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Year 9 Partnership Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 Partnership Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 Partnership Evening
Welcome How can you help? Making a real difference New GCSE grades?

2 Raising Aspirations Why is it important? Focus – helps to set goals
University requirements Employability skills Our role to support pupils to be successful in life.

3 Raising Aspirations Looking forward 2017-20
Employability skills workshops Academic mentoring Business and profession showcases Links in lessons the use of subjects in industry Enterprise days HE fair

4 Percentage Attendance Weekly
90% = ½ day missed per week 80% = 1 day missed per week 70% = 1 ½ days missed per week 60% = 2 days missed per week 50% = 2 ½ days missed per week 40% = 3 days missed per week 30% = 3 ½ days missed per week

5 Attendance: Reminder of Systems
Late to period 1, TT or period 4 – sent to the Attendance Office to sign in (same day/next day lunchtime detention) once signed in and slip has been issued Late to period 2, 3, or 5 – late mark (two or more in a week School Late Detention every Wednesday for 45 minutes) Weekly attendance is recorded in planners, please monitor your child’s attendance Attendance school target – 96% Any student below 96% does not have satisfactory attendance Key indicators and buzz words: 97% - Good, 98% – Very Good, 99% Excellent, 100% Perfect

6 Absence: Procedure If you are ill:
Your parents must contact school before 9am (or as early as possible) Where possible try your best to attend (a headache is not an illness) Prolonged absence seek medical advice, provide school with medical evidence Other Absence: Holiday – speak to the Attendance Team Medical Appointments – try not to book them in school time Attend before/after the appointment Bring evidence of your appointment

7 Year 9 Key Dates and Events
Wednesday 20th September Y9 Partnership Evening Monday 13th November Progress Check 1 Monday 5th February Progress Check 2 Thursday 8th February Y9 Progress Evening Monday 11th June Exam Week Monday 9th July Progress Check 3 and Reports

8 Milestones Courses in Year 9 are assessed in a variety of ways:
Controlled Assessments External Exams Practical assessments. Coursework – Btec subjects Terminal Assessments (Final exams)

9 Coursework/Controlled Assessments
Different for different subjects. Mostly completed in school. Some departments set interim deadlines for parts of the work. Some start in Year 9.

10 Coursework/Controlled Assessments
All departments have a final deadline. Teachers are also working to a deadline. Teachers mark the work and moderate within the school to ensure that all are interpreting the criteria in the same way. Send some or all of the work to exam board.

11 Examinations End of course exams (terminal assessments) – in April – June of Year 11. Language orals Art/PE/Music/Performing Arts (Practical) No subjects are Modular subjects Please do not book holidays

12 New GCSE Grades Current Grade New Grade A*
Half of A* becomes Grade 9, the remainder Grade 8 A Most would get Grade 7 but some would be Grade 6 and some Grade 8. B Split between Grades 5 & 6 C Split between Grades 4 and 5 D Mostly Grade 3, some Grade 2 E Mostly Grade 2 F Mostly Grade 1 some Grade 2 G Mostly Grade 0, some Grade 1 U Grade 0

13 English

14 GCSE English Every students sits 2 qualifications – English Language and Literature Both/either count towards 5A*-CEM and 6th form entry. Every student has discreet Language and Literature lessons on their timetable No coursework – 100% exam 4 papers in total (2 Lang and 2 Lit) – Lang and Lit mock exams at the end of Year 9 NO Higher or Foundation tier A good pass is a Grade 5, not a Grade C (4) No early entry and no re-sits More to read, learn and revise – 19th, 20th and 21st Century fiction and non-fiction Norm referenced, not criterion referenced grades

15 Overview of Qualifications
GCSE English Language Paper 1 (50% GCSE): Explorations in creative reading and writing – 1 hr 45 mins Paper 2 (50% GCSE): Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives – 1 hr 45 mins Speaking and Listening GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (50% GCSE): Shakespeare and the 19th century novel – 2 hrs 15 mins (Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol) Paper 2 (50% GCSE): Modern texts and poetry – 2 hrs 15 mins (An Inspector Calls)

16 Fiction, Non-Fiction & Writing Lang P1 Mock Exam Prep – SAM 4 & S&L
The Year 9 Curriculum Y9 Lang 19th Century Fiction, Non-Fiction & Writing 20th Century 21st Century Lang P1 Mock Exam Prep – SAM 4 & S&L Y9 Lit Of Mice & Men Gothic Short Stories – TWIB Oliver Twist Anthology and Unseen Poetry Romeo and Juliet Mock Exam – R&J P1, A SAM 1 Actual GCSE content has to be started in Year 9!...

17 What you can do!... Get text guides for everything – CGP for Lit and Pearson Purple for Lang are the best. For top end (grade 7+), York Notes GCSE are also very good. Encourage your child to their best, not just achieve their target grade – they are in direct competition with students their own age nationally Practice extended writing with them Demand high standards of written and spoken grammar from your child Make them read and read and read and read!... Read the books yourselves so that you can help!

18 GCSE Mathematics

19 New GCSE What’s different?
Difference in style of question Reduction in the amount of ‘scaffolding’ QWC questions (previously * questions) Mathematical reasoning and paragraphs of script

20 Examinations Terminal Exams at the end of Year 11
3 papers one non-calculator and two calculator Taken over 3 separate sessions.

