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Constant temperature of -234 degrees Fahrenheit

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1 Constant temperature of -234 degrees Fahrenheit
Jupiter Fast Facts Distance from Sun: million miles or 5.20 AU Mass: x 1027 kilograms Diameter: 86,881.4 miles Distance of Orbit: 3,037,011,311 miles Temperature: Constant temperature of -234 degrees Fahrenheit

2 Jupiter in “Earth terms”
Length of Day: 11.86 Earth Days 4,332.8 Earth Hours Length of Year: .413 Earth Years 9.92 Earth Days


4 Jupiter: Feature Photo
Clouds consist of ammonia It’s strips are dark belts and light zones created by strong east to west winds. Atmosphere is made of Helium & Hydrogen It’s magnetic field is 20,000 times more powerful than Earth’s.

5 Features continued… Great Red Spot – a storm that has been raging since the 1800’s. It’s as big as 2 Earths.

6 Jupiter’s Rings Three rings Flat main ring Inner cloud ring
Looks like a halo Gossamer ring Made up of 3 rings

7 While Hiding Behind The Sun, Jupiter Loses One Of Its Belts

8 Io – The most volcanically active (over 400 volcanoes) object in the Solar System. Made up of Sulfur. Europa – ice-covered moon that may harbour life. May have a liquid ocean beneath its’ crust that has 2x as much water as Earth.

9 Ganymede – The only moon to have its own magnetic field
Ganymede – The only moon to have its own magnetic field. It is also the largest moon in the Solar System! Callista – Filled with craters.

10 Constant temperature of -288 degrees Fahrenheit
Saturn Distance from Sun: million miles or 9.54 AU Mass: 5.68 x 1026 kilograms Diameter: 72,367.4 miles Distance of Orbit: 5,565,935,315 miles Temperature: Constant temperature of -288 degrees Fahrenheit

11 Saturn: in “Earth terms”
Length of Day: Earth Days 10,755 Earth Hours Length of Year: .444 Earth Years Earth Days

12 Saturn: Feature Photo Named after the Roman God of agriculture
It’s a ball of Hydrogen and Helium Discovered in 1610 by Galileo Winds can reach 500 miles per second!! These super fast winds are what cause the yellow and gold bands

13 Saturn’s Rings The rings are made up of rock and ice.
They appear shiny because when sunlight hits the ice, the rings shimmer! They stretch 168,000 miles across but are only 65 feet thick.

14 Saturn’s Moons By 1997, Saturn had at least 18 moons!
Titan- It’s bigger than Mercury in size. It’s atmosphere is made completely of Nitrogen. Only moon in the atmosphere to have thick clouds. A space probe discovered lakes of liquid methane on the surface.

15 Saturn’s Moons continued…
Iapetus - One side is as bright as snow & the other dark as black velvet. Enceladus - Displays evidence of active ice volcanism.

16 Mission to Saturn In the 1980’s Voyager 1 and 2 discovered that Saturn’s rings were made of water and ice. Cassini spacecraft has been orbiting Saturn since 2004. In July 2009, Cassini returned with over 200,000 images of Saturn.

17 Constant -357 degrees Fahrenheit
Uranus Fast Facts Distance from Sun: 1,783,744,300miles or 19 AU Mass: 8.68 x 1025 kilograms Diameter: 30,400 miles Distance of Orbit: 11,201,335,967 miles Temperature: Constant -357 degrees Fahrenheit

18 Uranus: in “Earth terms”
Length of Day: -.718 Earth Days Earth Hours Length of Year: 84.01 Earth Years 30, Earth Days It takes 84 years to rotate around the Sun.

19 Uranus: Feature Photo Named after the Greek God of the sky
Planet is made up of Hydrogen and Helium It rotates east to west Methane gives Uranus its’ bluish-green color Winter lasts for 21 years. During this time, ½ of the planet is covered in darkness. Summer also lasts for 21 years. During this time, it is sunny all the time.

