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MKT 250 Strategic Management Mishari Alnahedh

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1 MKT 250 Strategic Management Mishari Alnahedh


3 What is Strategy ? Why some companies outperform their competitors?
Mishari Alnahedh Why some companies outperform their competitors? Management is about HOW to get things done Strategy is about WHAT things need to get done

4 What is Strategy ? Mishari Alnahedh “The core of strategy is discovering the critical factors in a situation and designing a way of coordinating and focusing actions to deal with those factors.” - Richard Rumelt – Good Strategy Bad Strategy

5 Definitions of Strategy
What is Strategy ? Mishari Alnahedh Definitions of Strategy ● “The term “strategy” is intended to focus on the inter-dependence of the adversaries’ decisions and on their expectations about each other’s behavior.” - Thomas Schelling The Strategy of Conflict ● “Strategy can be defined as the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out those goals.” - Alfred D. Chandler Strategy and Structure

6 Distinguishing strategy from tactics
What is Strategy ? Mishari Alnahedh Distinguishing strategy from tactics Strategy is the overall plan for deploying resources to establish a favorable position Tactic is a scheme for a specific manoeuvre Characteristics of strategic decisions Important Involve a significant commitment of resources Not easily reversible “all men can see the tactics whereby I conquer but what none can see is the strategy out of which great victory is evolved” Sun Tzu © 2013 Robert M. Grant

7 Definitions of Strategy Strategy is about making choices
What is Strategy ? Mishari Alnahedh Definitions of Strategy “Strategy is about adding value through a mix of resources, capabilities and activities different from those used by competitors in your industry.” Strategy is about making choices

The Basic Strategy Framework Mishari Alnahedh Strategy as a Link Between the Firm and its Environment THE FIRM Goals & Values Resources & Capabilities Structure & Systems THE INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT Competitors Customers Suppliers STRATEGY © 2013 Robert M. Grant

9 Government Regulation National/ Int’l Economies
The Basic Strategy Framework Mishari Alnahedh Strategy Relates a Business to Itself and its Competitive Environment Mktg. Oper. Strategy Finance Acctg. H.R. Competitive Environment Government Regulation Technology Industry Environment National/ Int’l Economies Other Competitors Related Industries

10 Task Environment Customers and Markets: - Distributors and end users
Mishari Alnahedh Customers and Markets: - Distributors and end users Competitors: - Competitors for Markets - Competitors for Resources Suppliers: - Suppliers of physical, human, and – financial resources Regulatory Groups - Government - Unions and special interest groups Technology - Rate of Development - Substitutes - Stage of Product or Industry

11 Two Elements of Strategy
Mishari Alnahedh INDUSTRY ATTRACTIVENESS RATE OF PROFIT ABOVE THE COMPETITIVE LEVEL Which businesses should we be in? CORPORATE STRATEGY How do we make money? COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE How should we compete? BUSINESS STRATEGY © 2013 Robert M. Grant

12 Mintzberg’s Critique of Formal Strategic Planning
Strategy Making: Design or Process ? Mishari Alnahedh STRATEGY AS DESIGN STRATEGY AS PROCESS Planning and rational choice Many decision makers responding to multitude of external and internal forces INTENDED STRATEGY EMERGENT STRATEGY REALIZED STRATEGY Mintzberg’s Critique of Formal Strategic Planning The fallacy of prediction – The future is unknown The fallacy of detachment – Impossible to divorce formulation from implementation The fallacy of formalization – Inhibits flexibility, spontaneity, intuition and learning © 2013 Robert M. Grant

13 The Role of Strategy Mishari Alnahedh To Generate and Sustain Value via the Linkages Between Position, Resources, and Organization Position Resources & Capabilities Organization

14 Positioning Scope of the Firm: The Role of Strategy Geographic Scope
Mishari Alnahedh Positioning Scope of the Firm: Geographic Scope Choice of businesses (corporate portfolio analysis) Product Market Positioning within a business Vertical integration decisions

15 Resources & Capabilities
The Role of Strategy Mishari Alnahedh Resources & Capabilities Tangible Resources e.g. physical capital Intangible Resources e.g. trademarks, “know-how” Organizational Capabilities e.g. routines and standard operating procedures Organization Structure Formal definition of authority Conflict resolution Systems Rules, routines, evaluation and rewards Organizational Capabilities Informal communication, networks, recruitment

16 This Course Mishari Alnahedh Concepts and Skills that we will develop for this course in Strategic Management: Industry Analysis Firm Analysis - Resources and Capabilities Business Strategy Competitive Dynamics Corporate Strategy Global Strategy [MKT 250]

17 Strategy analysis helps us to manage complexity.
The Role of Analysis Mishari Alnahedh Strategy analysis improves decision processes, but doesn’t give answers. Strategy analysis assists us to identify and understand the main issues. Strategy analysis helps us to manage complexity. Strategy analysis can enhance flexibility and innovation by supporting learning.

