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Florida Department of Transportation Equal Opportunity Office

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1 Florida Department of Transportation Equal Opportunity Office
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Florida Department of Transportation Equal Opportunity Office 2016

2 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
Governed by 49 CFR Part 26 Definition: DBE means a for-profit small business concern That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged or, in the case of a corporation, in which 51 percent of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals; and Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.

3 Minority Business Enterprise Program
Governed by Florida Statute (Chapter and ) Managed by the Department of Management Services Office of Supplier Diversity The goal of the Office of Supplier Diversity is to increase the number of Florida Certified Business Enterprises - minority-owned (MBE), woman-owned (WBE) and Veteran-owned (VBE). They work with eligible business owners to process and grant their certification as well as to ensure they are informed of the benefits of certification. Their certification officers are responsible for identifying and certifying eligible small businesses  


5 DBE Certification Certification is not a prequalification
Certification is for Specific Types of Work Burden of Proof on Applicant Once Certified, Burden shifts to Us

6 Socially Disadvantaged
Presumed Groups Women Black Americans Hispanic Americans Native Americans Asian-Pacific Americans Subcontinent Asian Americans Others if Documented

7 Socially Disadvantaged Individuals
Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien Must Show Ownership 51% by Disadvantaged Owner Real & Substantial; Not Just on Paper Contribution of Capital or Expertise Must Control Business Independent – Does Not rely on Others Makes Day to Day & Long Term Decisions

8 Economically Disadvantaged
Personal Net Worth At or Below $1.32M Each Qualifying Owner Exclude Ownership in Business Exclude Equity in Primary Residence

9 Certified DBEs Black Americans 390 (26.42%)
Hispanic Americans 388 (26.29%) Native Americans (1.83%) Asian Pacific Americans (5.42%) Subcontinent Asian (2.98%) Women (36.45%) Other (0.96%) Total

10 Certified DBEs (By District)
Out of State 393 (26.63%) Total

11 Race Neutral Program The FDOT utilizes a race neutral approach in establishing its DBE goal. Ultimately, FDOT believes it can achieve its DBE goal on federally assisted contracts through normal competitive processes. Most other states utilize a race conscience approach which places a mandatory DBE goal on each individual federally assisted contract as a requirement of award. The overall goal for the DBE program for federal-funded highway contracts is established every three years.

12 Accomplishments Since Race Neutral
Federal DBE Federal % State % Combined % Fiscal Year Goal Achieved Achieved Achieved % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

13 What the 2015 percentage means in $$
Federal DBE Federal % State % Combined % Fiscal Year Goal Achieved Achieved Achieved % % % % $5,344,056,253 awarded for Federal & State projects 13.44% Committed to DBEs $718,414,087 in DBE Participation


15 Business Development Initiative
BACKGROUND Purpose: to increase competition move subs to primes Began in July 2006 (District Two) January 2007 in all districts FHWA approved in March 2009 March 2012 became the Small Business Component of the DBE Program Plan

16 Business Development Initiative
STRATEGIES Reserve contracts for small businesses Contracts are up to $1,500,000 Modified pre-qualification requirements Waive bonds on contracts of a non-critical nature

17 Business Development Initiative
ELIGIBILITY Meet USDOT definition of a small business FDOT small business size standards Construction/Maintenance - $15.0M Professional Services - $6.5M Submit notarized affidavit Provide references Professional Services must still be prequalified


19 BDI PROGRAM For a list of reserved contracts, you can visit For more information on the BDI, please visit or

20 Websites
DBE Certification Application & DBE Directory Contractor & Consultant DBE Utilization Letter Grades Business Development Initiative (BDI) Reserved Projects

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