20 Uranus and its Moons Has 27 known moons
Each moon is named after characters from William Shakespeare’s plays/writings. Oberon & Titania are the largest

21 Ariel – Has the youngest and brightest surface
Ariel – Has the youngest and brightest surface. It has few large craters but many small ones. Miranda - Has giant fault canyons as much as 12 times as deep as the Grand Canyon. Oberon – Discovered in Made of ice and rock. Has one known mountain range.

22 Uranus’s Rings Two rings 9 inner rings They are narrow and dark
2 outer rings Discovered later on in 2003.

23 Uranus’s Missions In 1986, the Voyager 2 was the only spacecraft to visit Uranus

24 Constant temperature of -353 degrees Fahrenheit
Neptune: Fast Facts Distance from Sun: 2,795,173,960 miles or 30.1 AU Mass: 1.02 x 1026 kilograms Diameter: 1,430.4 miles Distance of Orbit: 17,562,271,937 miles Temperature: Constant temperature of -353 degrees Fahrenheit

25 Neptune: in “Earth terms”
Length of Day: .671 Earth Days 16.11 Earth Hours Length of Year: Earth Years 60,190 Earth Days

26 Clouds high in the atmosphere of Neptune
Clouds on Neptune Clouds high in the atmosphere of Neptune

27 Neptune: Feature Photo
Named after the Roman God of the sea Dark & cold planet Has supersonic winds It orbits the sun once every 165 years!!

28 Neptune showing its horizontal axis and ring formations
Neptune showing its horizontal axis and ring formations. It has a total of 6 rings!

29 Neptune’s Moons Has 13 known moons
Triton – Largest of Neptune’s moons. It has ice volcanoes spouting out a mixture of methane, dust and liquid nitrogen. The only large moon in the Solar System to circle its planet in the opposite direction of its rotation. Coldest moon in the Solar System

30 Neptune’s Moons Nereid
It’s so far from Neptune that it requires 360 Earth days to make one orbit. It was discovered in 1949. It’s named after the Nereids, sea-nymphs, in Greek mythology.

31 -387 to -369 degrees Fahrenheit
Pluto: Fast Facts Distance from Sun: 3,670,092,055 miles or 39.4 AU Mass: 1.31 x 1022 kilograms Diameter: 1,430.4 miles Distance of Orbit: 22,698,676,007 miles Temperature: -387 to -369 degrees Fahrenheit

32 Pluto: in “Earth terms”
Length of Day: -6.39 Earth Days Earth Hours Length of Year: 247.9 Earth Years 90,553 Earth Days

33 Pluto: Feature Photo Only planet named by a kid (11 year old)
Downgraded from ‘planet’ to ‘dwarf planet’ in 2006 Smaller than 7 of the Solar System’s moons, including Earth’s moon Has two moons – Hydra and Nix No spacecraft has visited Pluto yet. There is a spacecraft that left in 2006 and will arrive in 2015. Only 1,500 miles in diameter (which is very small compared to the other planets).

34 What are the 3 things you need to be declared a “planet?”
In orbit around the Sun – Check!! Needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape – Pluto…check Needs to have “cleared the neighborhood” of its orbit – Uh oh. Here’s the rule breaker. Planets are the dominant gravitational body in their orbit. As they interact with other, smaller objects, they consume them, or sling them away with their gravity. Pluto is only 0.07 times the mass of the other objects in its orbit.

35 The task at hand… Design your own planet!
Conduct a space venture to one of the existing planets!

36 Design your own planet! (30 points)
Name (1) Mass (2) Distance from Sun (2) Length of Day & Year (4) Min. & Max. Temperature of Planet (2) Features (craters, water, canyons, ice caps, etc.) (10) Moons (How many? Size? Names?) or Rings (How many? Composition? Outer or Inner? (4) Compile all information, pictures of planet, features, moons and rings on poster board (5).

37 Conduct a space venture to one of the existing planets! (30 points)
Year, Date & Time (3) What planet are you visiting? (2) How many crew members? How did they become astronauts? (2) What kind of shuttle? What’s its’ name? (3) How long is your journey? (Must be based on the actual distance you will be traveling) (3) What do you plan to get from your journey? (artifacts, images, dust, etc.) (10) Compile your information into a documentary video or script (7).

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