18 The Wisdom of Choice Mishari Alnahedh “ To try and fail is at least to learn; to fail to try is to suffer the inestimable loss of what might have been.” - Chester Barnard, The Functions of the Executive

19 Implementing strategy and organizing the firm for strategic success.
What Is Strategic Management About ? Mishari Alnahedh Understanding how firms create, capture, and sustain competitive advantage. Analyzing strategic business situations and formulating strategic plans. Implementing strategy and organizing the firm for strategic success.

20 What Is Strategic Management About ?
Mishari Alnahedh Sustainable competitive advantage occurs when a firm implements a value-creating strategy of which other companies are unable to duplicate the benefits or find it too costly to imitate.

21 What Is Strategic Management About ?
Mishari Alnahedh An important basis for sustainable competitive advantage is the development of resources and capabilities. Core competencies are resources and capabilities (often related to functional-level skills) that serve as a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals.

22 Goals, Values, and Performance

23 Defining the Business  The Starting Point of Strategy
Mission Statement and Goals Mishari Alnahedh Defining the Business  The Starting Point of Strategy Example: Fall of Railroads “They let others take customers away from them because they assumed themselves to be in the railroad business rather than in the transportation business. The reason they defined their industry wrong was because they were railroad oriented instead of transport oriented; they were product oriented instead of customer oriented.” - Theodore Levitt “Market Myopia”

24 Defining the Business  The Starting Point of Strategy
Mission Statement and Goals Mishari Alnahedh Defining the Business  The Starting Point of Strategy In what industry is each of these firms competing?

25 Mission Statement and Goals
Mishari Alnahedh It is the function of the top management team to provide the firm’s purpose or “strategic intent.” - Chester Barnard The Functions of the Executive - Alfred Sloan My Years with General Motors - Kenneth Andrews The Concept of Corporate Strategy e.g., Komatsu ---> “Encircle Caterpillar” Canon ---> “Beat Xerox” Kodak ---> “Be the leader in the imaging sector” Coca Cola ---> “To put a Coke within ‘arms reach’ of every consumer in the world.”

26 Kodak: “Be the leader in the imaging sector”
Achieving Goals Through Operational Objectives Mishari Alnahedh Kodak: “Be the leader in the imaging sector” Customer Focus More Rapid new product development Raise manufacturing quality Reduce costs Gain access to critical knowledge through strategic alliances Benchmarking Maintain proprietary technology (e.g., silver halide materials technology)

27 The Choice of Goals Mishari Alnahedh Fundamental question of the choice of Goals: Planning for what purpose(s) ? Profitability (net profits) Efficiency (low costs) Growth (e.g., increase in total assets, sales, etc) Shareholder Wealth (dividends plus stock price appreciation) Utilization of Resources (e.g., ROE, ROI) Reputation Contribution to Stakeholders (e.g., employees, society) Market Share Survival (avoid bankruptcy)

28 The Manager’s Role in Balancing Expectations
Mishari Alnahedh Business Roundtable “Balancing the shareholder’s expectations of maximum return against other priorities is one of the fundamental problems confronting corporate management.” Understanding corporate strategy means understanding the competing value claims of multiple stakeholders.

29 The Manager’s Role in Balancing Expectations
Mishari Alnahedh There are inherent conflicts of goals within the firm. In The Reckoning, David Halberstam documents the hard fought goal disparities between MBAs on Ford Motor Company’s finance staff, who stressed strategies with clear, quantifiable, profit-maximizing prospects, and the engineering-oriented “product” people, who urged an accelerated pace of design improvement and were more inclined to accept added cost to improve product quality.

30 A Key Performance Measure: Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Mishari Alnahedh A Key Performance Measure: Sustainable Competitive Advantage For a company, the definition of success is superior economic performance. To achieve superior economic performance, a firm has to create a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). SCA is achieved by a value-creating strategy that cannot be (easily) duplicated.

31 A Good Strategy is “Coherent.”
Strategic Coherence Mishari Alnahedh The First Rule of Strategy : A Good Strategy is “Coherent.” Functional pieces of strategy support the whole Oper. Strategy Finance Acctg. H.R. Mktg.