21 Where to turn for help? First ask the staff
Help is available at lunchtime, after school and on Saturday mornings MyMaths Log in - kingsmead and password - number. Hegarty maths - Students have an individual login. Edexcel website Past papers and mark schemes available

22 Download pixl maths app (Android, Apple or Desktop) School ID - KM816
Search for pixl maths Download pixl maths app (Android, Apple or Desktop) School ID - KM816 User ID - Surname, first initial of their first name: eg SmithK Password: currently set to: Surname, first initial of their first name: eg SmithK Password can be changed BUT first enter an address to retrieve your password .


24 Calculators Scientific Casio fx85 or Sharp are most popular
Essential to get used to your own

25 What can you do to help ?evs
Make revision notes : Revision cards OR Mind maps OR Poster We will help pupils to start with in lessons and then will be homework Keep them organised, in the folder in your exercise book All in one revision guides, £4.00 via parent pay, then we will order them, student to collect from maths teacher Little and often – extra on Hegarty Remember - From the start of year 9 ALL topics are examined at the end of year 11

26 Y9 Science


28 Subject content Total of 316 subject content hours over 3 years. Revision MUST begin in Y9

29 Maths Requirements

30 21 required practicals

31 Watch the demo and then carry out the practical (use water baths instead of bunsens)


33 Cracking Connect 18/02/2018



36 What is available? Pupils will complete module tests after each unit so ask them for their scores. Pupils are going to create revision materials throughout the year for the majority of homework to deal with the high number of hours of content they will be required to remember. Revision is run by each member of staff every half term, any questions should be directed in the first instance to the class teacher. The next module exam will be a ‘walking, talking’ mock to engage and explain to pupils how to complete questions. Revision guide letters will be available next week. They will cover all 3 subjects, has a variety of extension questions and a work book attached and will cost £9

37 2. FIND MEANING Reflection and connecting information to what you already know (your background knowledge) works to recall the information. HOW: In your book or notebook, use Post-it® Super Sticky Notes or revision cards to write down how you connect the information to your life.

38 1. QUIZ YOURSELF As you read, quiz yourself. If you struggle to remember something, or have to relearn it, you learn it better than you would have without trying to remember it. HOW: Place a Post-it® Super Sticky Note on your book or revision cards — without looking back, write down what you remember reading. If you can’t remember, go back and relearn the information and try your self-quiz again.

39 3. ORGANIZE INFORMATION Categorizing information helps your brain connect the information in your long-term memory. HOW: Mark the sub-sections in each chapter with highlighters and felt tips. Use coloured pens to write down key information in the margin. (This is much better than highlighting.) Colour code the information.

40 4. Make a revision poster Reduce your notes into the main points means you are restructuring your work which aids recall HOW : Identify the main points Using coloured pens arrange the information clearly and in colour on your sheet of paper Include headings and arrange information together Include diagrams or picture to trigger memories

41 5. Revision cards Cut your cards in half. Cards are expensive, especially when you're using cards per chapter per class. Learn how to write small for goodness sake and get all the info you put on it. Put questions on one side and answers on the other Be concise, make sure the information you're putting on your cards is as short as possible but still accurate. Give it some colour, you don't have to colour code your flashcards. But by writing them in a coloured marker will just make them a little happier to look at. HOW : Have a few groups of cards. As you answer cards correctly, cards move to the left pile, and as you answer wrong cards move to the back of your pack. After you go through a stack, you move on to the next one. Essentially, you're reviewing cards you know and not worrying about cards you don't as much. You'll get them eventually.

42 1. Literary device Reflection and connecting information to what you already know (your background knowledge) works to recall the information. HOW: Produce notes with a diagram or associated shape Use lift the flaps to make it more interactive

43 2. Mind Mapping Reflection and connecting information to what you already know (your background knowledge) works to recall the information. HOW: On a sheet of paper show the way all the different parts of topic link Include diagrams and colour

44 3. REVISION CARDS Reduce your notes into the main points means you are restructuring your work which aids recall HOW : Identify the main points for each section produce a card Include headings which stand out Include diagrams or picture to trigger memories Once created learn the information by look cover write check

45 4. Make revision notes Reduce your notes into the main points means you are restructuring your work which aids recall HOW : Identify the main points Using coloured pens arrange the information clearly and in colour on your sheet of paper Include headings Bullet point key points Include diagrams or picture to trigger memories

46 Saturday Study Club The School is open on Saturday mornings
10.00am – 1.00pm Based in the school Learning Centre Pupils decide when to arrive and when to leave No school uniform A relaxed working atmosphere

47 What's available? Why come ?
Broadband internet access At least 3 members of the teaching staff Revision materials To complete homework/revise To complete or improve coursework To receive specialist help

48 Looking to the Future The Education Skills Act (2008) said that your child must stay on in education or training at least part-time until they are 18 years old. This may mean Sixth Form, college, apprenticeship, employment, etc. Schools have to decide the best individual route for the individual student.

49 6th Form Higher Education Apprenticeship Employment

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