplexer for Higher Bit Rate by Using Different Modulation Format Surinder Singh, Meenakshi, Veerpal Kaur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Analysis of Optical Add Drop Multiplexer for Higher Bit Rate by Using Different Modulation Format Surinder Singh, Meenakshi, Veerpal Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication, Sant Longowal Institution of Engineering and Technology, Longowal (Punjab),India INSERT LOGO HERE Abstract (b1).On-Off keying (b2) .DPSK keying. Block diagram of Simulation setup In this paper, OADM designed for ultra-high frequency to reduce the crosstalk. Performance analyzed in terms of adding and dropping channels in the network by using different modulation techniques.. Tx OADM Rx Output power meter Scope(added channel) CH-1 Scope( Dropped-channel)CH-1 Introduction . In optical WDM system, crosstalk degrades the system performance. Optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM) is four ports optical device which includes input port, output port, drop port, and add port. Various types of existed OADMs are based on fiber bragg grating, thin film interference filter, circulator and Mach-Zehnder interferometer [3,4]. Wang et al.[1] Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZI) based OADM has excellent performance in terms of insertion loss, back- reflection and crosstalk. Mizuochi et al.[2] Mach-Zehnder interferometers with fiber bragg grating (MZI-FBG) based OADM has better performance and lower cost. Dewra et al. [5] designed an OADM by using different MZI techniques with 8 × 10 Gbps transmission rate in wavelength division multiplexing. In optical ring network, single optical fiber links all transmitter and receiver nodes and reduces system cost. The optical add drop multiplexer (OADM) supports the wavelength-reuse in optical ring networks and employ to enhance the transmission capacity.[6-8] In this paper, OADM designed for 16 channel with 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps transmission rate using different modulation techniques. Figure 3.(a)Quality factor verse no of channels Figure.3.(b)Quality factor verse no of channels Figure .1. Block diagram of simulation setup Result and Discussion System performance analyzed in tem of Q-factor, output power and eye-diagram by using different modulation format with different number of channel at input side Figure 3.(c) Output power verses no of channels Figure 3.(d) Output power verses no of channels (a)At 16×10 Gbps with different modulation formats Figure 2.FEM Mesh boundary condition. Figure 3.(a)Fundamental mode Figure 3.(b).Cladding mode Research Objectives Figure 3.(e)Eye diagram of dropped channel Figure 3.(f)Eye diagram of dropped channel Conclusion This simulation set up designed for 16 channels with different data rate by using optisystem software. To design OADM system for 16 channel with different modulation format To analysis the system performance in term of Q-factor, output power, eye diagram Simulation results show that RZ-Super Cosine modulation format has high Q-factor and RZ-Raised Cosine and RZ-Rectangular format has better output power by adding channel. Similarly, by added or dropped channel by using DPSK modulation technique has less degradation and less power penalty as compared to on-off keying modulation technique. Figure 2(a). Quality factor verses no of channels Figure 2(b). Output power verses no of channels A B Acknowledgement Simulation Setup and working principle The author would like to thanks AICTE, New Delhi for their funding to research project no.20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS (POLICY1)60/ Fig. 1 shows block diagram of WDM system with OADM placed between the transmitting and receiving end. 16 channels with different frequencies at 10 Gbps are fed to the input port. A channel with frequency THz is dropped to the drop port and the same frequency is added to the add port. At transmitter side low pass Bessel filter with 50 GHz bandwidth used for generation of data source and output side a raised cosine optical filter with 40 GHz bandwidth used to detect the signal. OADM placed between transmitter and receiver end and Performance analyzed by varying the modulation formats such as RZ-Raised Cosine, RZ-Super Cosine, RZ-Soliton, RZ-Rectangular, NRZ-Rectangular and NRZ-Raised Cosine. Figure 2(d). Eye diagram of dropped channel using RZ-Raised Cosine modulation format Figure 2(e). Eye diagram of dropped channel using RZ- Soliton modulation format Figure 2(c). Eye diagram of dropped channel using RZ-Supper Cosine modulation format References Wang Bo, Wu Xiaoping, Wang Hui, Sun Chengcheng and Xie Shizhonge, “Fiber Gratings Based Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer with Low Interferometric Crosstalk”, International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, IEEE, .1-5, (1998). T. Mizuochi, T. Kitayama, K. Shimizu and K. Ito, “Interferometric Crosstalk-free Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer using Mach-Zehnder based fiber gratings”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 16, , (1998). P. S. Andre, A. Nolasco Pinto, J. L. Pinto, T. Almeida and M. Pousa, “Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Networks”, Journal of optical communication 17, ,(2002) M. Mahiuddin and M.S. Islam, “Performance Limitation in Fiber Bragg Grating Based Optical Add- Drop Multiplexer Due to Crosstalk”, ICCIT, 13th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), IEEE, , (2010). 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The effective refractive index versus wavelength.

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