32 Emirates Fly Dubai The Logic of How The Business Fits Together:
Strategic Coherence Mishari Alnahedh The Logic of How The Business Fits Together: Fly Dubai Emirates Low Price Short Routes Premium Priced Short, Long, & Int’l Variety - No Frills - Point-to-Point - One Aircraft (Boeing 737) - High # of Aircraft per Route - No Meals - Flexible/ Lower Staffing - Hub & Spoke - Multiple Aircraft - Low # of Aircraft per Route - Meals & Services - Higher Staffing

33 Source: Michael E. Porter “What is Strategy
Source: Michael E. Porter “What is Strategy?” Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec. 1996

34 So, a good strategy will be coherent and will:
How Do We Measure Performance? Mishari Alnahedh So, a good strategy will be coherent and will: neutralize any threats we face utilize available opportunities capitalize on our strengths avoid or improve upon current weaknesses Over-capacity higher But, how do we measure our success in accomplishing those objectives? That is, how do we measure performance?

35 How Do We Measure Performance?
Mishari Alnahedh “The strategic aim of a business is to earn a return on capital, and if in any particular case the return in the long run is not satisfactory, then the deficiency should be corrected or the activity abandoned for a more favorable one.” Alfred P. Sloan My Years with General Motors

36 Tradeoff Between Profitability and Growth Rate
Mishari Alnahedh G0 P1 P2 PMAX G1 G2 Growth Rate Profitability The positive relationship is due to economies of scale – network effects and size effects. (profitability drivers growth, growth drives profitability) Beyond the profitability maximum extra efforts to handle additional growth – e.g. based on integrating new staff in large dimensions and handling culture and quality - do rise sharply and reduce overall profitability. Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Copyright © 1998 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved

37 Horizontal Integration
Possible Organizational Growth Strategies Mishari Alnahedh International Concentration Organizational Growth Diversification Related Unrelated Vertical Integration Backward Forward Horizontal Integration Copyright © 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

38 Economic Profit vs. Accounting Profit
Mishari Alnahedh While we have said that the objective of strategy is to “create competitive advantage,” specifically we have the goal to maximize economic return. Static Measures of Performance Economic Profits ROA, ROE, ROC

39 How Do We Measure Performance?
Mishari Alnahedh While we have said that the objective of strategy is to “create competitive advantage,” specifically we have the goal to maximize economic return. Static Measures of Performance Economic Profits ROA, ROE, ROC Dynamic Measures of Performance NPV Methods Capital Market Measures of Performance Market Value of the Firm MVA, EVA, & Tobin’s q

40 Max. net present value of free cash flows:
Value Maximization Mishari Alnahedh Maximizing the Value of the Firm Max. net present value of free cash flows: Where: V = market value of the firm Ct = free cash flow in time t r = weighted average cost of capital

41 Value Maximization Mishari Alnahedh How do the World’s Leading Companies Perform Using Different Profitability Measures? Company Market Capitalization ($ bn) Net income ($ bn) ROS (%) ROE (%) ROA (%) Return to Shareholders ExxonMobil 354 30.5 15.2 20.7 17.5 10.1 Apple 338 14.0 31.2 29.3 29.0 53.1 PetroChina 226 22.9 10.6 15.3 11.7 -8.4 General Electric 155 11.6 12.7 9.8 18.9 23.9 J.P. Morgan Chase 108 17.4 28.5 9.9 11.8 2.3 Wal-Mart Stores 196 5.9 23.5 14.1 3.2 Volkswagen 64 9.1 7.5 32.9 3.6 123.2 What is wrong with value maximization ? © 2013 Robert M. Grant

42 Linking Value Drivers to Performance Targets
Mishari Alnahedh Sales Targets Order size Margin COGS/Sales Customer Mix Development Cost/Sales Sales/Account Customer Churn Rate Deficit Prices Shareholder Value Creation Cost Per Delivery ROCE Maintenance Cost Inventory Turnover New Product Development Time Indirect/Direct Labor Economic Profit Capital Turnover Capacity Utilization Customer Complaints Downtime Cash Turnover Accounts Payable Time Accounts Receivable Time Departments & Teams CEO Corporate/Divisional Functional © 2013 Robert M. Grant

43 Case Studies Mishari Alnahedh Approach Briefly skim to get a sense of the story, the business situation and the problem. Read the case thoroughly and carefully review all the facts and information presented. Decide what the strategic issues and problems are Analyze the case using strategic analysis techniques, quantitative analyses, and business judgment Support your diagnosis and recommendations with reasons, logic and evidence. Provide solutions or recommendations for the next step

44 Case: Starbucks Corporation, April 2012
NEXT CLASS ! Mishari Alnahedh Case: Starbucks Corporation, April 2012 Think carefully about what “Strategy” is all about. Check the Starbuck’s case guide on my website

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